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2022.09 Feedback

Morten Saether

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On 10/14/2022 at 3:58 PM, István Máté said:

This is messing with my projects too. Prior this release, if I sent via Sends from a stereo track to a hardware output's Left channel only, then the stereo signal was downmixed and sent to the Left channel only. Now it is downmixed and sent to Both channels...

Luckily, I was testing it before letting everybody hear the metronome in the PA besides the Bass guitar...

@István Máté This is explained in the release notes:


Note: Existing projects that utilize aux track or patch point mono inputs will sound different because previously these would render as stereo only. If you want them to sound the same as before, you can reassign the input to be stereo. 

Are you saying that sends to hardware outs are affected? That’s not expected

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14 hours ago, kzmaier said:

Does this change "ProChannel plugins no longer receive MIDI" in 9/22 mean PC modules cannot be controlled by a control surface???



No it has nothing to do with that. The only PC module that was (mistakenly) exposing MIDI was the console emulator. PC modules should never need MIDI.

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4 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Are you saying that sends to hardware outs are affected? That’s not expected

Yes. In my use case, I create MIDI multitracks for live use, main (Master) mix is for myself during creation, but each track is sent to a dedicated hardware output (Dante Virtual Soundcard) via Send. I usually send stereo channels, only the Metronome aux (stereo channel) and the Bass (stereo channel) is sent mono to a hardware out L and R. In this version both the Metronome and Bass were present in the hardware out's L and R, while in previous versions I had the Metronome in L and Bass in R. Did notice, that changing the Metronome aux to mono did solve the issue for the metronome, I presume, that changing the Bass channel to mono would have solved it for Bass too, but I did not test it, I rolled back.

I presume, that this is not intended, sends to a mono hardware out (more specifically, to only one channel of a stereo hardware out) from a stereo channel should not creep into the hardware out's other channel.

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On 10/12/2022 at 12:09 AM, Bryon said:

2022.09 install went fine, CW starts and runs as usual, however, any time I insert a new plugin I get glitchy audio as if the sample rate was lowered and I'm running out of buffers (I'm not; Win10, 16G ram, 8 cores, everything set to 2,048, load balancing on, relatively small projects). So far, saving, then closing and reopening the project seems to smooth things out - but it's kinda scary. I'm digging the improvements to the UI, seems smoother, though at load time it does have some issues with rendering. I assume this is now an early stage of the recent changes made so devs are kind of feeling their way through working with a new MS code base. Must be difficult to balance Win11 requirements while not messing up Win10 legacy code issues, workarounds, etc. I get it. Otherwise, I got nothing to add here, just that glitching after loading plugins issue.

I am noticing cracks too for the last 2-3 weeks, but for me the issue is definitely not related to the last version of CbB. I have a Dell Latitude 5580, 8 cores, 16GB, Win10, ASIO latency does not matter with DVS (6ms DVS LAN latency, did not test with 10ms yet), cracks are still there. I suspect either BIOS update or Windows update messed up something.

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3 hours ago, István Máté said:

Yes. In my use case, I create MIDI multitracks for live use, main (Master) mix is for myself during creation, but each track is sent to a dedicated hardware output (Dante Virtual Soundcard) via Send. I usually send stereo channels, only the Metronome aux (stereo channel) and the Bass (stereo channel) is sent mono to a hardware out L and R. In this version both the Metronome and Bass were present in the hardware out's L and R, while in previous versions I had the Metronome in L and Bass in R. Did notice, that changing the Metronome aux to mono did solve the issue for the metronome, I presume, that changing the Bass channel to mono would have solved it for Bass too, but I did not test it, I rolled back.

I presume, that this is not intended, sends to a mono hardware out (more specifically, to only one channel of a stereo hardware out) from a stereo channel should not creep into the hardware out's other channel.

Can you PM me and/or Noel with a copy of the project to see if we can reproduce your issue on our end? Thanks!

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I have noticed that the PAN controls of some tracks sometimes shift from CENTER to different percentage positions.

I'm not sure what the origin of this change is.

I ask if it is a version problem or if there would be some MACRO command to configure all the PANs for the Center.

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5 minutes ago, Milton Sica said:


I have noticed that the PAN controls of some tracks sometimes shift from CENTER to different percentage positions.

I'm not sure what the origin of this change is.

I ask if it is a version problem or if there would be some MACRO command to configure all the PANs for the Center.

Are you using any controls via midi or surface? 

Have you tried to do some self diagnosis before you created this post, and what were they?

Create a topic in the Q&A section or asked for this to be moved there. 

Edited by Will.
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10 minutes ago, Will. said:

Are you using any controls via midi or surface? 

