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13 hours ago, bitflipper said:

Nah, cats are self-centered jerks.

                       Guards ! find out who said that and bring him too me  at once              


13 hours ago, bitflipper said:


Well, mine's pretty mellow, but still.


Your cats trying the best a cat can . There may be a slight language difference to overcome  .                        



13 hours ago, bitflipper said:

Last night we added a puppy to the household. I got up early this morning to make sure he got outside to pee. My reward: first one to step in a fresh pile of poo. No, it wasn't outside.

Congrats on getting a new puppy ? From now on until the puppy training kicks in wear Sandals ?




Edited by kennywtelejazz
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Almost as strange as my marriage to a cat .  I was at the dentist having some work done on my front teeth when we met. She was over in the corner purring . After one look at her ,   It was Love at first Bite



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First day puppy-sitting on my own. I had this idea that I'd leave the door open to my garage/office/studio and he could freely wander in and out. Preferably mostly out. Too many things to chew on in here. So there's the door wide open but where does he choose to take a dump? On my carpet, of course. 

At least he's been running around cleaning up all the cobwebs from the far corners of the room. Yeh, I could bring in the shop vac, but my theory is that cobwebs, if allowed to accumulate, provide additional acoustical absorption.

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It sounds like you are gonna be in for a bumpy ride for a while .

Housebreaking a puppy is a commitment and it may bring you into the championship rounds of learning patience in places you never knew you had .

It may be a good idea to approach training your new puppy from multiple angles of  approach . Puppy pads when you are spending time with the puppy ...the reason for them is not only can they help keep poops and whizzes  contained , you can heap praise and reward once the puppy starts to get the memo to use them .

Learning to praise your dog at the exact time when it does something right is the most powerful motivation and tool  you have on your side . 

Another thing to consider is crate training the dog . Dogs will generally go in their safe space once they have learned to feel safe and enjoy spending time in the crate. Think of a dogs crate as  the dogs  equivalent of a man cave  where they can chill out in it . I feed my dog in his crate ( non liquids ) give him treats and a chew toy and he loves being in there when he knows I'm home ....when I go out he seems OK ...much better than before

An added benefit is once they are in the crate it frees you up to focus on things you want to do ..like your music or  fill in the blank ...  

When it becomes time to "let the dog out" you can guide your puppy to a safe place to do his bizznez  because chances are he or she will be excited and want to go anyway . This is the golden opportunity to reward him when he does something right

As far as cleaning supplies to keep on hand ...White Vinegar mixed with water will clean and eliminate odors from hard surfaces . Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with water works great for cleaning up  wee stains on carpets and rugs ...also works for number 2  ....

Here's a couple of links ...Just so you know I'm no expert on this whole dog training thing ....I constantly look things up like anyone else when I'm looking to problem solve .



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24 minutes ago, bitflipper said:

Spent the day bonding with the puppy. So cute. Only cost me 50 bucks...ordered a pack of 2 just in case I have to puppy-sit again.


Ouch ! I had a Pitt Bull in New York that was an artist in leather . She could take a full on pair of cowboy boots that almost came up to my knee's and turned them in to a pair of open back sandals .

FWIW ,  $50 bucks  may even get a nice starter crate for your puppy ....


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Kenny, when I first saw that video I thought someone had sent me a pic of my own dog. He looks almost exactly like that, jet black with a white stripe and little white tufts on his toes. Yikes, I guess they're all 3D-printed now from a standard set of plans.

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One way to do puppy toilet training involves teaching him two words to start, "inside" and "outside" just keep using those words and explain with word pictures, "you go outside" "do you want to come inside" "we go for a walk outside" etc then get him to take something outside, "take that outside" then stand in the door and point to the garden "this is outside" and then inside "this is inside" "inside" "outside" etc eventually he will get it. You might be surprised at how quick he picks it up.

After that, all you have to do is point to the poo, I used the word toilet,  "toilet is outside (point to outside) no inside" (point to inside) "this (point to poo) outside"

It helps if you pick up poo and throw it outside while showing him, "this (point to poo) outside" you also have to look cross.

Eventually he will get it and then you will have a joyful day when he goes to the door and paws it to go outside and then does a poo outside which then you can shower him with love and goodies. Adult dogs that have not been allowed inside, get it really quick if they already have an understanding of inside and outside. Puppy's can take longer because you have to also teach them inside and outside. If you can catch him in the act and then pick him up and move him outside.



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On 3/4/2022 at 11:43 AM, bitflipper said:

Nah, cats are self-centered jerks.

Well, mine's pretty mellow, but still.

Last night we added a puppy to the household. I got up early this morning to make sure he got outside to pee. My reward: first one to step in a fresh pile of poo. No, it wasn't outside.

I hate to admit this has happened to me once or twice. It isn't a good feeling. Kinda squashy. And if you're wearing socks ugh. Water and a long handled brush works best.

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I have mine pretty well trained. If they slip up I give them the frustrated voice and scolding and I make hand gestures.. They know what happened and they don't do it again..........until the next time one slips up. Doesn't happen often.

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