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Theme Editor Control Bar Module Text


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Frustratingly its

Control Bar > Modules > Transport

Global > Alternative Text #2

Track View > Focused Track Text

Track View > Unfocused Text


Then some are part of the PNGs, such as TO/BY, Loop, Performance, Collapsed (Vertical) modules.


I wish (as I guess you will) they were fully independent as Control bar may contract against the rest of the theme, but the font colour make the options really restrictive.



Edited by Kamikaze
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Didn't know about the horizontal tabs. Text color is B4B4B4 and shows up nowhere in Preferences/Colors or T.E.

For some reason horizontal layout is implemented differently than vertical.

Another request to update T.E. ?


Edited by sjoens
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I have also never noticed the collapsed horizontal version.

So there are at most four image backgrounds available: Bakground (large), Background (medium), Background (small) and Background (collapsed), the last one effectively being vertically collapsed. But then the Cakewalk GUI also allows for a horizontally collapsed background that doesn’t have a corresponding image background in the Theme Editor. So if you would like to not only change the tab colours but create a more elaborate design element (shiny black plastic somehow comes to my mind), there is no way of doing that for the horizontally collapsed option. Now that is really inconsistent.

Edited by Canopus
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2 hours ago, sjoens said:

 Horizontal layout should be implemented the same as vertical. I mean... Why not???


If you rotated mine, the edge highlight and low light wouldn't work.

1 hour ago, Canopus said:

I have also never noticed the collapsed horizontal version.

So there are at most four image backgrounds available: Bakground (large), Background (medium), Background (small) and Background (collapsed), the last one effectively being vertically collapsed. But then the Cakewalk GUI also allows for a horizontally collapsed background that doesn’t have a corresponding image background in the Theme Editor. So if you would like to not only change the tab colours but create a more elaborate design element (shiny black plastic somehow comes to my mind), there is no way of doing that for the horizontally collapsed option. Now that is really inconsistent.

It has a background PNG, a Grip PNG, and an Icon PNG. It just creates the text automatically.

The Horizontal Collapsed isn't different between Tungsten and Mercury, so i you compare you theme to mine in the image above you'll see the difference.  You can change the texture if you wanted



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Ah, now I see. It’s located directly under the node Control Bar and not under the nodes Control Bar > Modules > [Module], where all dedicated background images are located. Thanks for pointing that out. Looks like I have some minor updates in front of me.

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Collapsed Modules = individual background graphic for each Module with painted text - easy to customize.

"Vertical" Collapsed Modules = one background graphic shared by all modules. individual Icon graphic for each module. text & text color not accessible to user.

HOWEVER!!! I found you can make each "vertical" module Icon wider and add text to it graphically.  ? 

The Icon comes before the default text so making it wider can push the text off the background until it's no longer visible.

1. Find "Icon" graphic for each Module

2. Open in Photoshop

3. Resize Canvas width to 75 pixels

4. Add text where you want it, flatten & save

... You're welcome!

collapsed horiz bg.jpg

BTW, Maybe my sense of orientation is askew but the "vertical" background looks horizontal to me. :S

EDIT: Must be because the CB collapses vertically (upward).

Edited by sjoens
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Dang, y'all on it! It's good to see that you veterans have to struggle with this stuff, too, that it's not just me who has to go spelunking around to figure out where the resources are hiding, and to learn, to my befuddlement, that what I thought was a color was an image, and what I thought was text was an image....

I caught the theme bug and am working on one of my own, called Black Turquoise. The concept is to have Tungsten's flat black look with as much of the orange (and text in general) replaced by 00FEFE (and variations on it) as I can manage without completely losing my mind. My Tools Module is to die for with its blue buttons.

My inspiration is the blue fluoroscan displays like the one on my Pioneer cassette deck from back in 1981. It looked so cool in the dark.

My experience of using tools for UI design is about zero except that I know how to switch colors and brushes in GIMP and the antique version of Photoshop I'm using.

I don't wish to say how long it took me to figure out how to change the color of the track label backgrounds in the Console View. But I mention it because I want to let you know that I did figure it out. So you know that I Am Serious, and not just taking some of the buttons from Mercury and reverting them in Tungsten and calling it "Munstercry" or whatever.

I'm tempted to cheat sometimes because Mercury has blue buttons I want, but they have shadowing, and I want FLAT.

My question, if you want to help a brother out: I would really like the text on my Custom Module to have the 00FEFE glow. To quote David Byrne,  "how do I work this?"

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12 hours ago, sjoens said:

See post #2. Should be one of those but not sure exactly which. All Module's coded text are affected by one text color.

We have a winner!

The text color that affected the labels on my Custom Module was Global > Alternative Text #2.

It also affected Punch, Marker, Mix Recall, Selection, ACT, and Sync.

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