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IK Syntronik 2 Group Buy!


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1 minute ago, Doug Rintoul said:

Probably like a lot of people, I'll jump in at 10 freebies

Yeah, I said the same thing. But 7 for one don't look bad at all!!!

I am caving in!! Slowly... submitting!!!


Help me!!

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1 hour ago, Grem said:

But I don't even own Syntronik 2....

The individual Syntronik 2 instruments all fully work with the free Syntronik CS version. I have two of them already! No need to buy anything except 1 instrument!

Let the games begin! :)

And I took a look at the Syntronik 2 V-80 today in Syntronik 2 CS. The Edit panel show numerous available wavesets!


Edited by abacab
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44 minutes ago, abacab said:

And I took a look at the Syntronik 2 V-80 today in Syntronik 2 CS. The Edit panel show numerous available wavesets!

Yup!!  This is a major selling point for me--the wave sets and the ability to layer up to 4 of them for some really lush sounds!  BTW, I have started to install all of the SYN2 Instruments from my recently acquired Syntronik 2 [Full] purchase. Doing the installations one-by-one, double checking number of the Generation 1 presets I counted before, counting the number of Generation 2 presets and comparing the number with what I counted before (when I just had CS and/or SE installed), and counting or recounting the number of wavesets in the browser for each instrument.

Since IK doesn't have or doesn't make available those details (based on the best available information I have), my plan is to share the information in case its useful to other IK users.  Oh yeah, some users in the IK forum have also been sharing number counts, so my plan at the moment is to double check my numbers.

I listened to all the Jordan Rudess videos for the 11 new instruments; still not sure I will buy in to the SYN2GB or which ones I might be interested in.  I have the Cherry Audio Oberheim Instrument and the SEM modules for VM, so not sure about the M-12 or Obie One.  I will have to compare CPU usages though.  Back in the 80s I audited a class where I worked so I could spend a semester with the Synclavier, so the Syner-V looked interesting.

I hope others who have jumped in on the SYN2GB share their impressions--strengths, weaknesses, etc.  Of course its very personal.  If someone likes Yamaha-style FM, they might like the GS-V.  

Edited by User 905133
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6 hours ago, Doug Rintoul said:

I can't understand why people get their panties in such a knot over this one. I know IK Multimedia could foster a lot of good will by doing away with this but it is all of $10 for crying out loud. I have spent more on plugins that turned out to be garbage and were useless to me. Even spent more on duplicate plugins I had forgotten I already had. And IKM is not the only company to expire download access. Some even expire after a week or two. To me 180 days is quite reasonable. 

There are a lot of things to complain about with the way IKM has done stuff in tbe past. This is way down the list for me.

There's more companies(some even smaller than IK) that don't charge a fee to re-download content.  Maybe because I don't buy enough plugins from a wide variety of brands, but from the plugins/VIs that I do own from the likes of NI, Arturia, MOTU, AIR, AAS, D16, Melda, Plugin Boutique, etc... they don't charge a sheisty re-download fee.  //Sheesh, don't be evil, IK

But hey, to each your own...

Have at it.  How you waste money is entirely up to you ✌️

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14 minutes ago, Lionel said:

a sheisty re-download fee.  //Sheesh, don't be evil, IK

But hey, to each your own...

Have at it.  How you waste money is entirely up to you ✌️

I don't find it sheisty or evil. And I am not going let a measly potential $10 charge stop me from purchasing from a company that gives me good value in their poducts. If you want to avoid a company based on an out of perspective principle, as you say, have at it. It is your loss. Fine by me.✌️

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3 minutes ago, Doug Rintoul said:

I don't find it sheisty or evil. And I am not going let a measly potential $10 charge stop me from purchasing from a company that gives me good value in their poducts. If you want to avoid a company based on an out of perspective principle, as you say, have at it. It is your loss. Fine by me.✌️


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Some of the V2 synths are 20-30gb of samples and sound great. I’d like to get some of the v1 ones too but Juno 60 for example is only 800mb of samples. Seems like the V1 aren’t very deep sampled. Are they worth collecting or best to stick to newer ones? 

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Over now to our Thread Analysis Correspondent for the latest summary.........

" Well, in many ways it's a case of business as usual......some people are confused and annoyed by IK,  but this is obviously not IK's fault at all because they never ever  go about things in a convoluted manner or communicate poorly, so it's clearly the customer's fault for failing to understand their very clear and very non convoluted business practices and communications..... back to you in the studio."

