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COVID strikes home


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Craig can you at least wear a shirt when face planting in public? :) Those moobies are something to be proud of but still...............

Sorry to hear you didn't make the gig bit.

New development here. One of my wife's co workers just caught COVID.

I have been having some minor sinus issues. This is usually a seasonal pollen thing. At least I hope so. If it gets much worse I might be qualified to enter the world cup snot blowing contest.


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  On 5/2/2022 at 1:43 PM, Tim Smith said:

I have been having some minor sinus issues. This is usually a seasonal pollen thing.


This time of year is horrible for allergies. I'm on a steady regiment of Zyrtec and Flonase all year round. I buy both in bulk at Sam's Clubs.

I used to get inner ear infections like clockwork every year since I was born right around Easter because of allergies. I remember sitting up in bed one Easter morning when I was a kid and blood and pus shooting out of my right ear all over my arm, bed, bedroom wall.

I found a specialist at KU about 5 or 6 years ago when I moved out here. He tried a new treatment he developed there at the University. It's a powder he shoots in to both ear canals and coats everything. Haven't had any ear infection since. Whatever it is it kills all the bacteria and fungus that slowly builds up in there from the allergies that cause the infection.

Back to the OT though. I've been getting out a lot the last few weekends. People here have pretty much gone back to normal. I've only seen a few people wearing masks. I can't help but wonder if we would have just carried on like normal from the beginning if we would have even needed any jabs at all and things wouldn't have been completely back to normal a long time ago.

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  On 5/2/2022 at 4:07 PM, Shane_B. said:

This time of year is horrible for allergies. I'm on a steady regiment of Zyrtec and Flonase all year round. I buy both in bulk at Sam's Clubs.

I used to get inner ear infections like clockwork every year since I was born right around Easter because of allergies. I remember sitting up in bed one Easter morning when I was a kid and blood and pus shooting out of my right ear all over my arm, bed, bedroom wall.

I found a specialist at KU about 5 or 6 years ago when I moved out here. He tried a new treatment he developed there at the University. It's a powder he shoots in to both ear canals and coats everything. Haven't had any ear infection since. Whatever it is it kills all the bacteria and fungus that slowly builds up in there from the allergies that cause the infection.

Back to the OT though. I've been getting out a lot the last few weekends. People here have pretty much gone back to normal. I've only seen a few people wearing masks. I can't help but wonder if we would have just carried on like normal from the beginning if we would have even needed any jabs at all and things wouldn't have been completely back to normal a long time ago.


I pushed a high dose of zinc , vitamin D and C last night before bedtime and again today. Knock on wood I can still breathe through my nose.

The most serious issues seem to occur when i can't breathe through my nose or my mouth  if I don't eat right. Sugar is a no no. It weakens my immune system.

Sorry to hear of those misfortunes Shane.

People back to normal? I'm not sure I've ever seen normal people.;)

I have resorted to some of those over the counter meds like Zyrtec in past years. I don't always seem to need them. 

I don't think the masks really work. I don't wear one unless the business demands it. None of this makes any sense unless we figure in other factors which could get political, so I won't discuss it.  My personal non political opinion on the virus is there were different vaccines and different viruses which makes the whole ordeal very confusing. I don't believe we can blame all of it on "variants". 

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  On 5/2/2022 at 4:23 PM, Tim Smith said:

I pushed a high dose of zinc , vitamin D and C last night before bedtime and again today. Knock on wood I can still breathe through my nose.

The most serious issues seem to occur when i can't breathe through my nose or my mouth  if I don't eat right. Sugar is a no no. It weakens my immune system.

Sorry to hear of those misfortunes Shane.

People back to normal? I'm not sure I've ever seen normal people.;)

I have resorted to some of those over the counter meds like Zyrtec in past years. I don't always seem to need them. 

I don't think the masks really work. I don't wear one unless the business demands it. None of this makes any sense unless we figure in other factors which could get political, so I won't discuss it.  My personal non political opinion on the virus is there were different vaccines and different viruses which makes the whole ordeal very confusing. I don't believe we can blame all of it on "variants". 


 Uh oh!  Now Tim's gone and done it!  IBTL!!! ?


BTW - The best supplements to avoid allergies (besides Vitamin C) are:

  • Stinging Nettle
  • Quercetin with Bromelain
  • Purslane
  • Rhodiola Rosea Extract
  • Butterbur Extract


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  On 5/2/2022 at 4:23 PM, Tim Smith said:

I don't think the masks really work. I don't wear one unless the business demands it. None of this makes any sense unless we figure in other factors which could get political, so I won't discuss it.


