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Forum image viewing woes


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I've been wondering what the logic is with image viewing on this forum.

Like this one. This is the embedded image in the posting:


Then I click on the image to get a better view:


The image is still the same size, but in an "image only" popup view. Then I click the image with the zoom cursor, with hopes to zoom it bigger:


Now the image opens in a tab of its own, but still the same size? Why? Have the original images already been this small, or does something happen to them?

Just wonderin'....



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There is a 50MB per-user quota on image uploads. The forum resizes uploaded images to save space.

Users should not upload full screen images. They are almost unreadable after being resized. Smaller images containing the necessary details would be better.

Better still, to avoid the quota and image resizing entirely embed links to images. For this, I created an account http://imgur.com

Linked images are displayed full size like this


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Thanks for the explanation @scook! This sort of makes sense, but also makes the images hard to decipher.   ?

Full screen captures at 32 bit colors tend to end up quite big with current monitor resolutions. Maybe pasting a big image could show a warning for the user about the image being scaled down to probable illegibility, and a suggestion to link it in from an outside source?

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