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Someone's cheating on us!


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On 1/14/2022 at 8:28 AM, Shane_B. said:

I would never out someone like that?

I used to post there a lot while I was in exile. It was, and still is a fun place, if you stay below the radar. I left because of the admin. Having dealt with them elsewhere, I had had enough. I just walked away before I ever even said anything. There is one guy there that is just absolutely unbearable. Seriously. I have no idea how they allow him to be there other than he pays them now. There was nothing I said or anyone else said that got nailed by this moron that was even remotely controversial. The final draw for me was we were having a discussion about mastering levels for places like YouTube and Soundcloud one time. All technical things with samples and links. It was a great thread. Absolutely nothing OT whatsoever in the least. All great guys. Nobody was saying a single word out of line. He interjects and starts telling people what morons they are and that kind of small appendage high school bully type stuff. I got so disgusted with it all I just shut my DAW down, disassembled it, and didn't even log on to the net for years.

I see he's no longer an "Admin" but he does pay for the high tier membership to the forum. It's impossible to avoid him because he's everywhere there. He's got thousands of posts, and not a single one good like virtually all of Bapu's. Imagine Ed's evil twin doppelganger. That's this dude. LOL!

I'd love to participate in their backing track challenges again but I don't want to even take the chance of having to avoid the idiot again. Seriously, it was that bad. I even remember what thread it was that I commented on that caught his attention and he hounded me ever since. Some guy in a "professional" band posted a Youtube video of a song he mixed and mastered and asked for input. The group was focused around the lady lead singer. Great singer. He was the guitar player. He had his rhythm guitar so loud you literally could barely hear the rest of the band. I simply said it sounded great but maybe bring the guitar back a little and bring the lead vocal up a bit. They must have been buddies because OMG did I get berated from that day on.

Other than him, the place is great. Very busy, lot's of people participating. Just don't draw any attention whatsoever from the Admin or their 'pals'. They hound you relentlessly and nobody stops them. And if you say anything back they ban you. Seriously, it was that bad. And this was years ago before the big C. I mean, now I can kind of get it. People are going nuts being stuck in. Tempers are flaring everywhere. I get it, now. But there was no excuse for their behavior then or the owners of the forum to allow it. And it wasn't just me. I knew several guys I kept in touch with via email that left there directly because of that guy and the fact the forum owners allowed it.

Coffee's cold now. Coming down from the caffeine. LOL. Could use a donut. Hmmm ....

Shane, if it’s any consolation I lasted a whole three weeks on that forum and bailed due to the aforementioned twit.

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54 minutes ago, Doc H said:

Shane, if it’s any consolation I lasted a whole three weeks on that forum and bailed due to the aforementioned twit.

Actually it is. Thank you. It's been a few years. Hopefully he's changed. I know I have. Things don't bother me as much as they used to. Although, if I were still paying for Sonar and still ran in to the same problems I had been, I'd still be just as vocal. Just not as cocky about it now that I'm getting older. I have nothing but good things to say about the state of CbB now. They are doing a great job with it. ??

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20 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:

     The Cats out of the bag  & there's nothing for you to regret . You did what you had to do .?


On 1/15/2022 at 10:14 AM, InstrEd said:

Really?  Looks like you could be the one on the left ?   

Well, what the heck. Here goes. 25 + years ago my keyboard player, bass player, and I were out looking for band jobs one weekend. We saw this night club that did country line dancing music. We knew we wouldn't fit in there but the bass player wanted to go in anyway. We were at the bar having a few drinks. None of drank alc.. We must have been a sight with our 2 diet soda's and my unsweetened ice tea. A guy who looked a lot like the guy on the far left of the above meme came up to me and said something to the effect of, "Excuse sir. I couldn't help noticing you're a large very good looking gentleman." and he snaps a business card between his fingers in to my hand like a slick salesman. He said he was with The Chippenwale's dance crew and they were looking for new talent. He said they had been on TV and I think he said Oprah but I can't remember for sure. Said they traveled all over the country doing shows. He offered to have a limo come to my house and take me to an audition in NYC. The bass player Terry was laying on his stomach on the bar pounding his fist in to the bar laughing and coughing and choking. I took his card but I never called him.

I'm 6' 3" and at the time I was around 325. I got way way way over that over the years but I finally got control of it the last few years. I'm down to almost my high school weight now. I was 220 in school but I can't seem to get below 245 now. But anyway, Terry nicknamed me Chip after that and never failed to tell anyone who would listen the story. He was a good guy. He went in for rotator cuff surgery 6 or 7 years ago, maybe more, they found cancer and he never left the hospital. He had cancer before and didn't know it came back. But that's my dance story. 100% true. It happened at a dance club in Pen Argyl PA. I doubt the place is there anymore. Looking back, I probably should have done it.

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