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Keyboardists have it easy


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6 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:

And another thing Craig, I'm trying to decide what I should have for breakfast tomorrow.  What would you recommend?

My choices are



head cheese

little smokies

hot dogs

breakfast sausage


or budget boxed mac and cheese that has an open powder cheese packet with little weevils in it.

The mac and cheese, of course, but I'd check to see if any of those other possibilities have any weevils in them.

Then, it's simply a matter of taking the lesser of two weevils.


RIP Patrick O'Brian.

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12 hours ago, craigb said:

 I actually have a cheese slicer that's permanently setup to cut a can of Spam into exactly eight equal sized slices.  I used to make several sandwiches that way (until I stopped eating bread).  Now I cook all eight slices, cut each into eight parts then add them to a box of mac and cheese.  Usually I then add a pound of bacon becan and a can of peas.  That makes three comfort meals for me.  YMMV!  ? 

Wow ! that sounds like a sure fire way to get from a 34 inch waist to a 44 inch waist in no time at all  ..?


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I picked up a huge jar of sauerkraut this weekend to have with my poached eggs at breakfast.

I'm looking forward to having me some Scrapple when I go back home next month. Scrapple is all the leftover parts of a butchered hog all ground in to a gray paste and formed in to a giant Spam shaped brick only a lot bigger. You slice it and fry it in butter or lard and smother it with molasses with a plate of eggs, crispy hash browns, and fried Pork Roll ... not Taylor Ham! Pork Roll vs. Taylor Ham name thing is an old Jersey joke/argument. Those idgit's down around the Philly area call it Taylor Ham, but the rest of us up North and South of that area know it's actually called Pork Roll.

The Scrapple is to die for. And from.

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3 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:

Wow ! that sounds like a sure fire way to get from a 34 inch waist to a 44 inch waist in no time at all  ..?


Actually, there's a LOT of misinformation about that type of stuff.  I've swapped out the Kraft crap for non-grain pasta and my waist is now smaller than it's been in many years (I need a belt to wear 34" waist pants now and I'm 6'4" 240 lbs.!).

As with most of the BS that is out there, I've done a LOT of research on this and you need fat to get rid of fat (and absorb fat-soluble vitamins) while sugar is the main thing that packs on the stubborn fat (and all grains turn into sugar, they're worse than cane sugar!).  You literally will lose weight eating bacon and eggs while packing it on with cereal, toast, pancakes, etc.

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1 hour ago, craigb said:

Actually, there's a LOT of misinformation about that type of stuff.  I've swapped out the Kraft crap for non-grain pasta and my waist is now smaller than it's been in many years (I need a belt to wear 34" waist pants now and I'm 6'4" 240 lbs.!).

Funny how different body types are. I'm 6'3" and got down to 238 last summer and I was in a size 40. They were a little loose but looked normal. I couldn't maintain that. I basically starved myself and drank water all day. Not intentionally but I was incredibly busy outdoors last summer. I was out all day in the 100 + degree weather all summer and in to early fall. As soon as I stopped and started eating my normal lean high protein no carb diet I went back to my 'stable/normal' weight of 245 ~ 250. Over winter I put on 16lb on top of it so I'm up to 266 ... and I'm still in 40's. I don't get it.

I'm trying to get back to 250 before I go home at the end of May. I've been pulling every trick I know. Diet, carb cut, carb blast, lifting at the gym, walking, I am stuck. Getting really mad about it. But the whole waste size thing is weird. Even when I was 220 in high school I was 36 ~ 38 depending on the brand. So I guess for my body type being size 40 at 266 is pretty good actually. I'm just a big guy everywhere except where it counts. The wallet and the shorts. ?

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57 minutes ago, Tim Smith said:


I have been putting two and two together.

Lots of missing people and an over abundance of Spam.


                   New Product  for 2022. Spam flavor Soylent Green




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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure how this conversation turned from musical instruments to food but....
As a keyboard player that used to play in bands, I can tell you it wasn't much fun. 
I had a giant Polymoog,  two other keyboards and two sound modules using MIDI connections.  Plus the amp and mic/mic stand.
I quit a band once because I was tired of disassembling and reassembling all that equipment and cables.
My friend asked my why I was quitting.  I said each keyboard and MIDI module had 3 sets of cables: Electric, Audio and MIDI
Besides the lugging around of all that equipment  (it took two people to carry the Polymoog in it's giant road case), disconnecting and reconnecting all those cables was as much a a hassle as anything else.   I'd get to the rehearsal or gig and it'd take me close to 1/2 hour to set everything up.  Then bring it back home again and re-set everything up.  As my grandma would say "What a shlep!"

Edited by Lee Shapiro
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Sounds like similar situations I have been in where I stop and ask myself- Why am I doing this? I must have had good vibes about it, although I have done things when I had iffy vibes. 100% of the time the iffy vibes should have been an alert to me, but I kept talking myself out of it.

I have had someone who has been trying to get me to join a band recently. He goes on and on about it. One of those guys who just overloads his space, seems like he's trying to win a battle of the conversations when really people just walk away because he might as well be talking to a wall. Like I always do, I sat and evaluated the situation. If it had been 10 miles away and they were playing local gigs the scales would probably have tilted slightly in favor of me doing it, but the practices were 30 miles away and the gigs much further. I still have a day job so no banana. Doesn't stop this guy from contacting me periodically and attempting to talk me into it. I say no every time. Once I did ask him if maybe they would consider moving the practices closer. " No we just can't do that". OK. I can't join either.

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Went to bed last night with a back ache. My keyboard weighs 82 lbs in the flight case. So I started poking around online to see if there was something I could switch to that wouldn't be such a back-breaker. Spent some time listening to the Nord Stage 3, which is waay lighter than my Korg KRONOS. 

Sure, that thing's expensive. Sheesh, they want $700 for a soft-sided case!  But I wasn't put off by the price (the Korg was about the same). Rather, I was put off by the weak organ sounds and Leslie emulation. I need a good Hammond-type sound since my "real" organ stays at home now to reduce stage space and setup time. Even the Nord's well-respected piano libraries were too special-purpose for me. They sound great in solo but would likely get lost in a rock band. The KRONOS, by comparison, has literally dozens of pianos and lots of third-party libraries available. 

So I pose this question to all the keyboardists here: what should I be looking at for a lighter-weight substitute for my Korg?  Yamaha Montage weighs 64 lb, so that's out. The Roland Fantom could be a contender, being lightweight and having good organ sounds, and it's relatively cheap. But its synth action keybed won't cut it, as I play pianos about 75% of the time. Your thoughts?

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