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Shortcuts unbinding randomly

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Hello. Has anyone else experienced Keyboard Shortcuts loosing their assignments? I mean the custom ones created by users.

I had this situation today, when I couldn't get my Ctrl+R shortcut to work. I have it assigned to Rename Clip functionality. I was sure that I had single clip selected. When I used Ctrl+R, Cakewalk kept arming the track for recording. I went to Keyboard Shortcuts and checked the list. My assignment wasn't there. I had to bind it again and then it worked. I'm 100 % confident that previously I had this shortcut properly assigned. 

The same thing happened with Ctrl+E, which I use for Split Clip functionality. Only this time the order was different. First I checked the Keyboard Shortcuts list and this shortcut was properly assigned to this functionality. When I wanted to use it on a Clip, I couldn't, nothing happened.  Then I opened the Keyboard Shortcuts list again and the assignment was gone. 

It wasn't the first time this problem occurred. In the past I just ignored it thinking I did something wrong. Today these shortcuts definitely were Unbined without my knowledge. Bare in mind that I did check all sub-menus involving Keyboard Shortcuts, not just the Global View. 

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  • Michal Ochedowski changed the title to Shortcuts unbinding randomly
  • 2 months later...

I would still prefer to not have my key bindings affected in any way when switching to a different Workspace. Seems counterproductive to have different user-defined key bindings for different Workspaces. At least I know it would confuse me.

By the way I can't seem to locate an option to change this behavior in Preferences. Is it even available?  

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30 minutes ago, GreenLight said:

I also have the problem of my own bindings occasionally randomly unbinding... it's very annoying. I am not using either Screensets or Workspaces.

@Michal Ochedowski Did you isolate your shortcut unbinding problems to Workspaces?

Well, today I realized that I've never used Workspaces. I've only been using Screensets. So at the moment I can't confirm how or if Workspaces are going to affect custom Key Bindings. 

Even today my Key Bindings were acting up. The same thing happen. I visually confirmed that I had my custom shortcut Ctrl+R assigned to Rename Clip. 20 minutes later when I wanted to use it, it kept arming all tracks for recording, no Clip Rename option. What ? I haven't changed my Screensets and of course haven't touched the Workspaces. It's a strange bug in my opinion. I started using traditional mouse right-click and just selecting this from the drop down menu. At least it's reliable instead of trying to figure out why shortcut doesn't work, yet again. 

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Given how unusual a problem this is, I would guess something is going on with permisisons or antivirus on your system preventing the Windows registry from being modified or something. Nudge settings are also saved in the registry. Check if changes to Nudge values will persist.

Also, maybe export your shortcut to a file and share it here to see if there might be some corruption that can be replicated on another machine. I have a 'test mule' installation on a laptop that I can freely experiment with.

Edited by David Baay
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19 minutes ago, David Baay said:

Given how unusual a problem this is, I would guess something is going on with permisisons or antivirus on your system preventing the Windows registry from being modified or something. Nudge settings are also saved in the registry. Check if changes to Nudge values will persist.

Also, maybe export your shortcut to a file and share it here to see if there might be some corruption that can be replicated on another machine. I have a 'test mule' installation on a laptop that I can freely experiment with.

I don't think it's a permissions or antivirus problem. If that was the case, I wouldn't be able to make any custom shortcut assignments, save a session, open it the next day with shortcuts being present. Why they disappear though, in the middle of the same project, without closing that project? That's how it happened to me multiple times. From what I've read on this forum, I can see I'm not the only one with this randomness happening. It's easier to deal with such intriguing problems, when there are other users also experiencing them. On the other hand I can be glad that it's something as little as this, not projects crashing or errors appearing during saving etc. Cakewalk has been very stable overall. 

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7 minutes ago, Michal Ochedowski said:

I can see I'm not the only one with this randomness happening

Yes, but one of very few which suggests it's system-specific. In all my years I don't thinki I've ever had a custom binding spontaneously go missing. 

By any chance do you have 'Save changes for next session' unchecked?


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7 minutes ago, David Baay said:

Yes, but one of very few which suggests it's system-specific. In all my years I don't thinki I've ever had a custom binding spontaneously go missing. 

By any chance do you have 'Save changes for next session' unchecked?


Save Changes For Next Session is constantly switched on. Thanks for the suggestion. The "system-specific" phrase describes my problem very accurately. Perhaps I will investigate the matter further, when I'm not distracted by other things. 

