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Order of Effects


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good sounds first,we clean the paths and then compress the jumping paths, after that, if necessary, we clean the resins once more

but without eq and without comp, if the balance is good, you don't need anything - the less you use vst, the better the product will be

in search of poetry, you need it, but that's another story
At first, the eq and comp are limited

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On 11/10/2022 at 5:02 PM, sjoens said:

On most compact mixers the signal path is Comp, EQ, reverb.

This is true. However, it's a compromise. Built-in compressors in consoles are primitive compared to what we have in a DAW. For example, they usually do not have sidechain filtering and can therefore react poorly when processing a vocal mic with a strong proximity effect.

As a general rule, EQ comes first. There may be a separate EQ just for the reverb effect, but that's usually a filter within the reverb plugin itself. EQ can have a profound effect on compression, so you definitely want to do any highpass filtering pre-compression.

Compression usually precedes reverb. Usually. There are exceptions, such as when you're processing drum overheads or drum room mics. Compressing the room sound or added reverb can create a pleasant wash (listen to the heavily compressed rides on early Beatles). But more often, compression does nothing for the reverb except make it overly prevalent on transients.

Lord Tim nailed it above, saying it's about what you want to achieve. Then again, Tim's been doing this a long time and is very good at it. If you're at a point where you're not yet sure what it is you want to achieve, EQ -> Comp -> Reverb is a safe starting place.  Then we can talk about chorus and distortion!

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On 11/11/2022 at 5:43 AM, pwalpwal said:

eq comp eq comp reverb comp eq comp

At first, I thought you were talking about the Greg Wells Vocal chain.



Vocals ->EQ->                                ->EQ




Lead vocal 5 compressors parallel mix trick. They all can have EQ before and after each Compressor. All the compressors are different ones.

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