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MODO Bass 2 CS

Larry Shelby

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It's all your fault @Peter - IK Multimedia!! I was all ready to make my grand Dark Side of the Moon opus. All I needed was one last thing. One thing only. I needed Modo Bass 2!! And then I was set. I could have been someone. I could have been that guy on TV. But now it's all gone. And it's all your fault. No one else's but yours!! ?


But seriously folks, lets all chill and relax. Its just a plugin. Its not the be all and end all, and knowing IKM, it will be on sale multiple times in the next 12 months. Lots of time to think about it. Demo it.  Try it out and all that fun stuff.

Keep it peaceful.






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2 hours ago, User 905133 said:

Another issue (in addition to a tendency to focus on negativity), is that earlier posts get "lost." I suspect my post from 4 hours ago (citing the same portion of the MB2 Manual) got "lost" because JT Music's reply (which I responded to in such a way to try to avoid seeing another round of JT v. Peter "Are We Gonna Go There Again?") was replied to by Peter and then JT again and then . . . .

This is my mistake. I missed the fact that your quote was from the manual and that you had attempted to unsuccessfully add patterns to CS. I did truly think I was being helpful when I quoted from the manual. All I can say is sorry.

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For what it is worth, I hope this information is helpful. I was able to get a user pattern to show up in ModoBass 2. I named a midi file Pop_Solo_Finger_10_4-4_132_G-_Doug.mid and placed it in /Documents/IK Multimedia/MODO BASS 2/Patterns/. I then loaded ModoBass 2, went to patterns and filtered the patterns on Pop/Solo/Finger/10 Bars. This is what I see...


As you can see, my pattern does show up. However...when I click on my pattern, I get the following message...


So it would appear that the CS version does not support user patterns.

Edited by Doug Rintoul
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Anybody else having "issues" with the VST3 version in CbB? (works fine standalone)
VST2 appears to be working fine.
I should have known better, I never install IKM's VST3 versions...


9 minutes ago, Doug Rintoul said:

it would appear that the CS version does not support user patterns

User Patterns I can live without, it'll be on sale soon enough anyway, I can wait...

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Some of you kiddies need to lay off the Kool aid, seriously.

Congrats to IK on the release. I'm super happy with the Pre Order, worth every penny.

What can I say, awesome. After MODO BASS (1) I knew I wouldn't be disappointed with MB2, and sure enough no disappointment here.

Well done IK ???


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2 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

Anybody else having "issues" with the VST3 version in CbB?

I just did a couple of quick tests of the MODO BASS 2 CS VST3 plug-in within CbB (an 8 bar pattern and a 4 bar pattern). Both recorded and played back OK.  

Edited by User 905133
fixed typo
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1 hour ago, DeeringAmps said:

Anybody else having "issues" with the VST3 version in CbB? (works fine standalone)
VST2 appears to be working fine.
I should have known better, I never install IKM's VST3 versions...

No, but then I don't use CbB.

I always use the VST3 version of IK's plugins, (and any plugin where available) and haven't had any issues. It's always been a point of bemusement to me when people say that IK's VST3 plugs are troublesome, anyway.

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1 hour ago, DeeringAmps said:

Anybody else having "issues" with the VST3 version in CbB? (works fine standalone)
VST2 appears to be working fine.
I should have known better, I never install IKM's VST3 versions...


Deering Amp,

My VST3 MODO Bass 2 is working fine, sorry to hear you are having problems. Try a reinstall with the VST3 version again.

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FWIW, I'll say that I quite like IK's "CS" marketing technique - When an upgrade comes out I get a fully functional unlimited demo of the new version that also  loads everything from the previous version, adding some of the new features but not all. Personally, I am happier because of earlier access to the new features, and I think it works both ways because it does encourage me more to get the upgrade, compared to other products that don't have these "teasers". On the one hand I wish more companies would imitate this practice, on the other hand that could be even more dangerous to my wallet...

Would free upgrades be nicer? Sure, but that only happens in specific circumstances e.g., (a) the company has been able to charge more for the previous version and the price of the upgrade has already been built-in (b) supporting the previous version is costlier than the free upgrade, for whatever reason (c) the upgrade has "features" that have some important benefit for the company (e.g., a re-branding, or an app store where the company is expecting to recoup the cost of the free upgrade).

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I like the look and feel of MODO Bass 2 CS better than the previous version of MODO Bass 1, even though it's a bit annoying to be blocked when clicking on certain items.

I think the same bass with the same settings sounds better in the new version, but that could be subjective! ?

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On 5/27/2022 at 6:53 PM, heath row said:

always been a point of bemusement to me when people say that IK's VST3 plugs are troublesome,

They have in the past been troublesome to a lot of people. Just the vst3 versions. That's a fact.

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