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I must confess I was a bit confused, but I think I get it now. Seems like Syntronik 1 is just that and it stays that way. Syntronik 2 adds presets and features which are not available when you stay on the S1 plan. Additionally S2 adds extra synths. 

I have the entire S1 collection. So I could buy-in, get the new synths and if there are any slots left I could upgrade the S1 ones I want. 

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2 hours ago, tom said:

Seems like the V1 aren’t very deep sampled. Are they worth collecting or best to stick to newer ones? 

Judging from past sales, this group buy will do all the collecting for you. If you mean worth installing, once owned, I'd say yes. Hoarding is like using, really, and both are healthier than finishing songs. 



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3 minutes ago, John Maar said:

Now that I understand that I need to repurchase v1 synths to get v2 capabilities, and that reaching the max via the Group Buy seems unlikely, it seems to me that I'd be better off  buying v2 MAX for $149 (the cost of 3 synths).

Don't forget if you have them, you can use 45 Jampoints to bring it down to $104.99

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55 minutes ago, fitzroy said:

Judging from past sales, this group buy will do all the collecting for you. If you mean worth installing, once owned, I'd say yes. Hoarding is like using, really, and both are healthier than finishing songs. 



Haha thanks



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1 hour ago, tom said:

Installed Syner-V and getting errors opening patches saying sounds can't be found. Re-installed and still the same, some presets are fine though. Known bug?

I don't have any of the new instruments such as Syner-V, but I did have some issues of sounds not being found along the way when installing earlier SYN2_xxxx instruments.  I haven't sorted out it all out yet (esp., how IK installs to and uses different paths), but with the SYN2s I definitely had errors like that at first--until I sorted out installation paths.

At least one of the FAQ sheets talks about paths for the *.st3i and *.st4i sound content.  That might be helpful; not sure since the "same" (similar) problem can have different causes for different users. There is some good discussion on the IK Forum; not sure if anyone else addresses the missing resource issue.

There's always the option of opening a dialog with IK support.

I am not an IK software expert by any means, but you might want to look at the paths for the Syntronik 2 resources and make sure they are listed properly in the Settings > Library Section.  We can have multiple paths listed and I have my SYN / *.st3i files in one place and my SYN2 / *.st4i files on a dedicated 250 GB SSD. 


My E Drive is one of those Seagate External 6 TB Drives I got several years ago (not unlike some of the 8 TB ones mentioned in the "Deals" sub forum).  Much slower access/loading than from the SSD drive, but plenty of room for my *.st3i files.  

I installed my SYN2s with Syntronik 2 open.  The rescan (rebuilding database) happened automatically, but I have seen comments that sometimes under some circumstances people need to refresh something manually.  Again, my problem and solution might not apply to your circumstances, but maybe some of my experiences will be helpful. If not, there's IK's support process. 

FYI:  I suspect that at least some of the SYN2 presets use SYN resources. So I temporarily removed my E\: . . . \ST3 path from the library and got this with a Generation 2 preset:


As in your case, some SYN2 presets load just fine with the missing ST3 path; some don't.  Hope this helps.


Edited by User 905133
(3) to add an error message image; (2) to add information about a similar problem and how I solved it for me; (1) to add SYN2_xxxx for clarity
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53 minutes ago, tom said:

Installed Syner-V and getting errors opening patches saying sounds can't be found. Re-installed and still the same, some presets are fine though. Known bug?

I installed Syntronik 2 Syner-V and I was able to audition all of the sounds using the Syntronik 2 and the Sampletank 4 GUI.  I never received a “sounds can't be found” error on any of the sounds in either SYN2 or ST4

I actually downloaded the sounds manually (There are 6 files) from my IK products page https://www.ikmultimedia.com/userarea/my-products/

I used a bulk decompression process to the contents of these 6 zip files to another folder (keeping the folder structure) and ran the installation from there.

If course, I chose the same location that SYN1 uses.

I used the IK product manager to make sure they were activated

You should be able to install and activate using IK Product Manager (I could have installed using the IKPM, I simply chose to do it manually)

The ....\Samples\Syntronik Syner-V folder contains 17.4 GB (18,743,177,691 bytes) of data (*.pak files)

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@Promidi Good explanation for using the default locations.  I hope I was clear that in my case I was using non-default locations.

At one point I had everything IK on the my default 500 GB SSD C;\ drive, but I got tired of spending tons of time downloading the files and installing them with the standard/product manager only to have the process just stop since I had run out of room.

BTW, maybe you can help with something I have wondered about: what's in the *.pak files v. the *.st3i and *.st4i files?  

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