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Keyboardists have it easy


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The new keyboard stand arrived yesterday. It's nice. Very stable. As I expected considering its price. Here's the new rig, in my cluttered garage / rehearsal space. Yes, that's a plastic chicken in the image. Our singer didn't want to be limited to tambourine and cowbell.



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10 minutes ago, bitflipper said:

Yes, that's a plastic chicken in the image.

I'm disappointed that it isn't a Rubber Chicken ?


Nice set-up you and hope you get to play out this summer and Covid doesn't surge again.

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20 hours ago, InstrEd said:

I'm disappointed that it isn't a Rubber Chicken

Nobody touches her "giant c***k" - her name for it, not mine.

Last rehearsal our bass player requested she not use such crude nomenclature on stage, a request that was duly noted with all the respect you'd expect in a democratic enterprise - and then subsequently mocked ruthlessly for the rest of the day. Fortunately, "c***k-hater" did not stick as his new nickname. Poor Steve, he's the new guy.  But he's gradually learning that she not only takes pride in her Janis Joplin, she literally channels Ms. Joplin, Southern Comfort and all.

20 hours ago, InstrEd said:

hope you get to play out this summer and Covid doesn't surge again

We've been playing out pretty regularly since December. Turns out, there are plenty of gigs and a mysterious shortage of bands to play them. At this point, 3 of the 6 of us have had COVID.  I have avoided it mainly by being an antisocial curmudgeon. I knew it would pay off someday.

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Once played with a drummer who used the stage name Buck Futz.

I borrowed that name when I needed to populate a test database. My business partner then adapted the test database as a demo database and started using it for product demos at trade shows. We lost a potential sale when a show attendee spotted it on a report and said we she couldn't take us seriously with such a sick sense of humor. I told him that customer would have been trouble anyway.

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