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Cakewalk Won't Remember Folder Locations


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According to the docs, users can change folder locations if "things get cluttered." However, I've installed the program on E:\ drive, not the default C:\ drive. Yet most of the files are copied into my User Profile (AppData/Roaming/Cakewalk). I say "most" because half the files are on C:\ (ProChannel Presets, etc) while the other half are on E:\.

I cannot get Bandlab/Cakewalk to "remember" the folder locations. I point them all to E:. Next time I fire up the software, however, they've returned to C:\. Anyone have any clues?

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On 4/20/2022 at 10:01 PM, Neel Modi said:

You can specify folder locations in the Preferences. Check out Tip #3 in my Cakewalk Tips video:


Just watched your tutorials. I like the way you explain things and the fact that you also show some less known options for use and other ways of using CbB with other soft/hardware like connecting to Zoom, using Leimma Global Tuning system for exotic scales and modes etc. 
Very useful info if you want to use those.

As for the folder locations I think @Starship Krupa has a good point.

@Ricebug, no clue what's on your HD but If you need more space I think it is better to move other things like documents, photos, movies etc. to make space.
If you can afford it try to opt for a larger C drive preferably a PCIe SSD. I recently updated to a 1 TB SSD which gives me plenty of room for projects which also load very fast.  Most of the instrument libraries are on two other build-in 2 TB SATA SSDs. Prices seem to go down again at the moment.
For documents, finished songs, movies and primary C-backup I use an 8 TB HDD.  

Edited by Teegarden
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