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Alesis V25 doesn't work




I recently bought Alesis V25 controller and I can't make it work with Cakewalk. Though it works just fine with Ableton Live. I set up everything as in every instruction I found online. Still I don't get any sound. I'm new to Cakewak so maybe I'm just doing something wrong. Please help. ?




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The first screen image is intended for hardware synths not controllers like the V25. There is no need to set anything in this screen unless you have hardware synths.

The second image is the screen that sets up the input and output MIDI devices. This is the one that is important for getting MIDI note data to the DAW. I would recommend disabling all MIDI output devices on this screen for now.

The third image is the setup for using the a controllers sliders and knobs to adjusts DAW and plug-in controls. For now, I would recommend taking V25 out of this screen.


Then try the following:

1) Create a project

2) Add the TTS-1 using the Add Track menu by clicking A, B and N in the image below


3) Then click input echo on the new instrument track and hit some keys on the controller. This should make some sound. Of course this assumes your audio device is configured properly in Cakewalk.

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  On 7/4/2019 at 10:47 AM, Natalia said:


I recently bought Alesis V25 controller and I can't make it work with Cakewalk. Though it works just fine with Ableton Live. I set up everything as in every instruction I found online. Still I don't get any sound. I'm new to Cakewak so maybe I'm just doing something wrong. Please help. ?





That image is small and hard to read, but it appears that you have the V25 unchecked in the MIDI inputs.

You will need to enable that for the VX25 to appear as an input for any of your MIDI or instrument tracks.

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For future reference, the forum automatically downsizes large images making their details unreadable. When posting images do not upload full screen images instead use an image service such as imgur.com and post a link to the image or upload images of much smaller parts of the screen.

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@scook I followed what you wrote but it didnt work. I finally checked box  "V25" reccomednded for Mac insted of the other one, which was reccomended for Windows  and it fianlly worked (dont know why because I have windows...).

Ok, I'll have in mind info about images. I didnt know.

Appreciate your help, thanks alot!

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