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Transport Display Bug?

Matthew White

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Firstly, I would like to stress this is NOT a custom theme issue, that has been ruled out as it also happens with the 'Tungsten' and 'Mercury' themes included with Cakewalk.

Has anyone else been seeing this? A black mask over the Transport Module area that usually says 'Opening Project' or 'Saving Project' when doing such. It happens on and off and has been happening for a while, I thought it may be an issue with using custom themes but I finally managed to see it do when using the 'Tungsten' theme included with Cakewalk, I also found I have a project where it happens more often so was finally able to get a screenshot.


Edited by Matthew White
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16 minutes ago, sjoens said:

Check for custom text colors in black or set Colors to Normal and restart CbB to test.

I originally thought it may be to do with custom themes but it also happens in the 'Tungsten' theme included with Cakewalk, my colors in preferences are set as default, it also doesn't happen every time. 

Edited by Matthew White
Added 'doesn't happen every time'
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I just got this (twice) using Tungsten. (2022.09 build 023) 

Project file from 2013 was used.  On a project file from 2012, I got audio looping without the transport in play mode.  Pressing stop stops the transport, but not the audio loop.

Edited by User 905133
(2) to add project date detail; (1) to add version/build
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57 minutes ago, User 905133 said:

I just got this (twice) using Tungsten. (2022.09 build 023) 

Good to know I'm not the only one then! I'm on the same version, but it's been happening from time to time possibly even from 2 or more versions ago, I just hadn't been quick enough to grab a screenshot until today, typically, when I got ready to screenshot in the past it never happened, I can't be sure but I think it may be happening more often now.

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9 hours ago, sjoens said:

As it looks like a mask, could be a display setting issue like the one I reported on earlier with the Now Time marker transparency.

No idea, driver is up to date and settings for graphics/display haven't changed in several years, I even went as far as trying an older graphics driver with no change in the issue I'm seeing.

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Page 137 of the YLIP doc talks about my findings with respect to the viewport image. It isn't directly an answer to your issue, but it might help throw some light on why it suffers from funky rendering on occasion...



Transparent regions in the Viewport image are not respected. Cakewalk actually throws a black rectangle up and then overlays it with the
viewport image. The underlying Transport image is obscured, not revealed.
In practice this means that if we want to make it appear as though the viewport is transparent, we need to reproduce the underlying
Transport image in our viewport image.
You can't make the "window" smaller than it is by default, because the horizontal black rectangle that appears during load will also
overlay (and overlap) the image.


Edited by Colin Nicholls
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As Colin suggests, sounds & looks like a mask is going up for the text to display over but the text never makes it to the scene for some reason. I also notice the cancel "X" isn't there either.

Matthew's image inverted:


Sonar/CbB is known for occasional hiccups like that. Reminds me of when Sonar forgot to display knobs & buttons in Console View a few times.

Edited by sjoens
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2 hours ago, Colin Nicholls said:

Page 137 of the YLIP doc talks about my findings with respect to the viewport image. It isn't directly an answer to your issue, but it might help throw some light on why it suffers from funky rendering on occasion...

Thanks, I must have missed that part somehow, still strange that it does this when the viewport background being used isn't transparent and no other Windows application is in focus as mentioned in the 'Interesting Factoid' on page 137 of YLIP.

46 minutes ago, sjoens said:

Sonar/CbB is known for occasional hiccups like that.

Seems to be quite frequent for me now especially when opening a project, should I try making Cakewalk drink a glass of water whilst upside down? ?

Edited by Matthew White
Added 'Especially when opening a project'
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Just an FYI related to this discussion. I have an old theme element I designed that colorized/colourised the image in question.  As discussed, the black bars get superimposed on the theme's image while the project is loading: 

image.png.457d5d1f67a4473a0eef95572cf6d05e.png   2012 era PC

The first image is what it normally looks like.  The second image shows the black bands while a project is loading. (I chose the green color on the top to be easy on my eyes once a project is loaded and the pink background to visually call attention to the fact that Cakewalk is doing some processing.) 

UPDATE: I have been moving towards doing more music on a new-to-me PC (2012 era v 2011 era PC).  I did not get the bars using this theme/element with the same file on the older PC.  Too many variables to try to narrow it down just for the fun of it.  

image.png.e958aa0385c83e8761eb0277428032f2.png 2011 era PC

Newer PC has a graphics card; older PC uses MoBo chip.  Who knows if that's what makes the difference?  It could be any combination of many different factors.  Both have Win 10 Pro.

Edited by User 905133
(3) added British spelling of "colorized"; (2) additional details and image added; (1) fixed typo
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1 hour ago, User 905133 said:

I did not get the bars with the same file on the older PC. Newer PC has a graphics card; older PC uses MoBo chip.  Who knows if that's what makes the difference?

I was wondering if having on board graphics was part of the issue as that's what I currently have, I now know that's not the case now you've said this, weather or not it would make a difference to how often it happens I don't know, but I wouldn't think so. Not a major problem I know, but these little things "bug" me more than they should lol.

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