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Control surfaces for Cakewalk

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Looking for a control surface, but I'd like it to be mobile rather than fixed and wired. Korg NanoKontrol Studio has bluetooth connection and looks small enough to walk around my studio and use. StudioLogic has an XL Mixface, but it mentioned a a bunch of compatible Daw's that are NOT Cakewalk.  Although I also own Studio One Pro, I'm not comfortable using it for stuff other than mastering right now, and still prefer Cakewalk to all other DAW's I've tried. I think there is a DAW app for the iPad I might be able to use, but the available apps seem to have shrunk in recent years. What are you folks using, and is it possible to configure a device that doesn't mention Cakewalk compatibility (I know Mackie mode is usually good, but not all control surfaces mention this capability). Thanks.

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I use the original Mackie Control Universal with a Mackie XT and 2 x Mackie C4. I also use the Korg nanoKontrol Studio, and the Korg nanoKontrol 2.

All of them are excellent.

As you say, the nanoKontrol Studio can run wireless using bluetooth MIDI. However AFAIK, this only works in UWP mode and not MME. Bear this in mind if you're not using Windows 10, or you have other older MIDI devices that don't support UWP properly.

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It depends from what you expect it is able to control and how. Mackie functionality in Cakewalk is documented, but devices usually do not have all Mackie controls. So only a part of functionality can be used. Cakewalk Mackie implementation has some quirks with "compatible" devices, but there are mods which solve that (take one from msmcleod ?). In general, controlling plug-ins with Mackie is going to be rather disappointing  experience.  In addition to normal knobs on devices you mention (so there will no automatical catch for current values when you switch controlling target), Mackie plug-in requires manual file editing for mappings (no ACT Dynamic mapping support). For mostly buttons use case, like transport, solo, etc. and/or fixes set of strips (the project has up to 8 tracks) such devices can be fine.

As an App you can try TouchDAW and some Apple only staff. The same limitation for plug-ins, but everything is always synced. Also you can overwrite automations with "touch sensitive" faders. Or you can try TouchOSC with custom made preset. TouchOSC is not extremely stable for me, but in such case you can redefine functionality, control plug-ins with ACT Dynamic Map, etc. Prices for apps are around $5, so it can be worse to get TouchOSC just to check Mackie functionality in Cakewalk.

Wired alternative is  Behringer X-Touch Mini. It can control almost everything supported by Cakewalk, does not cost much, does not take much space and always "in sync" (encoders), you can tune what it does for you (which commands are activated) and how it does that (f.e. encoders resolution).


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Thanks for the feedback, I didn't see some of the ones mentioned in the app store, but I'll look again. I like the Behringer XTouch, but I want wireless control, if I'm sitting at my computer it's less of a need (helpful but not essential). I have a new machine w WIndows 10 so I'm guessiung the NanoKontrol Studio would be a nice compromise, even though it doesn't have touch sensitive, motorized faders, etc. 


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  • 9 months later...
On 2019/7/8 at AM3点20分, msmcleod said:

我将原始Mackie Control Universal与Mackie XT和2 x Mackie C4一起使用。我还使用了Korg nanoKontrol Studio和Korg nanoKontrol 2。


如您所说,nanoKontrol Studio可以使用蓝牙MIDI无线运行。但是,对于AFAIK,这仅适用于UWP模式而不适用于MME。如果您没有使用Windows 10,或者其他不支持UWP的较旧的MIDI设备,请记住这一点。

请问Mackie Control Universal与Mackie XT和2 x Mackie C4一起使用驱动程序是如何下载安装的?我的官网找不到这些驱动,而且我目前使用Studiologic SL88+SL Mixface,好像都不在支持Cakewalk? 谢谢

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On 2019/7/8 at AM2点37分, Dave Maffris said:

寻找一个控制界面,但我希望它是可移动的,而不是固定和有线的。Korg NanoKontrol Studio具有蓝牙连接,看起来很小,可以在我的工作室中走动并使用。StudioLogic有一个XL Mixface,但是它提到了一堆兼容的Daw,它们不是Cakewalk。尽管我还拥有Studio One Pro,但我现在不习惯将其用于除掌握母带之外的其他事情,并且与我尝试过的所有其他DAW相比,我仍然更喜欢Cakewalk。我认为我可以使用iPad上的DAW应用程序,但近年来可用的应用程序似乎有所减少。大家使用的是什么,是否有可能配置不提及Cakewalk兼容性的设备(我知道Mackie模式通常是好的,但并非所有控制界面都提到了此功能)。谢谢。


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Call me old fashioned, but if all you want to control from distance is the transport function (play, arm, record, solo, mute, wheel around parts, jump to another track, undo, redo, etc), then the old discontinued Frontier Tranzport will do the job perfectly. You can find used for 50 bucks in eBay. I have 2, and they work fine even in Win10 x64.

As for the stationed surface, I'm still happy with (almost 20 years old) Peavey StudioMix. It was made solely for Cakewalk, but to my surprise, it also works with Presonus Studio One! It is in the list of the supported Control Surface (tho I don't use SO).

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