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The End of My YouTube Channel

Reid Rosefelt

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There is a technical problem with YouTube accepting my tax documents, so that's about it.  ?  There is no customer service,  just artificial intelligence. 

It's not a big deal, I only spent 14 years on this. 

Just for fun, I made this video to see if I could find one person at YouTube or Google or Adsense who could help me.  Fat chance of that.  It's a multi-billion dollar company and I'm nobody.  

Here it is, for your entertainment.  If you'd be willing to share it, I'd appreciate it.  Also, if you liked any of my videos, please comment. 




Edited by Reid Rosefelt
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Good luck with this...and I mean that genuinely.

Back in the mid-2000s, I was actually making about $50 a month on my meager little channel, then they began raising the subscriber limit for monetization.

It's maddening to deal with either YouTube or Google.

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People who haven't worked at large corporations often think bureaucracies are exclusively a government problem. In reality, bureaucracy is a problem in just about all large established organizations. But this problem is a little more complicated than just being attributable to bureaucracy. 

Becoming a successful YouTube influencer is a tricky enough  on its  own. There are so many millions of people aspiring to become influencers there is no way for Google to create a model to service the smaller influencers, so I completely understand why Google isn't spending time helping small influencers,  but clearly,  your situation is very frustrating and could be easily resolved if someone just spent a few minutes helping you. Keep trying Reid, try different approaches and talking to experienced YouTube influencers who might know of solutions. I'm sure you'll eventually get this resolved. 

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4 hours ago, Reid Rosefelt said:

I'm nobody.  

Technically you are not a nobody.  I know who you are Reid, and appreciate all you do.  I am a nobody too, if you use the google analytics that is.  There are more nobodies than somebodies.  Most somebodies are malevolent boors, (not that I know any somebodies.)  I'm perfectly happy to be a nobody, but I do wish I had been hugged more as a child, but maybe not.?

Just remember that

and I will remember you until I die, or lose my mind, along with some of the other nobodies on this forum, regardless of their post count.


Edited by Jesse Screed
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Folks, I don't think Reid is actually planning on throwing in the towel, despite the dramatic title of this thread. I mean, the title is a very standard clickbait title format, to be frank. If you watch the video, Reid's saying  "Somebody help me fix this problem!" @Reid Rosefelt, while I empathize with you, I think you'll attract more people and not potentially turn off non fans if you avoid the clickbait exaggeration/sensationlist title approach. I realize that it's the attention economy, but I think just being frank would engage people as well, at least here on the deals forum where most of us are big Reid supporters and it will probably be less irritaring for the folks that usually complain about non-deals threads being in the deals forum. 

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No. This was anything but clickbait.   I am 99.99% sure that channel is over.  And I am moving on based on that belief.

I've already created a new channel.  It's connected to  my wife's Google Account.  (There are no videos up on it yet.)  This is totally legit within their rules.  This will begin with one subscriber (me).   I'll let you know when it's up, so that if anybody wants to help, they can subscribe.  But it's not going to be music-related, and I can totally understand if you don't want to.

As I now I know more about how to make videos and how YouTube works, I don't think this time it's  going to take 14 years.  Maybe only 13 years this time!  ? 


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16 hours ago, Reid Rosefelt said:

No. This was anything but clickbait.   I am 99.99% sure that channel is over.  And I am moving on based on that belief.

I've already created a new channel.  It's connected to  my wife's Google Account.  (There are no videos up on it yet.)  This is totally legit within their rules.  This will begin with one subscriber (me).   I'll let you know when it's up, so that if anybody wants to help, they can subscribe.  But it's not going to be music-related, and I can totally understand if you don't want to.

As I now I know more about how to make videos and how YouTube works, I don't think this time it's  going to take 14 years.  Maybe only 13 years this time!  ? 


Confession, I have given each of your videos I've watched a LIKE, with one exception. I do want my three minutes back for this one. But then again, the title should have been enough for me to know better, so I suppose it's on me! If my kids ever see this in my YouTube history (my YouTube account appears on our smart TV), I will never live it down. 


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...Or Odysee

I recently had to deal with truly distopian AI and a friend introduced me to gethuman.com. I just checked what they have for YouTube and it looks like phone support doesn't exist at all but you may be able to go past the AI and get to a person through other forms of communication


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Make a complaint video, get that video copyright stricken (?) with material all throughout the video, appeal, get a human to watch that video and hope it's someone with a brain instead of a trained monkey.

I've seen things resolved if you make enough ruckus, so a relentless social media bombardment and constant 'harassment'. It is not a nice way to deal with situations, but the rule seems to be that you have to be either big enough or annoying enough to warrant attention.

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Since I made my peace with this, I've gotten very excited about my new channel.  If I started this new channel on my existing one, I would be starting at zero subscribers anyway.

The main difference is that they should be sending me $25 a month for my existing videos and they aren't.  ?    You can find a great deal on this forum every month in that price range!  ?


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7 hours ago, Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann said:

...Or Odysee

I recently had to deal with truly distopian AI and a friend introduced me to gethuman.com. I just checked what they have for YouTube and it looks like phone support doesn't exist at all but you may be able to go past the AI and get to a person through other forms of communication


I did consider that. 

Before I did spend the money, I decided to let go.  This video was just a fun way of saying goodbye to everybody.

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10 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

Confession, I have given each of your videos a LIKE, with one exception. I do want my three minutes back for this one. But then again, the title should have been enough for me to know better, so I suppose it's on me! If my kids ever see this in my YouTube history (my YouTube account appears on our smart TV), I will never live it down. 


Hey!  This is my brother's favorite video by me.  No joke.  He's watched it a dozen times. The other night he said he would watch it again, as he needed a cheer-up.  His wife hates it. 

My wife's favorite song by me is something I can't post here because nobody would ever take me seriously again. I like this kind of humor.


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