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Love Sick (new song - radio friendly version)


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You know how songs sometimes seem to write themselves. This one came almost fully formed while writing something else. It is probably the most indie pop song I've written in years. I'd be interested to know what people think. Probably going to have to make a clean version for radio play, though. :)

I've made a radio friendly version of the track with some more instruments and remastering. Unlike the other tracks I'm working on, I'm considering pushing this to radio.


Any thoughts (as always) greatly appreciated.

Edited by Philip G Hunt
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28 minutes ago, Larry T. said:

great vocal on a great song....your voice, to my ears, is totally radio friendly....in fact, i'd go so far as to say your vocal is primarily what makes that song so good....good luck with it ????

Wow! ? Thanks Larry. I always thought my voice was the thing holding my music back.


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Phillip, was this a remix in response to the muddy comments?

Just curious

I like this a lot.  It has a catchy vibe.

I think you said that you only record instruments that you actually play.  Did you do the drums too?

The only thing I would like is for the intro to be a little longer, but this is radio ready!

Had to listen twice.

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 Philip , for me .. you nailed the remix. I thought the quick panning (or however you achieved it) ?? was a Very interesting effect on the lead vocal. That's something I think , if wasn't done properly could really mess a vocal track up. I'd bet listening on a car radio it would be a little more subtle sounding. I Loved the change at 2:02 and the outro . I thought this was a "top notch" production ..             mark

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@mark skinner thank you so much! The lead vocal was done with the old recording technique that Elliott Smith used, double tracking the vocals (sometimes layering them) and using some fine tuning/editing to avoid strange phasing. A friend in NY also gave me some tips in using pitch-shifted vocals to subtly lift my baritone voice.  I  worked on the outro and mid-section a lot, so I'm pleased it works.

@Jesse Screed I'm playing almost everything on there, except for the main drums. I do play the percussion drums though which are a mixture of body hits, cajon drums, and shakers. I don't have a drum kit, so I've gotta fake it somehow.  And, yes, this mix was done in response to the muddiness of the first mix. I listen to every piece of advise that people offer me and try to improve where I can.


This mix has now gone to radio stations and to streaming services. Thanks everyone. ❤️

Edited by Philip G Hunt
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Nice poppy tune.  

It might need some more space in the background sounds, thin them out to make room for the vocal.  Just a little.  And I would, at  the end when the lead instrument comes in, thin out the rest of the tracks and fade them out by the end so all that is left t is the lead, which has a great texture.


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