Have you tried to do some self diagnosis before you created this post, and what were they?

Create a topic in the Q&A section or asked for this to be moved there. 

Hi, thanks for your kindness in helping.
I clarify each of your questions.
1) I don't use any MIDI controls.
2) I had already created a topic with this problem, but I didn't get much help. I thought it could be a problem that has been replicating in the versions.
3) If it is not the case that it is here, I can remove it.

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Had Cakewalk crash:

Using Amplitube 5 


Had a track that contained Amplitube 5 (source track).  Had the output of the FX going to an AUX track (as a patch point).  Just finished recording into the AUX track and was going to create another AUX track (using same source track with AT 5). 

Had just tried to create a "Duplicate Track" (for AUX) but instead I deleted the AUX track I had already recorded.  I have done this before and I usually just type "Ctrl Z" for undo,  this time I did not get my track back.   So I did it again;  and a nothing happened.   So I when to the "Edit" menu and selected "Undo  Delete track" when a dialog box came up that said "Encountered an Improper Argument" .  At his point I think I fiddled around a bit and then cakewalk crashed and I had to stop the task and restart cakewalk.  Did not get my track back before the crash.  But it was there when I reloaded Cakewalk.

I did not find any DMP file (in the designated cake dmp folder) and did not generate one.  Has been working fine since

My OS is Win 7 (yes I know!)

My purpose of creating this post is to document the occurrence and not for troubleshooting.   Everything is working (until it is not LOL).  If anyone else has this error occur then also document.  I cannot recreate this at this time.

As note - It would be nice if the "Duplicate" and "Delete" were not so close together.  I make this mistake all the time.


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On 10/18/2022 at 5:57 AM, Milton Sica said:

I have noticed that the PAN controls of some tracks sometimes shift from CENTER to different percentage positions.

I have seen this with Pan controls in MIDI tracks of very old files (like pre-SONAR .WRK files) being off center (to the left IIRC) by 1%. 

I don't recall when I first saw this, but pretty sure this goes back at least a few years.  At his point, I have converted most of my old projects that were worth a hoot. My track counts were seldom high enough to make it much of a chore to fix. In my case they were all the same so I could use Quick Grouping.

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3 minutes ago, Syphus said:

It would be nice if the "Duplicate" and "Delete" were not so close together.  I make this mistake all the time.

I have had the same issue with Rename and Delete in Windows Explorer context menus. Something's always going to be close to Delete in the menu. Using keyboard shortcuts helps avoid this.

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1 minute ago, David Baay said:

I have had the same issue with Rename and Delete in Windows Explorer context menus. Something's always going to be close to Delete in the menu. Using keyboard shortcuts helps avoid this.

I was just looking up if there was a shortcut for this! - I think I might install one, but thank for the suggestion


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11 minutes ago, David Baay said:

have seen this with Pan controls in MIDI tracks of very old files (like pre-SONAR .WRK files) being off center (to the left IIRC) by 1%. 

Me too - and I think audio tracks too.  I assume a rounding difference or similar somewhere.  Irritating but I don't think I'd actually ever notice ?

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19 hours ago, David Baay said:

I have seen this with Pan controls in MIDI tracks of very old files (like pre-SONAR .WRK files) being off center (to the left IIRC) by 1%. 

I don't recall when I first saw this, but pretty sure this goes back at least a few years.  At his point, I have converted most of my old projects that were worth a hoot. My track counts were seldom high enough to make it much of a chore to fix. In my case they were all the same so I could use Quick Grouping.

Thanks for the comment. So I don't feel so "out of context with the problem", thinking that I was the only one experiencing it and being guided by some friends on the forum to withdraw my comment or post in another topic. Thank you very much.

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19 hours ago, Kevin Perry said:

Me too - and I think audio tracks too.  I assume a rounding difference or similar somewhere.  Irritating but I don't think I'd actually ever notice ?

Thanks for the comment. So I don't feel so "out of context with the problem", thinking that I was the only one experiencing it and being guided by some friends on the forum to withdraw my comment or post in another topic. Thank you very much.

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7 hours ago, Milton Sica said:

Thanks for the comment. So I don't feel so "out of context with the problem", thinking that I was the only one experiencing it and being guided by some friends on the forum to withdraw my comment or post in another topic. Thank you very much.

But this isn't new to this release.

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Have a nice day everyone!

Faced one very inconvenient thing. These are hidden automation points that appear when editing envelopes.
You have to spend 10-15 minutes to find these points and remove them. And then they reappear!
It is very uncomfortable!

This screenshot is the second iteration after removing these points. In the tempo track, I also removed them.

How can fix this bug?

CbB, ver. 2022.09


Edited by Asato Maa
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