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Things You Like About CbB

Tim Smith

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On 1/3/2022 at 11:04 AM, Jim Fogle said:

My major dislike is likely different from most users.  I dislike the smart tool.  I prefer to manually select a tool.

You mean you dislike that Cakewalk defaults to the Smart Tool? Before I twigged the Miracle of the Right Mouse button, I used the F5-10 keys. Also, if you use any of my themes (except for Tungsten RS), the large Tools Module includes the designations for F5-8.

What I like about Cakewalk: the price, obviously, which was what got me interested this time around. But that wouldn't have held me if I hadn't sized up the development philosophy. From what I saw by mid 2018, the team was serious about correcting flaws in the program as well as adding just the right features (whether I use them or not).

As for the program itself, maybe an unpopular opinion, but once I figured out what it can do, I LOVE the Skylight UI. Especially compared to other DAW's I have tried, the ability to rearrange and undock so many screen elements is unmatched, as far as I know. I can work on my dual monitor system and my 13" notebook as long as I make good use of the interface.

The ability to do custom themes is also something I really like (check the collection of 7 custom themes I've created for evidence). Working on themes has helped me explore areas of Cakewalk that I hadn't paid much attention to.

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4 hours ago, pwalpwal said:

it opens my old sonar projects


1 hour ago, Tim Smith said:

I know where my old Sonar projects are but i try to forget them.

A while back I was on a big kick to transfer all of my tracks out of my old Sonar projects and import them in to Studio One and revamp them all. And the reason for that is, I never could get Sonar to run stable enough to actually finish anything to the point I was truly happy with it. That's not an issue anymore but I never dreamed that day would come. LOL!

Anyhoo ... I never kept track of what I actually got transferred, got busy, went on to something non-music related, forget everything I did. Now I have a ton of duplicates, GB's of wasted space, and basically have to start all over if I want to use Studio One because I can't remember what I did where.

I remember now what happened now that I'm typing this. Something happened with Studio One and it couldn't find Dimension Pro. I tried to fix that and couldn't and gave up and that's when I stopped, but never kept track of what I did transfer. I was just planning on doing it all at once and it didn't happen. 

Then out of the blue one day during a Studio One update, Dimension Pro started working again and has been working ever since. I still use it, Rapture, Z3ta, Session Drummer 3, TTS-1. Z3ta can be used as a guitar FX and you can get some really unique sounds with it. They are all very usable and still hold up to this day imo. I dread the day SD3 stops working. I'm so used to how it's laid out and I use it in everything.

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14 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

You mean you dislike that Cakewalk defaults to the Smart Tool? Before I twigged the Miracle of the Right Mouse button, I used the F5-10 keys.

Studio One's is frustrating as all get out. Especially when you switch from using it on tracks and use it in the editor. You lose a bunch of functionality in the editor with their 'smart tool' and I haven't ever figured a way to get it to work like in the track section. 

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The last version of CbB was not seeing my bitbridge. 

This leads me to another thought, how much longer do you think we will continue to use 32 bit plugins?

I have seen them as unstable at times . Many other DAWS have already dropped them.

It might be a good idea to have a list of plugins that always cause crashes in CbB.

I was having issue with ST4 for awhile. I believe a recent update fixed that issue, however it continues to crash Cubase on occasion.

I haven't had issues in Ableton or Studio One.

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48 minutes ago, Tim Smith said:

The last version of CbB was not seeing my bitbridge. 

This leads me to another thought, how much longer do you think we will continue to use 32 bit plugins?

I have seen them as unstable at times . Many other DAWS have already dropped them.

It might be a good idea to have a list of plugins that always cause crashes in CbB.

I was having issue with ST4 for awhile. I believe a recent update fixed that issue, however it continues to crash Cubase on occasion.

I haven't had issues in Ableton or Studio One.

I had Xpand2 working great for a while, now - nothing. It sometimes even crashes the system. This is why I'd rather put money into hardware. I've seen this kind of thing happen too often.

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2 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

This leads me to another thought, how much longer do you think we will continue to use 32 bit plugins?

