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STOP THE WORLD (Just a few more tweeks)

freddy j

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Here is a song about a frustrated guy in a broken relationship and he has had enough.  I started this song as a Blues song (Jimmy Reed style) but somehow it morphed into more of a funky rocker and then it made a sharp turn and further changed to more of a South American Afrobeat style.  I guess the point I am trying to make is that it took on a lot of different personalities as I was trying to put it together.  I only hope that it is not too messy.

As always your input, comments, suggestions, crit's, etc. will be much appreciated.




Edited by freddy j
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Cool song Freddy , I believe you could also tag this one #experimental. I thought the chaos in it was fitting for the subject matter. I agree it could use a little clean up. For me I thought the "left" guitar could be backed off when the lead guitar comes in , with the lead replacing it in the stereo field.  I Really liked the energy here.  Enjoyed it ..  mark

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Totally simpatico with the lyrics Freddy. Wish we would all just pause once in a while and think about what we're doing.
I like the ending that just stops.
Musically I think the song is a bit too dense - too much in the background that takes away from the voc.
I really enjoyed it anyway.

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Hi Jack. Message received and it will brought out front more.  Thanks for the input.

Hi Nigel.  I think that we are starting to build a consensus here.  Good observations and I will be making changes.  Thanks much for taking time to listen and for the input.

Hey Steve.  Thanks for listening and for the insight.  I have redone the bass with a few changes and brought it forward a bit more.

Hi David,  I am glad that you liked it!  Thanks for the kind comments but I think I'll give  Nashville  a miss.  I wouldn't want to embarrass myself ?

Hey Wookiee.  Thanks for the input! I believe that we have reached a consensus and I am in complete agreement!  I have redone the bass and brought it forward (a bit).  In addition I have adjusted the drums (traps and congas) and pulled them back a bit.  Hopefully, now there won't be as much conflict between the two.  I have also brought forward (a bit) my homemade mbira (AKA  - kalimba) in hopes that it might sync with the bass.  I have also panned a few of the instruments differently.  Hopefully, this will be a bit better.  Thanks very much again.

Hi Mark.  Good comments and insight.  I did adjust the guitar panned L.  Hopefully, this helped.  Thanks very much!  I appreciate the help!

Hey Douglas.  Yes it is a bit different for me.  I am really "hip" to afrobeat right now.  Especially groups such a Newen Afrobeat and Kokoroko.  However, it is going to take a lot of listening on my part to approach what they are doing.  Thanks very much for listening and commenting!

Hi tom.  Many thanks for the comments!  I guess I just might have been born too late (hmmm -nice title for a traditional rockabilly song).  Thanks again!!

Hi Bjorn.  Thanks for listening and your kind comments.  I agree that it was too messy.  I do better with about half a dozen tracks but this one had much more than that.  It gets this old man too confused.  Hopefully, the changes made above have improved it a wee bit.


Any additional comments on the mix would be greatly appreciated!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Paul :  Sorry for the delay in responding but I had a few of life's demands to take care of.  Wow, thanks very much for the very kind words!!  This is very much appreciated as you are certainly one that puts some great emotions, thoughts and melodies into your work.  Thanks again!

Hi ant_in_Wales.  Thanks very much for listening and your comments.  My mum used the term woozy but I didn't remember the meaning and had to look it up.  Now that I know the definition, I can't disagree with you.  I have really been captured by the recent spat of AfroBeat music that has been coming out in Europe, the UK, and particularly in some of the South American countries.  Each has their own signature but tend to follow Fela Kuti (the "Godfather of AfroBeat)adding their own prescription of funk, Latin sounds, jazz and traditional African music.  I have a number of bands/orchestras that I really like but I have been using Newen AfroBeat (from Chile) as a template in learning this music.  Unfortunately, for me, they use a lot of instrumentation, percussion, etc.  Also - unfortunately, I still struggle with MID/sampling/etc. instrumentation.  What all of this means is that I am still trying to improve in this style of music (tempo and tempo changes, mix, instrumentation, panning, volume, EQ, etc., etc.).

Therefore, I very much appreciate your suggestions and will continue on my path to improving in this style of music.  Thanks again!

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