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Where is Larry?

Doug Rintoul

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The time portal that Larry uses to get the word on upcoming deals (which he won from an alien in a hand of blackjack) malfunctioned and he found himself in 1962.
He then became obsessed with buying what would be vintage guitars and stashing them in places he would be able to find in the current day (time portals tend to demagnetize guitar pickups, cause capacitors to explode, etc. and have limited space so not practical for transporting hardware).
Unfortunately Larry forgot that today's money isn't the same as that used in 1962 and the FBI is actively after his keister seeking to ask a variety of questions and test their latest assortment of cattle prods and rubber truncheons.  
Understandably Larry would rather avoid connecting with these wannabie friends and being that they are between him and his portal his return has been slightly delayed.

The only reason I know any of this is that I found a letter from Larry postmarked 1962 hidden among my mom's memorabilia - now I understand why my little brother doesn't look anything like my dad...  

Edited by TheSteven
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Once a year at this time, the elite deal listers are invited to a remote Buddhist retreat located high up on the Indian side of the Himalayas.
Here they undergo intense deal training under the watchful eye of an old and smiling Buddhist master.
They learn to open their third eye so that they can ‘see’ deals as they are being hatched in the minds of the marketing departments around the world.
They can even do this in their sleep and they set deal thresholds which if crossed would trigger them to wake up so they can post the really big deals ASAP.
At the end of the training, if one of the attendees has particularly excelled, they will be crowned the Deal-Eye Lama.

For the record, the Dalai Lama uses Studio One, so Larry has no chance of being top dog this year. ?

Why do they have it every July?
They book the retreat in July because it’s out of season so they get a great deal on the monastery.

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1 minute ago, marled said:

Reading yesterdays' posts I understand absolutely that Larry does not feel to appear on this forum today! Sometimes there are some nasty grinches that spoil the desire to write posts here! ☹️

I was thinking that exact same thing.

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4 minutes ago, marled said:

Reading yesterdays' posts I understand absolutely that Larry does not feel to appear on this forum today! Sometimes there are some nasty grinches that spoil the desire to write posts here! ☹️

I clearly missed that. I hope that's not the issue. I am sure that nearly everyone in this forum appreciates Larry. If someone doesn't,  they're clearly the exception to the rule. @cclarry, I hope some bad actors haven't ruined your day. The overwhelming majority of people here greatly appreciate you. Please, I want to encourage you, if someone engaged in some nasty behavior,  we both know that's not surprising, but they absolutely don't represent 99% of the people here, who are big fans of yours, which includes me, as you already know. If that's not the issue, hopefully you can still appreciate that people appreciate you. You don't need to generate as many posts as you do to be appreciated, you've earned a lifetime of goodwill at this forum that a jerk or two shouldn't be able to ruin. 

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3 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

I clearly missed that. I hope that's not the issue. I am sure that nearly everyone in this forum appreciates Larry. If someone doesn't,  they're clearly the exception to the rule. @cclarry, I hope some bad actors haven't ruined your day. The overwhelming majority of people here greatly appreciate you. Please, I want to encourage you, if someone engaged in some nasty behavior,  we both know that's not surprising, but they absolutely don't represent 99% of the people here, who are big fans of yours, which includes me, as you already know. If that's not the issue, hopefully you can still appreciate that people appreciate you. You don't need to generate as many posts as you do to be appreciated, you've earned a lifetime of goodwill at this forum that a jerk or two shouldn't be able to ruin. 

Hear, hear! Larry and this forum are greatly appreciated!

In all seriousness I hope he is OK and is just enjoying a day away from the flat screen...


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4 hours ago, marled said:

Reading yesterdays' posts I understand absolutely that Larry does not feel to appear on this forum today! Sometimes there are some nasty grinches that spoil the desire to write posts here! ☹️

What went down? Nothing wrong with saying what happened and I know I ain't the only one who's curious. 

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