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Fluffy Audio: Simple Opera Singer intro price

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53 minutes ago, Yan Filiatrault said:

Is it good if I own only Spaghetti?

Quote from https://www.fluffyaudio.com/shop/simple-opera-singer/



Important! If you own Spaghetti Western and wish to upgrade your Opera Singer, you should receive a coupon code to get Simple Opera Singer with a 50% discount.

Similarly, if you own Simple Opera Singer, you will receive a 10% discount on Spaghetti Western!



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It seems pretty obvious that they were going for something in the vein of Edda Dell'Orso's vocals in Morricone's in "Jill's Theme" from "Once Upon a Time in the West." 


And I think they've done a pretty decent job.  It's a niche sound.  It's not the typical thingThis is why their is a discount for Spaghetti Western owners.   If you're looking for that sound, that this is kind of a no-brainer. 

I actually wrote music in this style, before Fluffy brought their Spaghetti Western library out.  My piece wasn't intended as slavish pastiche, more of a blend between Morricone, surf rock, and other influences.    It was fun to put together instruments from different libraries., just for the fun of trying to orchestrate like him. I used my beloved Solo Opera for the operatic stuff.   If I had this new Fluffy library I probably would have mixed it with whistling, to disguise that it wasn't exactly this kind of thing.


Edited by Reid Rosefelt
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42 minutes ago, Reid Rosefelt said:

It seems pretty obvious that they were going for something in the vein of Edda Dell'Orso's vocals in Morricone's in "Jill's Theme" from "Once Upon a Time in the West." 


And I think they've done a pretty decent job.  It's a niche sound.  It's not the typical thingThis is why their is a discount for Spaghetti Western owners.   If you're looking for that sound, that this is kind of a no-brainer. 

I actually wrote music in this style, before Fluffy brought their Spaghetti Western library out.  My piece wasn't intended as slavish pastiche, more of a blend between Morricone, surf rock, and other influences.    It was fun to put together instruments from different libraries., just for the fun of trying to orchestrate like him. I used my beloved Solo Opera for the operatic stuff.   If I had this new Fluffy library I probably would have mixed it with whistling, to disguise that it wasn't exactly this kind of thing.


Where did you get the cowboy ahhs and the shouts, or did you just use a men's choir library for the ohs and ahs? Because I can see that working too. Cool tune. Yeah I heard the pick slide ?

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1 hour ago, Christian Jones said:

Where did you get the cowboy ahhs and the shouts, or did you just use a men's choir library for the ohs and ahs? Because I can see that working too. Cool tune. Yeah I heard the pick slide ?

The shouts all came from Red Room Audio free library "Snaps Claps Slaps Stomps & Shouts"   They are now charging $5 to cover their bandwidth costs.  


I also used whip sounds.  But that was just a  sample from a sound effects library.

The men's choir ahs  came from Amadeus Symphonic Orchestra.   I have "better" libraries,? but it worked the best.

Some of the other things were tubular bells from The Orchestra,  Native American Flute from Ethno World, Indiginus' Resonator, and the harmonica and Whistle Ensemble from "Swing!"  The lead guitar was OTS Evolution Stratosphere, and the acoustic guitar was one of the NI Strummed Acoustics.  These NI acoustic libraries are such cool libraries because  you can use the modwheel to constantly change the intensity of the strumming.  A lot of people thought this was a real guitar.

I went through a lot of trumpets and they all sucked.  This is the thing I'm not satisfied with. 

Oh... and Modwheel's The Lowdown was the bass.  This piece is exactly why I don't like things like EZBass.  I played the bass part live early on, and it really drove the piece.  Playing your own bass parts is fun. (Sometimes I use EZBass when I"m in a rush)

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1 hour ago, Peter Woods said:

Nice job, @Reid Rosefelt! My teenage son loves westerns (he became a fan after playing Red Dead Redemption).

I have a few Fluffy Audio libraries and all of them are top notch. High quality sampling and very intuitive KONTAKT scripting, which for me -- as I play everything in real time -- is critical for a sample library.  I'm sure that I'll likely be picking up more of their string libraries in future sales.   

Thanks.  I have a lot of stuff from them, including their woodwinds.  The clarinet is very good, and, like you say of their libraries, very easy to play.  The Tina Broz solo strings are also good, although I only have the cello.    I'd love to get Spaghetti Western, but I have learned from doing "The Cowboy Way," that I don't really need it. 

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5 hours ago, Reid Rosefelt said:

I see that people are panning this on VI:Control.  What do I know?


The only problem I'm really hearing is a sibilance issue. 
Hopefully Fluffy Audio will address that, if not - it can probably be minimized if not fixed with an iZopetop (or other brand) denoise plugin.

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14 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

You nailed it!

Love the harmonica at the end!
what library was that?


Thank you!

The harmonica is from ProjectSAM "Swing!" which is so much more than other Jazz libraries.  The concept is more expansive and includes got Gypsy Manouche guitars, Fender Bass, Ukelele, etc.  I have played harmonica since I was 16 and could have done something close to this, but I thought it sounded really authentic, and that way I didn't have to bust out the microphone, etc.   ProjectSAM is such an awesome company.   I got "Swing!" and "Swing More!" in one of those NI sales.

I believe in making templates because otherwise you forget you have all this goodness in libraries like this with a lot of stuff.

Edited by Reid Rosefelt
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1 hour ago, Christian Jones said:

What kind of d NI deal did you get, like what did you pay for both? 

I paid $179 for "Swing!" (lists for $329)  and  $229 for "Swing More!" (lists for $439)

I happened to be composing a jazzy piece when this sale happened, so I bought "Swing!,"   I'd been watching videos of it for a long time.  Guy Rowland walks through all the sounds and Cory Pelizzari has a nice one. I knew I wanted it and it was the time. It was early July 2019.

After many days of playing around with "Swing!" I could see that it was an awesome library, so I decided to reach into my pocket and get "Swing More!" while the sale was on.

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