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BR: Forum Site Map Issue


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Thanks for checking. It's only the Cakewalk tab and only happens when the browser is on the 2nd monitor... where it lives 99% 0f the time.

This monitor has a few smallish issues like this, so I'm chalking it up to cheap monitor.

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I just detached "discuss" and moved it onto my second monitor.  I had to zoom the browser (Chrome) smaller to get the tabs to appear.  No premature menu closing issue.  I tried resizing the browser on Mon 2 and couldn't replicate the issue.  My monitors are different sizes; they have different resolution settings.  At present I have scaling/layout at 100% on both, though I sometimes change the scaling on monitor 2. 

Is it possible you are using a custom setting somewhere?


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2nd monitor is running w/normal settings. It also runs off a different video card. Gaming Laptop has 2 and seems to require the 2nd one for external monitors. I've tried to run both on one video but nothing in the docs, settings or what I've read online seems to allow it.

I'll try to locate another monitor to see if either monitor or video card is to blame.

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It frequently happens to me.  I'll click on the down arrow, menu displays but disappears when the cursor leaves the down arrow.  As mentioned above, eventually the menu displays long enough to make a selection.

My normal browser is Firefox.

I wonder if how long the menu displays is a function of a persistence setting that can be changed or if the size of the area where the mouse cursor is recognized is too small?

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On 9/6/2022 at 4:20 PM, User 905133 said:

Is it possible you are using a custom setting somewhere?

In a way. I finally discovered how to switch graphic cards. Apparently it's per app, not per monitor.

Go to Settings > Graphic Settings > Choose an app to set performance.

Click Browse to add an app.

Click the app.

Click Options.

Select Let Windows decidePower Saving (Intel), or High Performance (NVIDIA).

When I added Chrome to the list and set it to (NVIDIA), the issue was there. When I set it to (Intel), the issue wasn't as prevalent but still there.


Does having 2 apps on the same monitor mean it's using 2 different graphic drivers??? Or will one app take precedence?

Edit: On this laptop the Intel graphics will only run the laptop screen. The NVIDIA graphics will only run external screens.


Monitor eliminated

Graphics eliminated

Known settings eliminated

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  • 2 months later...
On 9/6/2022 at 10:19 AM, sjoens said:

When clicking the Cakewalk by BandLab ▼ tab above in Chrome browser, the dropdown menu frequently disappears before I can select any links. Eventually it does work.

Change your mouse. Your left click is double clicking it.

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Mouse settings are normal and I never leave the flyout. It's only this one tab that acts up. Same behavior in Edge.

Could be the mouse itself. Laptop track pad works fine on it but 2 different USB mice don't.

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