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Out of My Hands new version with forum input changes


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This is a second version of Out of My Hands, I am grateful for the feedback I got on the first version so I could make it better and I hope I have…let me know. I appreciate the comments by KurtS Steve Poole and Mark Skinner that it needed a bass guitar part because I like it much better now with the bass and all the other suggestions too. Its a much more walkie and not growly bass, not my usual thing, but what happened. So thanks to the forum listeners and commenters I appreciate the feedback ! A lot of it remained the same just remixed, but I added the bass, some extra kick drum (jackc.) and had a chance to play with some new vsts, and changed the ending. I didn't try to sing it again as the pollen is worse than when I first tried to sing it so can't do much better on the singing.  Feedback on this version appreciated ! Treesha



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1 hour ago, mark skinner said:

the new bass track. If I were to do anything else it would be to reduce it a little bit

I'd take a look at Mike's tutorial on side chaining the kick and bass. Still might need to adjust the levels a bit.
Also a little EQ boost on the kick wherever the "beater" is living, I find it gives the kick a bit more definition.

17 hours ago, treesha said:

didn't try to sing it again

I get the allergy issues; me too, same thing! (actually I keep a Vicks inhaler in the studio, not an endorsement, not sure it actually helps)
But the vocal really is the "elephant in the room". Someone needs to "step up" here and take a run at it....


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9 hours ago, mark skinner said:

Treesha , Big difference with the new bass track. If I were to do anything else it would be to reduce it a little bit and pull a tiny bit of the lows out of it. The kick is losing a little power. Great improvement on the overall mix , Very Good Job..  mark

Hi Mark, thanks for listening again and your feedback. Thanks for affirming my efforts ! appreciate it

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8 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

I'd take a look at Mike's tutorial on side chaining the kick and bass. Still might need to adjust the levels a bit.
Also a little EQ boost on the kick wherever the "beater" is living, I find it gives the kick a bit more definition.

I get the allergy issues; me too, same thing! (actually I keep a Vicks inhaler in the studio, not an endorsement, not sure it actually helps)
But the vocal really is the "elephant in the room". Someone needs to "step up" here and take a run at it....


Hi t, thanks for listening and your feedback. I will check out Mikes tutorial, he makes great ones. I am aware of sidechaining but have not learned it yet. Always more to learn! I think I mention my difficulties with my singing in most songs I post that have my vocals. Its frustrating but what I have to work with. I never had allergies till 5 yrs ago and each year it seems worse. I did not expect the arizona desert to be so full of pollen but it is, and its forecasted to get worse due to climate changes. My singing is kinda out of my hands ha...Thanks again

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8 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:

Yes a real improvement but i agree with tom and Mark comments

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Hi Nigel, thanks for listening and letting me know you think its a real improvement. I appreciate it ! It was more challenging for me to add bass and an extra track of kick drum to a song than if I would have had started with them in. Not sure why but it was. But I am glad I added the bass and remixed the song and it seems the low end could use some work when I have fresh ears for it. Thanks again !

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1 hour ago, Jesse Screed said:

this is great

what would happen if you slowed this down to half?

that makes me think

Hi Jesse, thanks! 
what would happen if i did? A mess ha. I haven’t learned the way ppl mess with tempos as yet. I would probably sound like bigfoot singing at a karaoke night mostly drunk. Thats what your comment makes me think ?

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2 hours ago, kevinburns0423 said:

Love the music. Maybe try an air filter for allergies. I enjoyed the song.

Hi kevinburns0423, thanks for listening and your positive feedback I appreciate both! I do use some pretty good air filters and yes i think they help some but my older home is leaky.  Here in arizona its getting to be almost year round now. I miss singing normally ! Glad you enjoyed it. 

Edited by treesha
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2 hours ago, noynekker said:

treesha . . . I can't think of anything this reminds me of, so it's you . . . a unique sound, lots of different melodies intertwining with the vocal, never heard your earlier version, this one sounds great to my ears.

Hi noyekker, thanks so much for your positive feedback. Im flattered by your comments and on my second day with a water main break that is finally fixed (i hope!!) you really brightened my day! 

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