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Officially 20 years today with Mrs B. Or should I say Mrs S. She refused to take my last name. Women these days. 24 all totaled. It was my 51st birthday a few days ago, her 45th yesterday, and our 20th anny today. Time flies when you're having fun.

And on that note, I'm packing my bags for the misty mountain. (AKA New Jersey) and she's staying here. I leave at 5am tomorrow morning. I'll be there almost a month.

I had two bands I was sitting in with and an open mic night scheduled but things changed. I was also going to take my PC and record with friends at the place I'm staying but unfortunately they rented out the other side of the cabin that was vacant so now I can't make any noise. The reason I paid them a enormous amount of money was because of the complete and total privacy. Didn't know until after I booked this time that it wasn't private anymore like it was the last time I stayed there. I'm also building a porch for my sister and doing a lot of work on her house for her while I'm out there. Her husband and son both passed away and she's all alone and needs help.

So I guess some good will come from my trip home. Some ;). I have no friends or family here (other than you guys virtually) and this is only the 3rd time I've been home in 25 years so I'm looking forward to it. Well, a 4th when my other sister died, but that was a quick in and out trip.

Really disappointed about the change of plans with the music. I was really looking forward to it. Maybe it will change again. Wishing I would have gotten that Fender Acoustisonic modelling guitar moths ago so I wouldn't have to take my Strat, Martin, and an amp .... grrr.

Edited by Shane_B.
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4 hours ago, Wibbles said:

Is that 24 women before you were married or after? 

As tempting as it has been at times I can't say I ever have. I got married very young. Haven't been around much at all actually. I tend to be loyal to a fault. :)

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41 minutes ago, Zargg said:

Congrats on 20 years!

And have a good trip.

All the best.

Thanks! I'm really looking forward to it. Packing my amp and guitars right now actually. Going to leave really early in the morning.

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46 minutes ago, InstrEd said:

Make sure you have a nice strong cup of Java   for your drive.

Already got my electric percolator pot set. Just have to plug it in tomorrow morning. Best coffee you ever had in a percolator. My sister still has her 60 year old glass percolator pot she uses every day on her stove. :)

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5 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

Already got my electric percolator pot set. Just have to plug it in tomorrow morning. Best coffee you ever had in a percolator.

My Aunt had one of those pots. I loved the taste of that coffee. My problem is I'm the only one who partakes in Java in my domicle.

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Congrats, Shane!

It always seemed to surprise people down here when they learned that my wife and I had different last names. Back home, the practice has been abandonned progressively in the 70's-80's. 

A few short years before that, twoards the end of the 60's, my grandmother was still advertising her hair salon under her married name, that is her husband's first and last names but with Mrs. in front. 

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Congrats on the 20 years. I wish you 20 more, and I hope they get happier each and every year.

BTW: Mrs. Notes didn't change her last name either, nor did I ask her. She already had a reputation as a singer/musician with her name, and neither one of us wanted to abandon that.

Notes ♫

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Go Shane Go! ?


2 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

She already had a reputation as a singer/musician with her name, and neither one of us wanted to abandon that.

There's quite a few that should abandon their reputations! ?

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