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IK Syntronik 2 Group Buy!

Larry Shelby

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  On 4/20/2022 at 3:42 PM, Peter - IK Multimedia said:

I verified with our Testing Manager that the group buy synths are all V2 synths, so you get all of the instruments for the particular model/synth (factory content for both V1 and V2 versions), which includes the Tracks (Oscillator) options in the EDIT page.

  On 4/20/2022 at 5:26 PM, Doug Rintoul said:

I think the issue is that, at least for me, even when a synth is V2, not all the V1 presets are included in V2, and it seems like you cannot edit the V1 presets in Syntronik 2. My understanding is that if you purchase Syntronik 2 or Max, your V1 synths are upgraded to V2 enabling you to edit the V1 presets in Syntronik 2. Can anyone verify this?

  On 4/20/2022 at 5:31 PM, Peter - IK Multimedia said:

See my message, I state exactly what you get with these V2 synths.

  On 4/21/2022 at 3:40 PM, cclarry said:

At 10 I'll probably have to jump too.  That will give me everything Syntronik 2 that I didn't get with
TS3.5 Max....it's probably a waste (for me) . . . .

  On 4/21/2022 at 4:13 PM, User 905133 said:

If you have installed Syntronik 2 completely, did you try using the new Edit Panel on presets listed as Generation 1 Presets? 


If so do you get anything other than the message saying you can't use the new Edit Panel with legacy presets?


Over the past two days I have I tried reinstalling SYN2 once again, even moving GBs worth of stuff from my C Drive [SSD] to an external HDD.  I still don't have the ability to use my previously purchased SYN Instrument Presets with the new Edit Panel. 

People keep saying that Syntronik 2 and Syntronik 2 MAX do something that CS and SE don't.  Sometimes it seems that the difference pertains to the ability to use the new Edit Panel presets; other times its seems that the difference only pertains to the use of legacy Instruments (99, Blau, Bully, etc.).

If you or anyone else has the ability to used the new Edit Panel with the full set of presets that came with Syntronik and Syntronik Deluxe without having to manually reconstruct them (i.e., "out of the box), I would appreciate knowing how to do it. 




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  On 4/21/2022 at 3:40 PM, cclarry said:

At 10 I'll probably have to jump too.


That's about where I am too..

What I don't like about IKPM: It lumps all sound libs together. You have to go through it one by one to see if you are missing anything. Unless I am missing something.... PITA!!

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  On 4/21/2022 at 4:43 PM, Grem said:
  On 4/21/2022 at 3:40 PM, cclarry said:

At 10 I'll probably have to jump too. 


That's about where I am too..

What I don't like about IKPM: It lumps all sound libs together. You have to go through it one by one to see if you are missing anything. Unless I am missing something.... PITA!!


I might do this, too, so I can try to sell/transfer Syntronik 2 SE or TS 3.5 before they are totally worthless. ? (Either that or wait for TS 5 MAX when all previously purchased SYN Instrument Presets are "fully editable.")  ? 

Edited by User 905133
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  On 4/21/2022 at 4:13 PM, User 905133 said:

If you have installed Syntronik 2 completely, did you try using the new Edit Panel on presets listed as Generation 1 Presets? 


If so do you get anything other than the message saying you can't use the new Edit Panel with legacy presets?



This is the same thing I get when using Syntronic 2. I select to show onloy the Syntronic 1 presets, and then the edit window is unavailable to me for that preset.

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I think that it's probably safe to assume that at least all 11 "new" synths for Syntronik 2 have fully editable patches.

That's what got me thinking of the buy 1, get 10 free as my goal. Then if the GB goes all the way, the "upgrade" synths are just frosting on the cake, even if only the "new" presets are editable!

From what I have seen based on my v2 versions of J-60 and CS-80 (upgrades), they only have a limited number of v2 presets. I believe that there is NOT any functional difference in the core Syntronik 2 software editions, such as CS, CE, MAX, etc., as they should all share the same code base. It's only the included number of instruments that each edition's price is based on.

It's true that Amplitube 5 has a feature (the cabinet/speaker impulse responses) that was only unlocked in the higher editions. But I don't believe there is a similar limiting of the core software in Syntronik editions.

Edited by abacab
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  On 4/21/2022 at 3:40 PM, cclarry said:

At 10 I'll probably have to jump too.  That will give me everything Syntronik 2 that I didn't get with
TS3.5 Max...


I just figured out yesterday that the TS3.5 Max upgrade I did last week included Syntronik2 with upgrades of the 22 Syntronik1 synths I already had.  It was another product,  - like Sampletron2  - that was not mentioned in the JRRShop listing. So I will also be  jumping in at 10-freebies mark - or before if it looks like the GB needs help getting there before the deadline.

