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Cakewalk/Realtek/ASIO and Windows 11 ?

Michael Finnity

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On 4/7/2022 at 8:36 PM, Sheds said:

It's a Dell (desktop) -- AMD Ryzen 9 5900 12 core; Radeon rx6700Xt graphics card -- Steinberg UR242 - latest driver.  Had it a couple of weeks.

I recently picked up a Dell XPS for audio. When I set up my DAW, I thought I'd made a huge mistake. I couldn't get CbB to work at all; audio drop outs and freezing with only one track. I was tearing my hair out. Then I read post by other people having the same problem. The solution? Update your BIOS, update your drivers using the Dell updater, turn off the Radeon graphics app. 

See if that makes a difference.

I'm also using a Steinberg (correction Behringer) Interface (Euphoria). The unit didn't come with an asio driver and the performance under wasapi was, frankly, shit. However, I came across a YouTube video with a link to an asio driver for Steinberg which worked a treat. 

Edited by Philip G Hunt
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Sigh.  Ok, guys -- sorry to be the trouble guy.   This is not my normal.  And I know its annoying.

Here's what is happening now.  Cakewalk working fine.  No issues that I can tell.

However, when I leave Cakewalk -- if I don't do a computer restart -- I have no computer sound.  Nothing.  YouTube videos won't even play.  If I restart -- all is well.  It's as if Cakewalk is not releasing. 

Edited to say -- it's not every time -- it seems as if it is connected to how long I am in Cakewalk.  I just did a test and did maybe a minute or two of recording into a project.  And that was fine.  But if I am in for a couple or hours it seems to happen. 

This is insane.  I am missing my old out of date computer.

8 hours ago, Philip G Hunt said:

turn off the Radeon graphics app. 


PGH -- I think it's all off -- did you mean something more than that? 

Edited by Sheds
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8 hours ago, Sheds said:

However, when I leave Cakewalk -- if I don't do a computer restart -- I have no computer sound.  Nothing.  YouTube videos won't even play.  If I restart -- all is well.  It's as if Cakewalk is not releasing. 

Are you sure you have followed the video on page 1 and matched Windows sample rate with project sample rate? Note that existing project have fixed sample rate and the audio interface set to it on project loading. Windows does not re-set it automatically and it produce sounds only in case current rate match settings.

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Hello, I updated my computer Dell XPS,  after that I had to updated cakewalk since was saying the audio doesn'ts support blablabla..

now, the cake walk is not recognizing the inputs -interface..wheand n I go to cakewalk preferences change divices in recording..asio doesn't support anymore and  ask to change to winipi...I did it but still with problems..calkwake I can't record- work...I had to change to NME and the interface-inputs appears..but something is happening, the sounds ( micro, keyboard, etc) comes deleyed..can someone help?? 


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5 minutes ago, Luis Gamez said:

Hello, I updated my computer Dell XPS,  after that I had to updated cakewalk since was saying the audio doesn'ts support blablabla..

now, the cake walk is not recognizing the inputs -interface..wheand n I go to cakewalk preferences change divices in recording..asio doesn't support anymore and  ask to change to winipi...I did it but still with problems..calkwake I can't record- work...I had to change to NME and the interface-inputs appears..but something is happening, the sounds ( micro, keyboard, etc) comes deleyed..can someone help?? 


When you say 'updated', what do you mean?

Updated the BIOS? Updated CbB? Updated windows? Which windows? 10 or 11?

Can you please be more specific?

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10 hours ago, Sheds said:

PGH -- I think it's all off -- did you mean something more than that? 

Ok, before I answer this.

Did you check on the Dell support site to see if you need to update the BIOS and drivers? Dell has an app which will do it all for you. This is especially important because you're running Windows 11.

Before worrying about anything else, you need to do this one thing.

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8 hours ago, azslow3 said:

Are you sure you have followed the video on page 1 and matched Windows sample rate with project sample rate? Note that existing project have fixed sample rate and the audio interface set to it on project loading. Windows does not re-set it automatically and it produce sounds only in case current rate match settings.

Good question, but yes -- it's all set to 44100.

Also, as far as updating -- I did update everything -- I even had the Dell guy share computer screens and we did a full update.   I'm going to check in with them again tomorrow.  He wanted me to reinstall Windows entirely -- I don't know if that would help.  Maybe, but I sure am hesitating to do that.

Thanks for the ideas though.   I genuinely appreciate it.

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6 hours ago, Luis Gamez said:

Hello, I updated my computer Dell XPS,  after that I had to updated cakewalk since was saying the audio doesn'ts support blablabla..

now, the cake walk is not recognizing the inputs -interface..wheand n I go to cakewalk preferences change divices in recording..asio doesn't support anymore and  ask to change to winipi...I did it but still with problems..calkwake I can't record- work...I had to change to NME and the interface-inputs appears..but something is happening, the sounds ( micro, keyboard, etc) comes deleyed..can someone help?? 


DID you watch this video- If your new to Cakewalk you will save your self a lot of time and frustration by watching at least the firs 10 in the series


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I’ve read a few posts blaming Win 11 for audio issues claiming it is unsuited for audio. 
I been using Win 11 on my laptop for about 6 weeks or so and have not encountered any issues dealing with CbB or any other DAW.
My Win 10 compatible drivers all happily work with Win 11 and apart from the layout changes to Windows, I’ve not experienced any differences between Win 10 or Win 11 as respects audio  

This coming week I’ll likely migrate my Studio PC to Win11 as well. 