I stopped using 32bit plugins around about 2016.

Sometimes they still get installed when the vendor has not updated their installers to opt out of 32bit, but I never point my 64bit DAWs to a 32bit VST path.

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26 minutes ago, Bapu said:

I stopped using 32bit plugins around about 2016.

Sometimes they still get installed when the vendor has not updated their installers to opt out of 32bit, but I never point my 64bit DAWs to a 32bit VST path.

Same here. In fact, I just uninstalled all of my Melda stuff and reinstalled it 64bit only. I was in a panic state, sweat dripping down my forehead, glasses were getting all steamy, hands trembling out of fear none of my projects would ever open again. But so far so good.

I wonder if iZotope is all 64bit now? I'm installing my new purchase now and never got the option to install 32 or 64. It just made me jump through 6,000 hoops to allow myself to even install it. Then when I started it just went off and did it's own thing. I really didn't have much input in the matter except for C.C. info. ?

Edit to add: RX 9 Advanced must be enormous. It's taking for-ev-er! Like, OMG. 

Edited by Shane_B.
Fixed typo.
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3 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

how much longer do you think we will continue to use 32 bit plugins?

"We?" I don't use them at all. Haven't for years.?

The way I see it, those bridge/band-aids are there to let me open ancient projects that may have used legacy 32-bit plug-ins.

They're not there to allow me to start new projects with orphanware virtual instruments and (especially) FX. Even if something works now, the higher chances of it breaking in mid-project make it a (needless) risk.

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21 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

My major dislike is likely different from most users.  I dislike the smart tool.  I prefer to manually select a tool.

Do you know that if you press the scroll wheel that a pop up allows you to select which tool you want.

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I tried to use other DAWs but other DAW lacks some features I want. 

I have tried Studio One, Bitwig Studio, and FL studio. I mainly use Bigwig and CbB these days.

I really like Dim solo and exclusive solo features but some other DAWs just don't have them.

I always use Dim solo. It's really nice to hear it in context when I need to do some frequency adjustment. Exclusive solo is great when I need to compare sounds or switch to a different track.

Studio One is great but the plugin windows is set to pin on default and you can't change the default setting. I always want my VU meter plugin or analyzer to be opened with other plugins so I need click a button to pin each time...They didn't have dim solo. I think they now have it on newer versions though.

Bitwig Studio is really great but it doesn't have Dim solo nor exclusive solo. It's great for production. I really like this DAW.

FL studio was not for me because I prefer linear workflow rather than making many patterns. in recent version they added linear workflow though. 

I think CbB is especially great for mixing. I can bypass effects for each track or entirely. I can route tracks however I want. These things are handy, too. I generally like the general interface too.

I might want to give other DAWs another try in the future and I do miss some other features on other DAWs but so far CbB works for me for mixing and other general things.

CbB can show the plugin information about bit depth. Some plugins are double precision and I can see if a plugin in is double precision or float point. I like this, too.

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23 hours ago, rfssongs said:

Do you know that if you press the scroll wheel that a pop up allows you to select which tool you want.

Wrong quote attribution. I like the Smart Tool. In combination with modifiers (like Alt for snipping), I usually customize it so that Comp is off until I actually want to start comping.

The biggest issue I had with it at first was the aforementioned Comp mode, which led to many unintended consequences. Then the bakezoids went and made it so that I could turn that off, and it's a much happier land these days.

After that, it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that in any tool mode, dragging with the right mouse button will select. Before that I was on my way to wearing a shiny spot on my F6 key (which selects the Select Tool), which was kind of clumsy. With the Smart Tool, left click and drag will select, but you need to be very careful not to start your drag on an element that can be moved, or you'll get move mode.

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9 hours ago, mikannohako said:

Studio One is great but the plugin windows is set to pin on default and you can't change the default setting.

That's odd, it's totally opposite for me. They are not pinned by default and I wish they were. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean.

S1 shows you if they are VST 3. IIRC it looks like 3 slashes next to the name? Not sure. I only install VST3's now unless I'm forced to do otherwise.

Edited by Shane_B.
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