I am setting a goal for myself to compose  a new piece - or re-render an old one - using at least one patch from each of the 33 synths. This may be a challenge since so much of my stuff from the past few years is solo piano; I  may be forced to reach deep into the well of pre-Pro Audio WRK files that used hardware synths in order to find enough material. Apologies to the Songs forum in advance for masterpieces like Boingo.WRK. ;^)

Edited by David Baay
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  On 4/21/2022 at 5:56 PM, Grem said:

Another question: If I bought the Syntronic 2 upgrade when it came out, the only synths that came with it are the ones I already have for Syntronic 1? And those I can't edit?

I am starting to see the confusion here. It's not clear what benefit I got getting Syntronic 2, I mean if the only synths that I can use with it were the ones I already have, and I can't edit those? Those aren't upgrades to the v2? I have to buy v2 of those synths? That doesn't seem right.

Looking at Syntronic 2 I see no presets for any of my synths that are Syntronic 2 presets. So, the only synths that Syntronic 2 can edit is the new ones you buy, not the ones that came with Syntronic 1? Again,that doesn't seem right.  

Why am I just now noticing this!!?  LOL!


Let me try to break things down the way I see them. I have Syntronik 1 Deluxe, and Syntronik 2 CS, plus the full CS-80 v2 & J-60 v2 instruments.

Syntronik 1 Deluxe has 22 legacy Syntronik instruments. The Syntronik 2 upgrade is supposed to add the v2 versions of those 22 legacy instruments. MAX edition adds them, plus the 11 all new instruments for Syntronik v2.

I have the v1 & v2 (upgrade) versions of CS-80 & J-60. There are "some" new v2 presets in those upgraded instruments that can be edited, but not ALL of the original v1 presets are upgraded to v2.

Does that help, or only confuse more? :)

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We have a FAQ entry now, words from the expert himself Mr Erik Norlander: 


I already have Syntronik Deluxe with the 22 original Synths. Why do I need to buy them again for Syntronik 2?

The Syntronik 2 version of the original 22 Synths adds new presets built using the updated Syntronik 2 engine that works with the new EDIT page, and it also adds the essential Wave Sets for each Synth that enable you to select the sound in each oscillator.

You can use the original Syntronik 1 version of these Synths with the free Syntronik 2 CS software. The presets will sound exactly the same, and you can edit the presets in the same way as in Syntronik 1. You will also have access to the new effects and step sequencer of Syntronik 2. But you will NOT be able to access the new EDIT page and use the Wave Sets since those require the updated sound content created with the Syntronik 2 engine that are only available in the Syntronik 2 versions of the Synths.

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  On 4/21/2022 at 6:22 PM, Peter - IK Multimedia said:

We have a FAQ entry now, words from the expert himself Mr Erik Norlander: 


I already have Syntronik Deluxe with the 22 original Synths. Why do I need to buy them again for Syntronik 2?

The Syntronik 2 version of the original 22 Synths adds new presets built using the updated Syntronik 2 engine that works with the new EDIT page, and it also adds the essential Wave Sets for each Synth that enable you to select the sound in each oscillator.

You can use the original Syntronik 1 version of these Synths with the free Syntronik 2 CS software. The presets will sound exactly the same, and you can edit the presets in the same way as in Syntronik 1. You will also have access to the new effects and step sequencer of Syntronik 2. But you will NOT be able to access the new EDIT page and use the Wave Sets since those require the updated sound content created with the Syntronik 2 engine that are only available in the Syntronik 2 versions of the Synths.


Thanks for clarifying this. So "upgrading" previous purchased synths really means just adding V2 presets (not that this is insignificant). It however does nothing with the V1 presets.

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OK, IK why do you make this so confusing!!?

I had the full version of Syntronik 1, with every synth that went with it too. When Syntronik 2 came out I installed Syntronik 2 CS. Now when I click the icon in my start menu, it shows Syntronik 2, and once this programs starts, there is no indication that it is any other than Syntronik 2. No CS, no SE, nothing. Not even on the Info page of the app is it shown that this was not the full version of Syntronik. So I was under the impression that I had the full version.

In IKPM, scrolling through My Products and seeing "Syntronik 2" installed and authorized. Well why am I not able to edit the synths I had if I have Syntronik 2. Well I just happened to click the Products tab under Syntronik and it revealed  that my version was only the CS version, and not the full version. Another little thing about IKPM that I don't like!!

I found this page that compares all the different versions of Syntronik. And it shows that I should have some v2 presets for my already owned Syntronik 1 synths, but I don't. Does anyone here have the CS version of Syntronik 2, and have all the synths from Syntronik 1, and are showing any Syntronik 2 presets with it?


Edited by Grem
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  On 4/21/2022 at 7:00 PM, Grem said:

OK, IK why do you make this is confusing!!?

I had the full version of Syntronik 1, with every synth that went with it too.When Syntronik came out I installed Syntronic CS. Now when I click the icon in my start menu, it shows Syntronic 2, and once this programs starts, there is no indication that it is any other than Syntronic 2. No CS, no SE nothing. Not even on the Info page of the app is it shown that this was not the full version of Syntronik. So I was under the impression that I had the full version.

In IKPM, scrolling through My Products and seeing "Syntronik 2" installed and authorized. Well why am I not able to edit the synths I had if I have Syntronik 2. Well I just happened to click the Products tab under Syntronik and it revealed  that my version was only the CS version, and not the full version. Another little thing about IKPM that I don't like!!