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1 hour ago, Michal Ochedowski said:

Save Changes For Next Session is constantly switched on. Thanks for the suggestion. The "system-specific" phrase describes my problem very accurately. Perhaps I will investigate the matter further, when I'm not distracted by other things. 

I have tried to find some pattern in the disappearing shortcuts, but have so far not succeeded. As a backup, I constantly export my binding setup as soon as I make any changes to my shortcuts. I try out new configurations pretty often, so I have a lot of backups.

About the "unusualness" or "system-specificness"  of this problem – all I can say is that I have reported in a bunch of very odd, and very difficult-to-reproduce Cakewalk bugs lately, that the Bakers have fixed swiftly and competently once I managed to reproduce them and report them. Some of the bugs to me literally years of enduring to get a repro on (I'm looking at you, "preview bus suddenly changing bug". The obscure bug existed for years, and it was very annoying for me! But victory to those who persist! ?)

As I wrote elsewhere in this forum recently, I think the Keyboard shortcuts preferences part of Cakewalk could use a facelift (not least with the long delays in opening the window) a trip to the gym and makeover, if you so will. ?️‍♂️?

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15 minutes ago, GreenLight said:

I have tried to find some pattern in the disappearing shortcuts, but have so far not succeeded. 

I have had this issue in the past and spend hours with the bakers trying to fix this in the PM section. 

I've manage to fix it myself, but i'm trying to remember now how - to you help here. ? It's literally just a setting. ? 

Check if your "Apply workspace to project" is ticked, right at the bottom of teh workspace dropdown menu. 

I'm trying to think now. ?

In Preferences > keyboard shortcut TAB -- make sure "Save Changes For Next Project/Session" is ticked. 


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22 minutes ago, Will. said:

I have had this issue in the past and spend hours with the bakers trying to fix this in the PM section. 

I've manage to fix it myself, but i'm trying to remember now how - to you help here. ? It's literally just a setting. ? 

Check if your "Apply workspace to project" is ticked, right at the bottom of teh workspace dropdown menu. 

I'm trying to think now. ?

In Preferences > keyboard shortcut TAB -- make sure "Save Changes For Next Project/Session" is ticked. 


Appreciate your help, as always, Will!

Will (pun not intended) check it out. ? (Note though that I'm not using workspaces nor screensets.)

Edited by GreenLight
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10 minutes ago, GreenLight said:

 ? (Note though that I'm not using workspaces nor screensets.)

I too said so, but apparently, the default window is a "Workspace" I've been told. 

10 minutes ago, GreenLight said:

Will (pun not intended) check it out. ? 

? I'm trying to remember. ?

Edited by Will.
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Today I used "Zap All" option in the Keyboard Shortcuts section to remove all my custom assignments. After that I assigned only two: Ctrl+J and Ctrl+R. I noticed something strange after I applying the changes. Ctrl+J was still being displayed as [Unassigned]. Ctrl+R was still being displayed as assigned to Arm [UnArm] all tracks.

I don't get it. Why both shortcuts maintain their "false" assignments in the lower portion of the screenshot despite being assigned by user to specific functions? Perhaps that's the reason why I had so many situations with Ctrl+R randomly unbinding and performing the original assigned function. 

Cakewalk Key Binding Ctrl+J.png

Cakewalk Key Binding Ctrl+R.png

Edited by Michal Ochedowski
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25 minutes ago, Michal Ochedowski said:

Today I used "Zap All" option in the Keyboard Shortcuts section to remove all my custom assignments. After that I assigned only two: Ctrl+J and Ctrl+R. I noticed something strange after I applying the changes. Ctrl+J was still being displayed as [Unassigned]. Ctrl+R was still being displayed as assigned to Arm [UnArm] all tracks.

I don't get it. Why both shortcuts maintain their "false" assignments in the lower portion of the screenshot despite being assigned by user to specific functions? Perhaps that's the reason why I had so many situations with Ctrl+R randomly unbinding and performing the original assigned function. 

Cakewalk Key Binding Ctrl+J.pngthe

Cakewalk Key Binding Ctrl+R.png

The assignment for the current area is always shown on the right, whereas the current assignment for the Global area is always shown underneath and on the left.

What you're seeing for CTRL + R, is your "Track View" assignment on the right ( i.e. Rename Clip ), and the Global Area assignment underneath and on the left.   For CTRL + J, you're seeing the description for your "Track View" assignment to Bounce to Clip(s) on the right,  and it shows that it's unassigned in the Global area on the left.


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