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narrow bus strips

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I've never had issue with tracks or busses, but when set to narrow, the MAINS will occasionally reopen in wide format.

Shouldn't matter if screenset is locked or not as Sonar/CbB is supposed to open in the last saved layout.

I've tried locking the screenset to no avail.

This is a random bug that can't be reproduced at will.

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It’s not clear in the documentation about saving the chosen width. Workspaces are global to all projects but experience has taught me they don’t save the narrow strips because every project has different strips. A Workspace will only save the Console views location and size. 
Screen sets would be what saves the size as they are per project. I personally haven’t used them since Workspaces started. I’m going to try that next time I get a chance because this has always annoyed me too. 

Reading the documentation just now,  I learned something I didn’t know,    there’s a toggle to make all tracks narrow in the view menu. I’ve been doing them one at a time for fggn  years now. This would be what I need because my workflow has me needing all the tracks wide while working on mix adjustments. But then on the home stretch I’m finished working there and need to drag the buses on screen. I going to see if I can keybind this 
Or buy one of those wide monitors ?

Edited by John Vere
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  • 5 weeks later...
On 3/7/2022 at 11:04 PM, John Vere said:

It’s not clear in the documentation about saving the chosen width. Workspaces are global to all projects but experience has taught me they don’t save the narrow strips because every project has different strips. A Workspace will only save the Console views location and size.  [Emphasis added]

On 3/7/2022 I created a test Workspace I called "Narrow Strip Test."  Immediately afterward, I tested it with various recent and older *.cwp files.  I was going to mention this, but I forgot.  So I just tested it again.  

We all have difference experiences, but in my experience, when I load projects I do get narrow strips.

Also, when I add new tracks (instrument, soft synths, audio, or MIDI) or busses, they get added in as narrow strips.

Not doubting your experiences; just saying I have gotten different results. Not sure why, but it might be worth trying to figure out why.

I am very much aware that sometimes things work on my PC that don't seem to work on others' PCs.  But I am curious to know if I will get the same results (all narrow tracks) with project files others have done on their PCs.

If they show up as all narrow strips on my PC, I can (1) post my Narrow Strip Test Workspace if you want to try it and/or (2) try to reconstruct what I did to create the Workspace.  I tend to test many things to add to my personal knowledge base.

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I'm game. I'll try a few experiments myself. For me it becomes a problem when I get to the mixing stage and I need to maximize console view space on my second monitor. If I have 12 tracks and 10 busses I run out of room. Problem for me is I only want some of the tracks narrow to gain the needed space, not all of them and defiantly not the busses.  I need to be able to see what effects are in both track and buss bins. 

My workaround has been make them all go narrow using the toggle, and then uncheck the ones I need wide. 

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While I do have some Workspaces that have a full-sized Console on Monitor 2, my "Narrow Strip Test" was done with Views on a single monitor.  I will try tweaking one of my Workspaces with a full-sized Console on Monitor 2 to see if that fails to get saved and restored properly.

2022-04-11 Update: Took the "Narrow Strip Test" Workspace; tweaked it to have a full-size Multi-Dock with the Console on Monitor 2; verified narrow strips (track, bus, output) work consistently with several different projects. I call it "Narrow Strip - D on Mon 2" (D = Dock).

Duplicated the lens [copied & renamed via Windows], then converted all the strips to wide and saved the Workspace.  I call it "Narrow [W] Strip - D on Mon 2." 

Did lots of loading of files and switching of Workspaces.  So far results have been consistent. Testing was done on a PC with a duo Core processor.  Not sure if more cores would introduce glitches in the restoring of  Workspaces properly.  I have the option to "Apply Workspace on Project Load" checked.  Not sure that would make a difference.

Since people have their own work flows, I am not sure this is worth more time.

On 3/7/2022 at 11:04 PM, John Vere said:

. . . experience has taught me they don’t save the narrow strips because every project has different strips. A Workspace will only save the Console views location and size. 

  Since each PC is different and since there are so many variant workflows, it might be impossible to isolate specific factors that would account for our different experiences.  

Edited by User 905133
To add an update based on additional testing of the narrow/wide strip issue
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I forgot I told you I try a few things.

My conclusion seems to be that the console view strips are saved with the project. 

I even loaded a different workspace with the project open and the size of the strips stayed as I made them. 

I tried a few different projects and workspaces. 

I could have sworn that they change back to wide all the time? 


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the update to the program cause the revert to wide strips on the default workspaces, os i create my own mix and record etc workspaces so the updates don't change them. also set up my templates with narrow strips. almost never go to the full strip, just use the inspector side for it

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10 hours ago, John Vere said:

I forgot I told you I try a few things.

My conclusion seems to be that the console view strips are saved with the project. 

I even loaded a different workspace with the project open and the size of the strips stayed as I made them. 

I tried a few different projects and workspaces. 

I could have sworn that they change back to wide all the time? 


The view state of almost everything is saved with the project.   

The key thing with workspaces is the "Apply Workspace on Project Load" - if this is checked, then the workspace will be applied to the project, regardless of what was saved in the project.  If this is unchecked, then the project view will remain unchanged by the workspace - i.e. features hidden by the workspace will stay hidden, but the project's UI state will be largely retained.



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