I found this page that compares all the different versions of Syntronik. And it shows that I should have some v2 presets for my already owned Syntronik 1 synths, but I don't. Does anyone here have the CS version of Syntronik 2, and have all the synths from Syntronik 1, and are showing any Syntronik 2 presets with it?



My current understanding is that there is no difference in the underlying program between the different versions of  Syntronik 2. The total difference is in the content. You may not be seeing any Syntronik 2 presets because you have not downloaded the sound content for CS. You can do this in the Product manager.


You also have to download the V2   presets for previously purchased synths if you get 2 or Max. 


I owned J-60 and V-80 previously but still had to download the new sound content in order to see the V2 presets.

Edited by Doug Rintoul
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  On 4/21/2022 at 7:13 PM, Doug Rintoul said:

You may not be seeing any Syntronik 2 presets because you have not downloaded the sound content for CS. You can do this in the Product manager.


This was the deal. Thanks Doug.

In fact, I had already d/l the content, just didn't unzip and install it yet. 

Man... I got too much shizzzz!!!!


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  On 4/21/2022 at 5:34 PM, abacab said:

From what I have seen based on my v2 versions of J-60 and CS-80 (upgrades), they only have a limited number of v2 presets.


Yup!!!!  In looking at the SYN2 versions of the same old instruments that come with Syntronik 2, the number of Generation 2 presets is small compared to the number of Generation 1 presets.  I stopped making my table of G1 and G2 presets (numbers of each only, not preset lists), to try to work on the "hosting" v. "upgrading" issue. Now that I know it is a waste of time uninstalling/reinstalling to try to get the G1 presets to work with the new Edit Panel, I will probably get back to the table.

Oh, in case you wonder why I just don't ask IK, I did--about two months ago--before I decided that if I want to have better numbers/details than on the IK site, I'd have to compile my own table.

That being said, I really like the ability to layer up to four "oscillators"  by using the wave sets that come with SYN2.  For my own music tastes, this is the real power of the new version.  If you haven't checked it out yet and you like doing sound design/tweaking, I'd recommend looking at some Generation 2 presets and giving the different wave sets a listen. We can layer up to four, and can adjust fine tuning and drifty on/off.  Syntronik 2 CS is not sufficient to test the wave sets because the CS version (a "lite" version) doesn't provide all of the wavesets SE and Full (and I assume MAX) have. I believe the CS presets have only 1 (or 2 at most) wave set choices.  From what I have seen the other SYN2 Instruments (purchased or promos) do have quite a number of wavesets.

For example, with VCF3, I counted (multiple times!!) 106 Generation 1 presets and 28 Generation 2 presets.  However, there are 42 wave set choices.

JMO: Personally, as I told IK, I think if they were to provide the details, they might well motivate consumers as opposed to just putting misleading aggregate numbers in the comparison table. As I went from CS to SE to Full, my disappointment at the G 1 editing limitation and the small number of G 2 presets was lessened by having 4 layers to assign a large number of wave set options.

Like everything, there are advantages and disadvantages (some of which I have tried to point out here).  

Edited by User 905133
added a missing word
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  On 4/21/2022 at 6:22 PM, Peter - IK Multimedia said:

We have a FAQ entry now, words from the expert himself Mr Erik Norlander: 


I already have Syntronik Deluxe with the 22 original Synths. Why do I need to buy them again for Syntronik 2?

The Syntronik 2 version of the original 22 Synths adds new presets built using the updated Syntronik 2 engine that works with the new EDIT page, and it also adds the essential Wave Sets for each Synth that enable you to select the sound in each oscillator.

You can use the original Syntronik 1 version of these Synths with the free Syntronik 2 CS software. The presets will sound exactly the same, and you can edit the presets in the same way as in Syntronik 1. You will also have access to the new effects and step sequencer of Syntronik 2. But you will NOT be able to access the new EDIT page and use the Wave Sets since those require the updated sound content created with the Syntronik 2 engine that are only available in the Syntronik 2 versions of the Synths.


Yes, but let's be totally transparent here: "The Syntronik 2 version of the original 22 Synths adds new presets built using the updated Syntronik 2 engine that works with the new EDIT page, and it also adds the essential Wave Sets for each Synth that enable you to select the sound in each oscillator."

The v2 clearly adds NEW PRESETS to the 22 original instruments, but DOES NOT convert/upgrade the pre-existing v1 presets to the v2 format! Only the "new" presets supplied are in the v2 compatible format.

I believe that is the root of the confusion and  misunderstanding.

Edited by abacab
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  On 4/22/2022 at 9:02 AM, dee said:

so i bought syntronik 2 V-80 and registered but it did not trigger any promotion at my account so seems bit strange.

anyone has similar issue?




It's the one you got for free and it doesn't qualify for the promotion.  I did the same thing hoping it would
qualify, but is says right on the page at IK "Free products do not qualify for this promotion"

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