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Walk Beside You


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13 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

Heartfelt performance. 
UCX on this vocal?


This vocal was done with the Shure SM7b, GAP pre-73 and the Behringer UMC1820.

I am not sure if I like the Shure dynamic better than the Audio-Technica AT4040 condenser yet.

The preamp made a HUGE difference though.

The UCXII Fireface is heading back to Germany for repairs soon.

The Audio-Technica seems to be hotter on the high end, I kind of prefer that clarity on the high end but the Shure SM7b has a nice warmth.

Not certain which way I will go forward yet.

I will probably stick with the Shure for now.

Edited by RexRed
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Okay, I've made lots of changes on this song.

I think I have addressed all of your awesome critiques peeps! (I hope).

The guitar squeaks are gone...

I added some drums in spots.

And I picked some guitar parts to add some other arpeggios. 

Let me know if there is more fine tuning I can make.

All of your suggestions are VERY helpful!

Thanks very much!

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Well, I visited this song again.. This time I think I got it fixed.

I have had difficulty figuring out the guitar rhythm pattern.

There is a kind of shuffle in the guitar strum pattern that does not conform to linear time as I can see it.

Perhaps some kind of triplets that always throw me off.

I uploaded/replaced what may be the last render of this song tonight.

I also added a Lounge Lizard EP briefly in three spots.

 The previous mixdown of this song, the rhythm guitars were appalling, all over the place muddy and chaotic.

I think I got them a lot better now.

The Pre 73 sure gave the acoustic pickups some delicate sound, unlike anything I have ever been able to achieve before.

My acoustics guitar recordings have always sounded boxy and boomy, way off. 

This song has been really difficult to figure out but I think I have given it a good go at it. 

Let me know if you hear anything that sticks out.

Lots of love awesome Cakewalk peeps!


Edited by RexRed
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That's really very nice Rex - I was having a little noodle along to this - have you tried an additional finger-picked pattern but using open voicings on all the chords?

What I mean is fret the open E chord then use the same fretting at the 7th and 5th frets, leaving the bass E, top E and top B as open strings? You can use a similar pattern for the F#m but don't barre it - just fret the C#, F# and A on the A, D and G strings - leave the rest open.

Just a daft suggestion really but I though it sounded kinda cool - would've been even better played on a 12-string (shame I don't have one) ? 

Loving your work - as always


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/17/2022 at 6:26 AM, AndyB01 said:

That's really very nice Rex - I was having a little noodle along to this - have you tried an additional finger-picked pattern but using open voicings on all the chords?

What I mean is fret the open E chord then use the same fretting at the 7th and 5th frets, leaving the bass E, top E and top B as open strings? You can use a similar pattern for the F#m but don't barre it - just fret the C#, F# and A on the A, D and G strings - leave the rest open.

Just a daft suggestion really but I though it sounded kinda cool - would've been even better played on a 12-string (shame I don't have one) ? 

Loving your work - as always


Andy, I have used that technique of placing a capo and picking in other positions for additional tracks.

The result is a very varied pattern and complimentary texture of guitar harmonies and tones.

I am not sure why I did not think of it here. 

I may go back in and substitute one of the guitar tracks with a capo picking pattern as you have suggested. 

I will try and remember that in the future as well.

Great suggestion!

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Yes the capo works as well but that is not quite what I meant here. I quite like leaving the unfretted strings just open and play them as they are (doesn't work for all chord voicings but works on A and B chords played at the 5th and 7th position). It is easier to play - as you don't need to barré the chord - and contrasts nicely with the higher fretted strings (especially when used as a secondary rather than a main guitar track).

It's a matter of taste I guess, whatever you do I am sure it will sound great.


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