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Miss Goodhead Meets Bond (Short Cue from Moonraker)


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Mockup of Miss Goodhead Meets Bond cue by John Barry in the Bond movie Moonraker.    Done with new purchase of East West Opus and Symphonic Orchestra.   This was a similar set-up to the Venini Glass Works cue I recently did from the same movie so wanted to check out the software using another short and fairly simple cue and  see if I could come close.  The main area of focus was space/reverb, articulations, fades, etc..   to try to create realism that has been lacking in some of my orchestral parts.   This like Venini Glass is also tempo mapped fairly closely to the original recording.   One thing I am not sure about it the Bass hits on the first beat, not sure if it is complimenting or distracting from the Cello parts.  Comments welcome.  Thx.



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Thanks for the listen.   All the parts are played one instrument at a time with a rough outline of MIDI expression and modulation, then I go back and fine-tune the MIDI Expression and Modulation on  the individual tracks once all the parts are done.   Since the Cello's outlined the chords and harmony very clearly I didn't need to do a piano scratch track to layout the parts.    Fairly simple melody and there are only a few instruments in the track, Violins, Violas, Cello, Bass, Flute, Harp and some horns come in at the very end.   



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Cello and bass are ALWAYS difficult to get right together.  I try to keep my cello as treble as possible but retain some of the 100-200 range.  I use something called Renaissance Bass which adds a tough of very low level distortion.  Sometimes that helps fill out the very bottom without interfering with other instruments.  It's tough to get right though - I think I always use too much still. 

This went right into Bridge From Somewhere while I was listening, and the piano is really really good on that.



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On 3/27/2022 at 7:21 AM, Wookiee said:

As I am not a big fan of JB I am not familiar with the tune, but this renditions sounds very good and does not, to these furry ears, suffer from sample library syndrome.

Nice job Mark :) 


Appreciate the listen, glad to hear the sample libraries are not obvious.   Been listening to John Barry and some of the other film composers to study their arrangements and style to figure out how to best use East West Opus and other sample libraries.   Fun stuff, kind of like building ships in bottles:)   


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23 minutes ago, Wookiee said:

@markno999 just to say JB = James Bond not John Barry 


Yes, figured that.   Barry has such a broad spectrum of work it is hard to not find something to like about it, i.e. Out of Africa, Somewhere in Time, Dances with Wolves. etc..  Thx.


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On 3/27/2022 at 2:20 PM, steve@baselines.com said:

Cello and bass are ALWAYS difficult to get right together.  I try to keep my cello as treble as possible but retain some of the 100-200 range.  I use something called Renaissance Bass which adds a tough of very low level distortion.  Sometimes that helps fill out the very bottom without interfering with other instruments.  It's tough to get right though - I think I always use too much still. 

This went right into Bridge From Somewhere while I was listening, and the piano is really really good on that.




Thanks for the listen.    Yes, that is a good idea to add some distortion to help the Cello pop through, I've seen it used on Timpani too to help them pop out in busy mixes.   

Tried to keep the bass short so as not to conflict with the Cello lines but wasn't sure from an arrangement perspective if the bass was helping or hindering.  Since it is low in the mix it probably doesn't make too much difference?    Anyway, will give RBass a try.   Thx.

Regarding Bridge, may post an update to that soon, I replaced that piano sample with the East West Steinway D and think it sounds a little better than the original mix sample.



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On 3/24/2022 at 8:43 AM, markno999 said:

 Done with new purchase of East West Opus and Symphonic Orchestra

Don't know if this was a purchase based on a reference from the Deals Forum, but I do love when members "showcase" specific software; so thanks for that!



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4 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

Don't know if this was a purchase based on a reference from the Deals Forum, but I do love when members "showcase" specific software; so thanks for that!




Yes, definitely was from a reference on the Deals Forum.   Watch it religiously.      Most of my purchases and product awareness come from that forum.   Larry should get  a knighthood for his efforts:)    Someone had posted about a deal EW had going for updates from previous versions of Hollywood Gold family.   I had HW Strings, Woodwinds and Brass from a deal many years ago.   Never did too much with it but could be because Play was a pain to work with.  Really liking Opus and thus, have been doing some short cues to check it out.   Appreciate the listen and shout out to the Deals Forum.



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