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Brain Implanted DAW Control

Tim Smith

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If you were offered a brain implant to control your DAW would you do it?

I have been following the transition of technology from external to internal. I don't really ascribe to transhumanism, but I think the potential to use it to help people who have disabilities is amazing. 

The phone went from a bag phone to what we have now. It was called a cell phone, now often called a smart phone. In reality they need to change the name of it again to hand held computer system. The trans humanists are looking for ways to migrate tech into your body. Some say the c**vd vaccine was a precursor to this because it had nanobots in it pharm didn't identify. I don't want to get into that discussion, but I think it points to where we are headed.

Elon Musk has been at this awhile now and implanted a chimp awhile back. Imagine being able to call up web pages and see them in your brain or on a monitor at will. I think some people will do it. Look at how attached we are to smart phones as tools. Seriouslty I think there are more than a few that would have symptoms of addiction withdrawal if you took away their phones. Those phones are the center of their universe. They have become the go to devices for pretty much everything and have in many cases replaced what larger computers do. I print off of mine and control huge systems with it.

It's kinda sad to think this way, but if they ever implant a baby with this it will become a part of that persons reality. Even older persons will lean on it.

Yeah, I'm in line for one sarcasm intended. No way. That's one hive I won't be in.


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I just think of all the bugs

16 minutes ago, Tim Smith said:

Imagine being able to call up web pages and see them in your brain or on a monitor at will.

Imagine all the bugs and glitches, and pretending to file a bug report while you explain to your wife you weren't actually thinking of adult entertainment.

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Thanks for sharing this @pwalpwalWow. I've never been on an acid trip, but this must come close.^^^^^^^^^^^ More than a few kinks to work out there to make it sound anything like music. And what's with the 3d glasses and ancient Aztec pic in the background?

Anything that can make a sound using brain waves is interesting for sure.

2 hours ago, craigb said:

Oh, and so far 15 of the 23 chimps that Elon has implanted have died.  Probably a better fate than being 100% controlled externally (which is the actual end goal of all this), right?

I didn't know the failure rate was that high. They had  one chimp trained to play a video game and he was getting pretty good at it. I have a concern that when they implant this into humans some dude will switch into video game mode thinking he is playing a war game, and take everyone out. The end goal is data access that seamlessly fits into your thinking like recalling your own thoughts. You can think a thought and be retrieving data from the web instead of your own brain. They claim anyone in the hive will be vastly more intelligent. They don't talk about external control as much but I think it's in the plans too. If they can manage your sensory inputs they can probably influence what you think. The lines between real and not real can be severely blurred because you can potentially have something in there telling the parts of your brain that see reality that it's real when it's not. A crude representation of it now would be how some people get immersed in TV and forget it's all actors and acting. It isn't really the world, it's the world the way they want it to be represented. Then the world follows ( or so they hope).

There were experiments  that accurately tracked brain waves and could detect from those responses things about that person. Everyone has a different frequency or frequencies so these devices would need to be calibrated. The same info could be used to put signals INTO a person brain. In the beginning they determined the frequency ranges and the waves but didn't know how to analyze them. They have taken it a few steps further in being able to tell what the waves mean and even interpret them. These were mostly government experiments or govt. funded.

The people behind all of this say at first it will be devices on our clothing, then it will go to implants eventually.

Anyone have some extra tin foil I can have??

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