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Hi there,

Here is a complete album that we've made using 100% Cakewalk by Bandlab:


(16 original songs in French)

This is an amateur project, since none of us is in the music industry.

All voices and most guitars are audio tracks, as well as a tin whistle solo. All other instruments are midi tracks with VSTs.

Long Live Cakewalk! ? Cakewalk has been a genuine member of the project since the beginning.

Edited by Deesnay
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  • 2 weeks later...

@Deesnay Welcome to the songs forum. I suspect you would get responses if you posted just the one song at a time.

Recording sounds well done here, unfortunately I only speak Shyriiwook and a splattering of English so I do not understand the lyrics, which are nice a clear and well balance din the mix on the first song.

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I dived into the first song and loved the instrumentation, and the mix. Cool use of rhythmic synthy stuff and the more organic instruments. Bass sits wonderfully in the mix.

Her vocals are nice and clear, but definitely hit some sibilant spots. Don't know if it's too late to dial back some of her sssss's ? She has a great voice though.

Overall, I really enjoyed that first song!



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Thank you very much for your kind feedback @PhonoBrainer ? I appreciate very much.

I think a lot of things could have been improved indeed, if we'd had a real sound engineer, but we had none unfortunately, so we did our best within our constraints & limitations.

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Thank you very much @Wookiee for taking time to listen and give your feedback! ?

To give you some hint on the lyrics: It's about a young person stumbling upon a mysterious  house in the woods. He meets its strange inhabitants, who happen to be the multiple sides of his own personality. As strange as they are, he'll have to learn to welcome them as they are, and live with them.

On 11/30/2022 at 12:50 PM, Wookiee said:

@Deesnay Welcome to the songs forum. I suspect you would get responses if you posted just the one song at a time.

OK sorry about that. Here is the link to the very first song then, for those who were scared to confront the whole album: ?


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I listened to the first song (French is such a beautifully lyrical language), I also get the slight sibilance but I can live with it - great vocal I thought. That aside, production and mix sounds good - interesting lyrical concept as well. I will have a listen to some more. ?


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 Deesnay ,  I checked out the first song.   Lovely Soundscape ..  The song sounded to me like some Gaelic/Celtic compositions I used to listen to by an obscure fiddle player.   The lead singers timing and pitch are Fantastic!  I'll for sure check out more of the album.      Thanks ..       that was a Real Pleasure to listen to ..                   mark

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