It's hard to separate all that stuff, but we all seem to do a great job of that here. Seriously. 

As for the masks, they do what they are intended to do, but their intended use has been warped. I don't believe it was intentional, it's just human nature.

They are meant to reduce your spittle not your breath. It's not an airborne thing. But moisture droplets travel a long long way and land on things and stay there for a while. The purpose of the masks is to halt that from happening. But they do nothing to actually filter anything. So way back when when a certain shorter fella who is still there originally said they don't work to filter the virus, he was and still is 100% right. But what he said got twisted and here we are.

Gotta go to the gym, where nobody has gotten the big C since this all started and we sweat and breathe heavy and have a giant fan above the workout floor spreading it all around ...

Edited by Shane_B.
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  On 5/2/2022 at 4:30 PM, craigb said:

 Uh oh!  Now Tim's gone and done it!  IBTL!!! ?


BTW - The best supplements to avoid allergies (besides Vitamin C) are:

  • Stinging Nettle
  • Quercetin with Bromelain
  • Purslane
  • Rhodiola Rosea Extract
  • Butterbur Extract



Thanks for these Craig.  Zinc helps your cells which help you to fight it. D3 is probably more important than plain D. Those other Ds are off topic.

  On 5/2/2022 at 4:38 PM, Shane_B. said:

As for the masks, they do what they are intended to do, but their intended use has been warped. I don't believe it was intentional, it's just human nature.


I will have to admit masks are an improvement for some people. 

 I've had two vaccines and the booster. If I catch anything now I'm relying on my natural immunity. 

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Ignoring stuff that should be said, Zinc and Vitamin D3 (yes, ONLY D3) are essential to avoid (or lessen the effect) of any cold virus as they improve the immune system.  Another supplement to use if you want to avoid any type of Corona virus is Agarikon mushrooms because they naturally blunt the "hooks" (the part for which these cold viruses are called "Corona" since they make them look like little suns).  If the hooks are bent or damaged, then they are unable to attach themselves to you.  Here's where I get mine though they are also available on Amazon.  They come from a well-known Mycologist named Paul Stamets who is just up the road from me.


Getting outside in the sun is the best way to get Vitamin D naturally.

My addendum was primarily targeting allergies and I forgot to mention one that is extremely useful!  Raw, unfiltered and, preferably, local bee honey!  Among the zillions of positives for honey (which include the fact that it's the only known food that never spoils and the only sugar that's safe to ingest in reasonable, one to two tablespoon per day quantities), it is awesome for getting your body used to outdoor pollens.

Edited by craigb
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  On 5/2/2022 at 5:41 PM, craigb said:

Ignoring stuff that should be said, Zinc and Vitamin D3 (yes, ONLY D3) are essential to avoid (or lessen the effect) of any cold virus as they improve the immune system.  Another supplement to use if you want to avoid any type of Corona virus is Agarikon mushrooms because they naturally blunt the "hooks" (the part for which these cold viruses are called "Corona" since they make them look like little suns).  If the hooks are bent or damaged, then they are unable to attach themselves to you.  Here's where I get mine though they are also available on Amazon.  They come from a well-known Mycologist named Paul Stamets who is just up the road from me.


Getting outside in the sun is the best way to get Vitamin D naturally.

My addendum was primarily targeting allergies and I forgot to mention one that is extremely useful!  Raw, unfiltered and, preferably, local bee honey!  Among the zillions of positives for honey (which include the fact that it's the only known food that never spoils and the only sugar that's safe to ingest in reasonable, one to two tablespoon per day quantities), it is awesome for getting your body used to outdoor pollens.


I buy the gel vitamins. They taste like candy.

Man I've been in the sun a lot these last few weeks.

The honey I have now does not look like the stuff usually bought in grocery stores.It has a white appearance until you put it in a cup of tea. When it melts it looks more like honey. I think it has some of the honeycomb in it. It's local honey.There's a honey supplies store not two miles from me. I thought about growing bees. Then I decided against it ?

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I've had all three variants.  

Omicron symptoms (for me) were the least severe.  Ironically the only one where I was immediately coughing

Original Covid-19 was more like a sinus infection (never got down into my lungs).

Delta was similar (sinus wise) to the original... but fatigue was off the charts (almost like having Mono or Epstein-Barr).


We've had to cancel a couple shows... but most venues understand.


Here's to a speedy recovery.

Lots of rest...


Forgot to mention, when I first start feeling sick... I always take Zicam (nasal spray and zinc-tabs)

If you get it early, it can lessen the severity.

Thanks to Steve Simmons for that tip! 


Edited by Jim Roseberry
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