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Katie (Tuning In)

Barry Seymour

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Scrambling to get this one out before my shoulder surgery in September.  Looking for mixing advice. Not sure I'm quite getting the polished sound I want from this.

Thanks in advance for any input you may have.

EDIT AGAIN: It's out! Thanks everyone, for the feedback.


Edited by Barry Seymour
Updated the Link to point to a newer mix.
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 Great lead breaks Barry ! Nothing really stuck out to me as needing much more in the mix. The only thing I would try to change is maybe a little work on the vocal reverb. Maybe just some more pre delay on it. It fits in well with the guitar verbs but seems a little pushed back in the mix (but not volume wise). I was also wanting to hear some harmony on the opening chorus lines but it's fine without it.  Great song and performance I Really liked it ..   mark

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Thanks for the kind words.... but now I have a different, perhaps more awkward ask.

The more I listen to my song, the more it sounds like the singer is not in the right genre. That this guy should not be singing rock. That this guy sounds like someone's grandpa, trying to be cool.

Twice now I've borrowed a friend's rehearsal studio to sing this song. Originally this song was a step lower; after I sang it and started reviewing the recording, it felt like I couldn't push hard enough, couldn't push properly, since it was comfortably within my range; that the level of effort wasn't credible. So I rerecorded all the audio a step higher, and sang it again. Thankfully, since I was in a rehearsal studio, I was able to cut loose and sing loud, so I feel like my singing is better in many ways, more on pitch, certainly, but still... I sound like some old man.

Of course, I am an old man, but I don't want to sound like one.

Please feel free to be as honest as possible. I'm actually thinking of finding a younger singer to sing this. Let me know what you think.


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Barry - just seen this and noted your comments re perhaps a new singer - I honestly think you are being a little over critical here as the vocals sound OK to me - I do think some harmonies would work well.

And if you're worried about the timbre of your voice, how about a bit of grit or something like that?? just a suggestion. Maybe double your vocals to thicken them up a bit or use a doubler program?

just some thoughts

Really enjoyed this and some great guitar





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If you don't think you'll be satisfied with your take I might try another vocalist. Either that or maybe revise/ rewrite the track to fit 'you' & where you would feel more comfortable with it.

I can also imagine this tune being performed as a slower / groove tempo version too. That might give it a more 'age appropriate' vibe that you're after. (or possibly a future version)

Of course that means total redo & using a different vocalist might involve budget, availability, deadlines. Either way I would say trust your gut, you have a great voice! 

(hope it's  a speedy recovery with the surgery too)

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I like it, nice up-beat tempo sweet guitar riffs, the bridge is great??

Instead of recutting the whole song maybe just back off the vocal during the verse and bust out on the chorus.

Just spit balling.

Edited by Old Joad
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So I've been thinking about the whole 'sound of my voice' thing, and I'm starting to think it's the sound of my diction. Which raises an interesting side question.

My wife cannot stand Bruce Springsteen, because "he's from New Jersey, but he sounds like a cowboy."  She sees that as insincere, as fakey. I get what she's saying, but at the same time it seems to me a singer can tell a story and use the voice of the character(s) in the story, so I don't have as much of a problem with it as she does. 

As for this song, it sounds to me like someone with good diction, careful enunciation and a college education is trying to sing a rocker. ? Heck, maybe I should try sounding like a cowboy, or at least someone who's more rough and tumble than I am. (I've  worked in radio and voice over for decades, it would be quite doable.) I mean, I'm a nearly-retired old guy, but the protagonist of this song is a young guy going out on tour to forget an indifferent lover, only to find her indifference continues across state lines. Maybe I need to change things up a bit?

Any thoughts? Just thought I'd spark a discussion whilst I refine this song. (Harmony vocals on the way!)

Edited by Barry Seymour
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On 8/21/2022 at 10:36 AM, Barry Seymour said:

I am an old man, but I don't want to sound like one

Welcome to the Club! ?

As always great storytelling and fine performances.



don't take this wrong, the verb and double tap on the snare; I thought about waxing up the board.
Was almost disappointed when the big clean strat didn't come in...


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Just heard both mixes, second mix is better by half, and I'd post that second mix confidently as a link at the top of your first post in this thread.

Why is the second mix better? Less vocal reverb, I think you did add some predelay? And the bgv's are a must have for this song, I'd get them louder in their spots.

Your second mix solved a lot of problems that I heard, so well done. I'd say one area might remain to be addressed, and that is your snare is masking the vocal a bit when the snare hits. I don't know if you have already, but I like the snare's sound - just volume automate by hand a little dip in snare volume whenever it happens to beat down on a lyric. That should only take you another 10,000 hours, but well worth it. Of course it's also doable with fancier ducking setups but that's like mowing a lawn with a riding lawnmower - it's faster but doesn't do as nice a job. :)

Lyrics are great.

As for your hyper self-awareness of the vocalists' age, hey if your going to mention James Taylor and Dire Straits then we expect a seasoned vocalist. I think it works a treat. And if you listen at lower volume, the vocal tends to sink into the mix a bit - I'd be tempted to add just a .25 db at least to the vocal volume so it is out front where it belongs.

OK, so you aren't 38, but this is Special!




p.s. your wife is right about Bruce, now I finally get it about that dude!

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2 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:

doable with fancier ducking setups but that's like mowing a lawn with a riding lawnmower

I don't own a lawnmower, I do have a sprayer and buy industrial strength RoundUp by the gallon ?:
I'd opt for sidechaining the vocal to the snare.
Check out Creative Sauce's tutorial if not familiar.



2 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:

I'd post that second mix confidently as a link at the top of your first post


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3 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:


Just heard both mixes, second mix is better by half, and I'd post that second mix confidently as a link at the top of your first post in this thread.


Why is the second mix better? Less vocal reverb, I think you did add some predelay?

I am not sure what predelay is, so I suspect I didn't use it.

And the bgv's are a must have for this song, I'd get them louder in their spots.

Thanks, still fiddling with volume and mix. I may even add in a few more aahs.

Your second mix solved a lot of problems that I heard, so well done. I'd say one area might remain to be addressed, and that is your snare is masking the vocal a bit when the snare hits. I don't know if you have already, but I like the snare's sound - just volume automate by hand a little dip in snare volume whenever it happens to beat down on a lyric. That should only take you another 10,000 hours, but well worth it.

I'm pretty fast on a computer. I bet I could get it done in 80 hours.

Lyrics are great.

As for your hyper self-awareness of the vocalists' age, hey if your going to mention James Taylor and Dire Straits then we expect a seasoned vocalist. I think it works a treat.

I guess I still worry about younger folks listening to this. I'm thinking I should cut that out.

OK, so you aren't 38, but this is Special!

I get that reference!

p.s. your wife is right about Bruce, now I finally get it about that dude!

I'm not telling her that. I'll never hear the end of it. ?

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3 hours ago, Hidden Symmetry said:

The added bv's on this version are the icing on the cake. Didn't notice before but this version sounds like you're using some type of widening plugin on this?  Noticing it esp on drums..ld. vocal is coming through fine here.

I'm using a plugin called - wait for it -  "Wider." It's quite remarkable, actually; it splits the sound without any chorusing or flanging effect. I used it on the bass and the vocals. It has the unique effect of making it sound more intimate; instead of  the voice being 20 feet in front of you, it's like you hear the voice in each ear from much closer. It's fascinating.  And it's free. Highly recommended.


As for the drums, I just panned the instruments a bit to left and right, nothing fancy.

Thanks for the positive feedback!

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