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Spotify removes Neil Young's music


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Spotify removes Neil Young music in feud over Joe Rogan’s false Covid claims



Neil Young puts his conscience before cash. Spotify show that are they not only happy to kill off the music industry, they are quite happy to kill off people too if there's a profit to be made.

This would seem to be an appropriate track:


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Better a living sheep, than a dead ... whatever it is you think you are. :P


And of course, the real sheep are those that are so easily led by the charlatans, fraudsters and the delusional whose only qualification is having a YouTube channel and some protein supplements or snake oil to sell. (That's irony)

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16 minutes ago, Michael A.D. said:

We need more musicians like Neil Young to put the pressure on companies that spread Covid misinformation.   I hope the public notices what Neil Young has done!

We sure have.

I hope Kneel Neil Young will remember . . .


Shane from Missouri.

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1 hour ago, RobertWS said:

Good for Spotify for not capitulating to someone who demanded censorship.

Censorship is bad.

Yep. This whole thing with Rogan has been blown way out of proportion. Everything he did was under a doctors care yet they twisted it all around. Did you see the video of him CNN edited to make him look like he was dying of Covid? Their heads are exploding because he won't cave to their demands.

From what I read he took most of his music off prior to all this anyway because he thinks he's an audiophile and his compressed medium is better than Spotify's.

Honestly I never liked either of them so I wouldn't care if they both went away. Neil Youngs voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Can't stand it. 

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In the past few weeks, hundreds of scientists and medical experts have signed an open letter to Spotify, saying that Rogan had “repeatedly spread misleading and false claims on his podcast, provoking distrust in science and medicine” and had “spread a number of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories”.


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In 2015, the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine, in its only award for treatments of infectious diseases since six decades prior, honoured the discovery of ivermectin (IVM), a multifaceted drug deployed against some of the world's most devastating tropical diseases. Since March 2020, when IVM was first used against a new global scourge, COVID-19, more than 20 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) have tracked such inpatient and outpatient treatments. Six of seven meta-analyses of IVM treatment RCTs reporting in 2021 found notable reductions in COVID-19 fatalities, with a mean 31% relative risk of mortality vs. controls. 

Read the whole thing here at the governments web site ....



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These threads always get twisted. As I have said before my wife is a nurse and the mis-information is just sad. Even in her line of work there are a few nurses spouting off anti-vax information.   Since my wife and relatives have autoimmune  diseases we are extra careful and have stopped going out for the most part.  My wife no longer works with direct patient care and a few newer coworkers think that is unfair.  My wife has been a nurse for over 25 years, put in her time and by her disease she shouldn't be with direct patients especially since 1 out of 4 lie about their health condition!  I  shall leave this thread as I will end up saying something I shouldn't say on this board.



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I suppose "free speech" doesn't count any more.


The basic principle of free speech is that people should be able to speak freely - without being censored and without the fear of reprisal. That includes saying unpopular things and even things that are untrue. You just aren't allowed to incite violence or start a riot.

The proper way to combat falsehood is not to suppress it but to disseminate the truth.


And since I know someone is bound to bring it up: you actually can yell "fire" in a crowded theater - if there is in fact a fire.

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I should clarify my .gov post. IRT what Rogan has supposedly said, I watched the video and the follow up video. All he said was under a doctors care he was legally prescribed the med in the link I posted. He never took a stand one way or the other on anything. And now people want to destroy his income source over it? That's wrong.

If the guy was saying every day to go drink bleach to cure cancer then absolutely shut him up. That can kill you.

Saying  "a doctor legally prescribed and administered a well know drug used in animals and humans that was awarded a Nobel Prize for use in humans that has been studied around the globe and proven to be effective against covid" helped him ... is not something to be canceled over.

That said I hope my comments haven't offended. I'm just pointing out that if you look in to it the man did nothing illegal. He said nothing that was a lie. And it was all done under a doctors care and all the meds were legally prescribed.

If Stern and Young have a problem with that well I don't know what else to say. If we've gotten to the point here where you can't even say anything that's true if people with power don't agree with you well then it's not America anymore.

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Pretty ironic that in a report bemoaning misinformation that the level of expertise among the signatories of said letter has been..... erm... somewhat misrepresented.

I'm off now to ask some dentists what they think of my latest song. Word is that Spotify now have a vacancy for an unremarkable songwriter, so fingers crossed that the dentists like it. ?



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This is what gets to me. Mandates have existed where I live since pre-US independence when Gen George Washington ordered all troops to be vaccinated. I have kids that always had to be vaccinated first school as did any living person on the US.  A cult of personality figure comes along and tells people what to think and many blindly follow and spew hatred for science with greater trust in their cult of personality leader and  hatred for their fellow man who refuses to do the same and blindly follow with them. I now, through friends,  can trace more than twenty friends of friends and family of friends that have died of this virus.  They all have the same thing in common. You can figure it out. 

A few weeks ago an old dear friend's brother died. In his 40s and fantastic shape. Athletic and a regular participant in competitive athletic events. But he was of a far political belief that has been mainstreamed in the US in recent years.  He should not have died. I liked him. I attended some of his Little League games when he was a kid. But he wouldn't listen. He died for those extreme beliefs of his that the politician who first persuaded him that it wasn't macho to wear a mask or be vaccinated, and now that cult of personality figure is openly vaccinated and boosted and his followers are sticking with his original orders. Like my friend's little brother died over. 

Forget politics folks. Look around you. Check with your doctor. Unless you have an advanced medical degree,  turn to someone trustworthy who does. 


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2 hours ago, bdickens said:

I suppose "free speech" doesn't count any more.


The basic principle of free speech is that people should be able to speak freely - without being censored and without the fear of reprisal. That includes saying unpopular things and even things that are untrue. You just aren't allowed to incite violence or start a riot.

The proper way to combat falsehood is not to suppress it but to disseminate the truth.


And since I know someone is bound to bring it up: you actually can yell "fire" in a crowded theater - if there is in fact a fire.

You're completely misunderstanding the concept of free speech rights. Free speech rights refer to the freedom of citizens to express views free from government prosecution for that speech.  It has nothing to do with private business or boycotts which are indicative of a democracy. 

Furthermore,  most thinkers on this topic have never advocated free speech means protecting private individuals from combating commercial disinformation. 

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1 hour ago, Shane_B. said:

I should clarify my .gov post. IRT what Rogan has supposedly said, I watched the video and the follow up video. All he said was under a doctors care he was legally prescribed the med in the link I posted. He never took a stand one way or the other on anything. And now people want to destroy his income source over it? That's wrong.

If the guy was saying every day to go drink bleach to cure cancer then absolutely shut him up. That can kill you.

Saying  "a doctor legally prescribed and administered a well know drug used in animals and humans that was awarded a Nobel Prize for use in humans that has been studied around the globe and proven to be effective against covid" helped him ... is not something to be canceled over.

That said I hope my comments haven't offended. I'm just pointing out that if you look in to it the man did nothing illegal. He said nothing that was a lie. And it was all done under a doctors care and all the meds were legally prescribed.

If Stern and Young have a problem with that well I don't know what else to say. If we've gotten to the point here where you can't even say anything that's true if people with power don't agree with you well then it's not America anymore.

I would also add that Joe Rogan also had Sanjay Gupta on his show. He is the chief medical correspondent for CNN. And he was asked why CNN kept on telling lies about Ivermectin( that Ivermectin was only a horse tranquilizer), and his reply was "I do not know why".

So by Neil Young's standard should they be also be kicked off air for misinformation.


"Keep on rockin' in a free world" - well, unless you have a different opinion then me.


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