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The Dice Was Loaded

Larry T.

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hi all....latest creation called The Dice Was Loaded....comments appreciated....cheers!!!!....here we go:

link: https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/the-dice-was-loaded



Dice_on_the_table_six_and_five 4200 x 3100.jpg


DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab

 pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, acoustic and electric guitars, harp, focusrite scarlett solo, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab 5 lite, CbB effects

reference speakers: M-Audio BX3

Special Thanks to Mike Enjo at #creativesauce on You Tube whose incredible videos on how to use CbB made this possible

Edited by Larry T.
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19 hours ago, MichaelJohn said:

Enjoyed this!   This is a short and sweet blues instrumental that makes you feel at the poker table but something aint right going on!   Sweet guitar sounds and dig the Arturia keys.  For the bass part?   Very acoustic and nice mix

Thank You Michael....the bass is a mix of direct injected and one of the Arturia Analog Lab V Light bass creations, can't remember which one.... Thanks again ?? ? ?

edit: i checked and the bass is actually a mix of DI and  the CbB SI-Bass VST ????

Edited by Larry T.
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Lovely acoustic tones and enjoyed the harp too - a minor crit - maybe the lead guitar could have had just a little more crunch in there but it's all good. Like the change of pace and feel at around 2:25 as well - great work, well done.


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15 hours ago, AndyB01 said:

Lovely acoustic tones and enjoyed the harp too - a minor crit - maybe the lead guitar could have had just a little more crunch in there but it's all good. Like the change of pace and feel at around 2:25 as well - great work, well done.


hi Andy....Thank You....the lead guitar is pretty smooth as it just felt like the right sound to me....cheers!! ???? 

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11 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:

Nice moody piece.  Did you play the bass too?  Did you play all the instruments?

Sounds like real players in a real band!

A good amount of work went into this, I appreciate that.


Thanks Jesse....yes, i played bass and all other instruments as i always do, even managed to get a good sound from the SI-Drums VST by creating aux channels and working on beefing up the tones on the snare and bass drums....i used about 30 tracks including aux outputs and spent a lot of time listening to each section and trying to determine what each musician/ instrument could play in any given section....its a lot of concentration and really mentally draining but if there's no effort there's no results....cheers!! ????

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On 11/4/2022 at 7:49 PM, freddy j said:

Definitely a cool piece.  It has a very cinematic sound to it and would complement the video of modern western or modern film noir movie.  The change-up near the middle --- ya cool!

Thanks freddy....cheers!! ????

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On 11/9/2022 at 9:37 PM, bjornpdx said:

What Freddy said above about western movies. Sounds really good, impressive playing. Love the harmonica.
Not sure if the change at 2:25 really works. Sounds to me like a completely different song but that's just my impression.

Thanks for the kind words Bjorn....yes, the change, the song seemed too short so i tried to write a coda to it.... the song's about a crooked gambling game so after listenening to the first part part which is mysterious with a sense that something isn't quite right, i tried to write some music that happens as the game progresses and the victim realizes he's being taken and i'll just leave it at that lol!!!! Thanks again ????

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