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MIDI Routing Issue


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I'm having a new issue.  I made a chord progression using Scaler 2.  Then, I wanted to create a melody so I put an EZ Keys track in.  As I was playing a melody I took notice that CHORDS were being written in the EZ Keys track instead of a melody.  Upon investigation I saw that the input for the EZ Keys somehow got changed from OMNI to All External Inputs.  Even when I changed the input to my Impact keyboard I still see chords being written initially in the MIDI editor but change to single notes after I exit record.  Does anybody have an explanation?


?John B

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9 minutes ago, David Baay said:

Yes, I've reported in the past that the 'confidence recording' indication on MIDI tracks shows all MIDI input whether the channel and port are matching the Input setting or not. It's not a big deal for me since I don't often use MIDI-generating plugins, but it's not ideal. 

I've just taken notice of it today.  Must be a change from a recent update?!  EZ Keys, Drummer, Trilan etc ALWAYS self routed before.  Actually, I think they still self route but something is changing that as the process goes on.

? ?JB


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I'm not aware of any change in this regard. It's always been necessary to proactively restrict MIDI/Instrument track Inputs to the particular port and channel you want a track to record/echo any time you potentially have input from more than one port or channel, whether hardware or virtual. I learned this early on as my first MIDI controller (1988!) sent MIDI on two channels by default.

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  • 10 months later...

To be clear, the issue brought up by the OP is just  display issue. So long as you have a specific port and channel selected in the MIDI/Instrument track for the Input it will only record that input even though the confidence recording indication might register activity on other hardware/virtual ports while recording.

With few exceptions I set the Input all MIDI/Instrument tracks to record from Port 1, Channel 1 of my MIDI interface which is my main keyboard/controller and use the "forced" output Channel setting to re-channel the output of the track only if needed for a multitimbral synth. If the synth isn't multitimbral, I just leave the output Channel as 'None'.

The only time I really need to deviate from this is when using a pad controller or a MIDI-generating plugin like Jamstix  in which case, the Input to the track will be channel 1 of the relevant port (physical or virtual).

With every soft synth presenting it's own dedicated virtual port(s) to the DAW and hardware controllers/synths having independent USB MIDI ports, there is rarely a need to set different transmit channels on the controller or record anything other than channel 1 into a track. Setting the transmit channel was a lot more important in the early days of MIDI when it was common to have only one or two hardware MIDI ports with multiple controllers and synths daisy-chained in series.

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6 hours ago, Essp 404 said:

I would love to hear more about how you handle your midi channels. im having to set the channels to my midi keyboard to stop them interfering with each other... very frustrating at the moment. 

Make sure all MIDI tracks and SITs are set to specific MIDI channels and specific MIDI controllers.  Only enable MIDI outs on VSTis that you actually require for your project.  Avoid OMNI.

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