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John Balich

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Open the Event List for the track in question.

Using the Event Manager (right click menu) filter the list to just the type of events you're interested in getting rid of. Having a way to deselect all the event types at once would be nice, but it's not obvious there is one.

Highlight them all by clicking to the left of the first event and dragging to the bottom. Do not use Ctrl-A (select all), as that will select all the events in the current track, not just the ones shown in the Event List.

Ctrl-X to cut them. Or select Edit | Delete from the main menu.

As you note, pressing the Delete key only deletes one of them, not the selection – which seems odd and wrong, but it is what it is.



Edited by John Bradley
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Here's one more way that I use when I want more control over things. Open the event list and deselect the stuff you want to keep, like the notes, or PG changes. Then I just pin the DELETE key to the ground and wait a second until it nukes everything. 


Screenshot (404).png

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