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Wonder what he did ?


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  On 6/29/2019 at 12:35 AM, S.L.I.P. said:

Wonder what he did ?




                                   WHAT  did he do ?

                                                        Now you got me wondering what he did xD


Edited by Kenny Wilson
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  On 6/30/2019 at 8:51 AM, Kenny Wilson said:


My grandmother  knows exactly "who he is " . She's at Church praying for a slice of the 3.9 million dollars his Black Stratocaster  fetched at Auction.




Hopefully she is spiritually prepared for that Great Gig in the Sky.

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I'm guessing it was all the dick pics he sent her ....





























































I'll get me coat ?

















That took me ages by the way ☺️



Edited by SteveStrummerUK
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  On 6/30/2019 at 9:09 AM, Kenny Wilson said:



                                   WHAT  did he do ?

                                                        Now you got me wondering what he did xD



Situations like that :




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Hey Kenny, are you using PhotoShop?  If so, here's a quick tip:  Once you have an object selected (I was just noticing the white edge around Gilmour's guitar on the last page), you can adjust the selection edge.  Just go to the Select menu, then Refine Edge (or Alt-Ctrl-R) and play around! ??

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  On 6/30/2019 at 3:29 PM, SteveStrummerUK said:


I'm guessing it was all the dick pics he sent her ....





























































I'll get me coat ?

















That took me ages by the way ☺️





Hey Steve ,

It wasn't all the Dick pics that got to my poor old Grammy ...My Granny's got tough crepe paper  skin   . I know I'll never be half the man she is :P







Speaking of my Granny ,

My poor ole Granny went out to Las Vegas hoping to see a live show .

When she got there she asked a local  resident for directions on where she could buy a six pack . Something must have gotten lost in translation because she never did find the liquor store . She  wound up on the other side of town totally lost . To buy some time  she ducked into a Club to rest her feet and to collect her thoughts  .

While she was sitting there all by her lonesome ,  she wound up seeing a local dance troupe called The Six Bap's ...

She had a real good time , but she left the show stone cold broke once again because my Grandmother is a touchy feel'y  type of gal .

Apparently she dropped her whole bank roll ..     Yes , her whole life savings  tipping the Six Bap's one dollar at a time .



Whew after telling that whopper  I'm gonna get my coat , your coat and my Granny's coat ......LOL




PS , Craig thanks for the tip ...I do not have photo shop . I use a thing called Crazy Talk ...all my pics can talk ....if I choose to post vids instead of pics  .

Edited by Kenny Wilson
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  On 6/30/2019 at 8:51 AM, Kenny Wilson said:


My grandmother  knows exactly "who he is " . She's at Church praying for a slice of the 3.9 million dollars his Black Stratocaster  fetched at Auction.




Most expensive Partscaster in the world since  Blackie.

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  On 6/30/2019 at 4:51 PM, craigb said:

Hey Kenny, are you using PhotoShop?  If so, here's a quick tip:  Once you have an object selected (I was just noticing the white edge around Gilmour's guitar on the last page), you can adjust the selection edge.  Just go to the Select menu, then Refine Edge (or Alt-Ctrl-R) and play around! ??


Photoshop's Edges Now Incredibly Smooth

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