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Mouse scroll wheel lock option?!

John Ferguson

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This comes from a thread on one of the CbB Facebook groups where a number of users were saying how much accidental scroll wheel interference when working in Cakewalk is driving them mad. It would be super useful to be able to disable mouse scroll wheel operation either DAW-wide or for specific views. My personal grind is with the console view, especially accidentally changing parameters either on the tracks (fader levels mostly) or in the Pro Channel. 

 Would be awesome to look at this for a future update. I'd also be keen to know if this is something other users have been similarly plagued by.

Cheers ??

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This would not be a problem if Console View worked like Track View. In Track View, the mouse wheel scrolls the display instead of changing a control value unless I first click on a control to select it. A selected control is outlined with selection markers (little brackets) like this:


When I select a control and hover the mouse over it, the wheel will adjust the control. To de-select all controls, just click the mouse anywhere other than on a control. When no controls are selected, the mouse wheel will only scroll, and will not change any control values. Nice! Also, I can still quickly adjust a control by holding down the left mouse button while over the control and dragging it, without having to select it first. That's not a problem because it requires the deliberate action of clicking and dragging.

Unlike Track View, Console View will let the mouse wheel change the value of a control that is not selected. Console View lets me select and de-select controls, but the wheel ignores this and will adjust the control regardless of whether the control is selected. I would like it to work like in Track View so the control settings are protected when none are specifically selected. Console View would then be consistent with Track View.

I brought this up before and found that some CbB users prefer to use the wheel to adjust a control without having to select it first. Why not have an option in the preference settings allowing us to choose whether a control has to be selected before changing its value? To keep other users from having to get used to a behavioral change, I would even be OK with having the existing behavior be the default, as long as I can choose the behavior in Preferences: "Require selection of control before using mouse wheel to adjust it (Yes/No)."

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  On 3/18/2022 at 11:38 PM, John Ferguson said:

 Would be awesome to look at this for a future update. I'd also be keen to know if this is something other users have been similarly plagued by.


Over 25yrs and over 1,000+ mixes in Cakewalk / Sonar I can't honestly it's ever happened to me that I have particularly noticed. So I am not sure what you guys are doing ? 

However as Wojtek Stecyszyn mentions , perhaps the solution is to have Fader Undo...then it beenfits everyone ...not just the careless drivers

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  On 3/21/2022 at 4:09 PM, Base 57 said:

It is called "Revert".  Right click the control and you can revert to the previous setting.


Revert works great as long as I realize right away that I inadvertently changed a control. Another safeguard I take is to save the scene after making any important control changes. This saves all control settings, even the ones inside plug-ins. I have the Save Scene button on my control bar.

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  On 3/21/2022 at 6:48 PM, Wojtek Stecyszyn said:

Ah! The sweet moment when you learn another useful trick! And this one sometimes can be life saver! Thanks!


Lol - see..all those mixes and I never figured that out ?

Actually...I get the vague feeling I did know it once many many years ago but because I've never used it I forgot ?

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I believe revert will work only for your last, previous parameter. If you accidentally use a mouse and scroll a fader from -0 dB to -3.0 dB You have skipped through several parameters, Thus will only be able to revert to one move. Unless of course this is all done in one action.

I don't believe mouse scrolling moves work like that.

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  On 3/24/2022 at 1:39 PM, chuckebaby said:

I believe revert will work only for your last, previous parameter. If you accidentally use a mouse and scroll a fader from -0 dB to -3.0 dB You have skipped through several parameters, Thus will only be able to revert to one move. Unless of course this is all done in one action.

I don't believe mouse scrolling moves work like that.


It is correct that the Revert action is just one level deep. It cannot step back through multiple changes. However, the behavior is not as simple as I expected. Using the current CbB version, 2022.02, I get the following behavior in Console View:

1. Move the mouse over a volume slider. Move the mouse wheel smoothly to adjust the volume up or down. Wait at least one second and then right-click the volume slider. Select the "Revert to" option. The volume reverts to the original setting. That is what I expected.


2. Move the mouse over a volume slider. Move the mouse wheel to adjust the volume up or down. Immediately (less than one second later), right-click the volume slider. The "Revert to" number will show the new setting, not the original. Choose it anyway, and it will revert back to the original setting.

3. Move the mouse over a volume slider. Move the mouse wheel to adjust the volume up or down. Immediately (less than one second later), move the mouse wheel again. Revert the setting. It will revert to what the original setting was before moving the wheel the first time.

4. Move the mouse over a volume slider. Move the mouse wheel to adjust the volume up or down. Wait at least one second and then move the mouse wheel again. Then tell it to revert. It will revert to what the level was before moving the wheel the second time.

Using the Revert function can help recover the original setting after an inadvertent change, but it requires a bit of care. When I try to scroll the screen and it doesn't move, I have to resist the impulse to move the mouse wheel back and forth wondering why. Instead, I must immediately look at which control the mouse is over (hopefully I didn't move the mouse first!) and then revert the control.

For me, I have found it useful to frequently save the mix scene so that I can recover all the settings reliably.

Edited by Tim Elmore
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Interesting and thorough feedback @Tim Elmore.

I typically don't use the mouse wheel for any critical adjustments. Matter of fact i don't even use it for minor adjustments. I only use the mouse wheel for navigation purposes only. For any parameter changes, it's always click and drag or insert the values by hand.

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  On 3/24/2022 at 9:17 PM, chuckebaby said:

Interesting and thorough feedback @Tim Elmore.

I typically don't use the mouse wheel for any critical adjustments. Matter of fact i don't even use it for minor adjustments. I only use the mouse wheel for navigation purposes only. For any parameter changes, it's always click and drag or insert the values by hand.


The same here. I always click and drag or insert values, except when I unintentionally change a value by trying to scroll while the mouse happens to be over a control. The one second delay they recently added can sometimes help, but I really wish there was a preference option to disable the mouse wheel from setting control values. Or, at least have the mouse wheel behave the same in Console View  as it already does in Track View. In Track View, the wheel can adjust a control value only after the control has been selected by clicking on it. I would love to have that behavior for Console View , even if I had to go to Preferences and set it as an option. I never have wheel/control accidents in Track View.

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