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On 4/17/2022 at 6:11 AM, Michael Vogel (MUDGEL) said:

I’ve read a few posts blaming Win 11 for audio issues claiming it is unsuited for audio. 
I been using Win 11 on my laptop for about 6 weeks or so and have not encountered any issues dealing with CbB or any other DAW.
My Win 10 compatible drivers all happily work with Win 11 and apart from the layout changes to Windows, I’ve not experienced any differences between Win 10 or Win 11 as respects audio  

This coming week I’ll likely migrate my Studio PC to Win11 as well. 

I'm not blaming Windows 11 exactly.   With my new computer, if I use Cakewalk with ASIO, I have to reboot the computer before I have any sound on other applications.   Same DAW, same interface I had with my old computer running Windows 10 and I never had that problem.   So, it is either the interface (drivers etc.), the software (Cakewalk), the computer (brand new), or Windows 11.   Luckily the new computer boots very quickly.  But still. 

But, recording and such works just fine -- that's not an issue -- Windows 10 or 11. 

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Ok, so -- if anyone is still reading me ?

Because I have a Steinberg interface, the guy helping me there suggested I try Cubase to see if it had the same problem as releasing ASIO for other applications.  And the short story -- it released fine.   It was the way Cakewalk has always been before.  I recorded a fake session and went over to YouTube, and everything was fine -- all ran well.

So then I did a fake session in Cakewalk -- but it would not release ASIO requiring me to reboot before I could get any sound.

That seems like it is Cakewalk.   Now to be fair -- the Cubase version isn't the full one, so . . .

The Cakewalk support person indicated that newer versions of Cakewalk have some DSP heavy features  and therefore that might be the issue.

All very frustrating to me.



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1 hour ago, pwalpwal said:


(not sure how "heavy dsp" would affect dropping the driver on close ?‍♂️)


Let me quote it exactly so I don't accidentally misrepresent -- "the newer updates have some DSP-heavy features and for stability, reasons had made ASIO an exclusive engine to run Cakewalk."

I had left off the "for stability reasons"

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2 hours ago, Sheds said:

Because I have a Steinberg interface, the guy helping me there suggested I try Cubase to see if it had the same problem as releasing ASIO for other applications.  And the short story -- it released fine.   It was the way Cakewalk has always been before.  I recorded a fake session and went over to YouTube, and everything was fine -- all ran well.

Unfortunately, this test does not mean very much.

There is no way to tell if Cakewalk is exposing a bug in the Steinberg driver that Cubase does not, or the problem lies in Cakewalk itself.

If you just installed Cubase, make sure it did not add the "Generic Low Latency Driver" in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO.

In fact, it sounds like there should just be one entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO. The one for the Steinberg interface unless you have another interface with a factory supplied driver (not RealTek).


So then I did a fake session in Cakewalk -- but it would not release ASIO requiring me to reboot before I could get any sound.

Not sure what a "fake session" means. 

After existing CbB does still show up in the task manager? 

Very few programs use an ASIO driver, most use other drivers for audio.

There may be a problem switching sample rates. See if Windows and CbB are set to the same sample rate.

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34 minutes ago, scook said:

Unfortunately, this test does not mean very much.

There is no way to tell if Cakewalk is exposing a bug in the Steinberg driver that Cubase does not, or the problem lies in Cakewalk itself.

If you just installed Cubase, make sure it did not add the "Generic Low Latency Driver" in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO.

In fact, it sounds like there should just be one entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO. The one for the Steinberg interface unless you have another interface with a factory supplied driver (not RealTek).

Not sure what a "fake session" means. 

After existing CbB does still show up in the task manager? 

Very few programs use an ASIO driver, most use other drivers for audio.

There may be a problem switching sample rates. See if Windows and CbB are set to the same sample rate.

Sorry for the confusion -- by fake I just meant I went in and did recorded sounds and keys and noise.  In other words I was just testing to see what happened.  When I did it Cubase all was well with other apps (while Cubase was loaded and after I exited).  Doing the same in Cakewalk from sound outside of the DAW.

Yes, I understand about the generic driver -- dealt with.  Cakewalk is well and properly closed.  Not in task manager.

You are correct about ASIO, of course and other apps.  If I go into Cakewalk and stay in WASAPI -- it doesn't do it (there are some other issues), but not the holding on.  I can't figure out why recording in Cakewalk turns off normal window sounds, music, video, etc.  I only know it does.

And yes -- there may be a bug in the driver --I have been in contact with Steinberg many times -- I have their latest driver -- they've been great but have not been able rescue me. 

At this point, I'd be willing to consider buying a different interface, but if that's not the problem . . . then I have only spent money and not fixed anything.

I've used Cakewalk for years, I like it, I am comfortable with it, and I do not want to switch.


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10 minutes ago, Sheds said:

You are correct about ASIO, of course and other apps.  If I go into Cakewalk and stay in WASAPI -- it doesn't do it (there are some other issues), but not the holding on.  I can't figure out why recording in Cakewalk turns off normal window sounds, music, video, etc.  I only know it does.

Are Windows and CbB set to the same sample rate?

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