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Hello mate, I liked it at the beginning and the atmospheric feeling of the pads but felt it became a bit repetitious, so perhaps some variation could be added ? Danno it might just be my feeling here as I did listen to it twice ! ... still felt the same though ? .. 


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Steve,  yeah I think you're right. The song is long so it would be easy to cut a minute or two to lessen the repetition.

Jack, Tim, Makke, Doug   thanks for listening and commenting

Tom,  I like the "3 minute rocker" bit. Reminds me of The Who movie The Kids Are Alright (highly recommended). Pete Townsend says there's a rule in rock music - 3 minutes and 3 chords and that's it. 

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totally interesting piece....i'd bring down the vocals volume at the beginning....which does seem to gradually decrease to where it sounds good to my ears around the 1:50 mark....vocal volume increase around 2:50 a bit too much....the music is excellent, basically a drone with rhythm and the synth melody wandering nicely over everything around 4:20....so, strictly my subjective taste....an excellent composition overall ????

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Wow, I like this from beginning to end.  It's a very meditative piece which reminds me of the "Magical Mystery Tour"  era of the Beatles.  Sitar anyone?  Your productions are truly top notch with so much depth and spaciousness.  It also helps to have never ending creativity!

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The build of this was a fun ride, and the panning or movement of the sitars really tied the room together!

Mix has a lot of depth and space. The exception for me is the violin or string that comes in on the left, does that seem a bit dry,? You clearly know how to soundscape so just my .02 parsecs.

Great piano line. Haunting, supportive, ambient but not boring. Reverb is perfect, what did you use?

The lady's voice is perfect for this, and the sampler phrases fit well, if you had Melodyne or equivalent you might pitch a few of her notes up just a smidge,   1:38-1:39 as an example. Now that's super picky of me, so I will get me coat and wander off to die alone in the desert.

Nice one!


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LarryT -   I'll have to look at the levels again. I thought the voices were too low so I raised them and maybe I should have left them alone.  Anyway I appreciate the comments.

jwnicholson  - Thanks. I have no idea what they're saying. My wife is a fan of Balkan folk music and she says the lyrics are usually about a lover's death or else something about herding goats.

David - Thanks.  The drums are from NI Mideast vsts.

Lynn - Thanks!  I appreciate the kind words.

Antler - Thanks. Seems like a library of vocals has just enough variety to extract one decent song from them.  I usually use the vocal phrases.

Tom - Thanks. Hmm I'll check that string you mentioned. I've been using NI Raum for reverb lately, pretty much tweaking random presets.
I thought about using Melodyne on that bit you mentioned, but I kinda liked it as is.

Paul - Thanks for listening and commenting. Appreciate it.

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