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37 minutes ago, PavlovsCat said:

Every once in a while I  see one of Larry's threads marked  delete and I assume that someone eventually deletes them

I do the same at home.   When I want to delete something I just add (please delete) to emails, word documents, post it notes, text messages and when I come back to computer/cell phone/desk it’s usually deleted. Works anywhere hehe  

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I come because those a-hole company reps don't ruin perfectly good threads. Ah crap, never mind. ;)

Seriously, though, I see "not a deal" and I'm even happier to participate.  Or non-audio deals, general spouting of BS or obscure (or just corny) references, all being welcome.  I enjoy talking about any audio software (or hardware) I use or with which I'm familiar if it adds value to the conversation and still feel like part of the gang even when Larry is mad at me.  Actually, he understands the difference between person and employer as is the general vibe here most times and that's the TL;DR of what I like about it here.

Also, I don't recall it happening to me but this is probably the only forum where I would be fine with my real name popping up due to some rando forum bug.  Can't say that it wouldn't worry me elsewhere...  I'm sure some of you (definitely @PavlovsCat) know it already anyway.

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20 minutes ago, Peter - IK Multimedia said:

I come because those a-hole company reps don't ruin perfectly good threads. Ah crap, never mind. ;)

Seriously, though, I see "not a deal" and I'm even happier to participate.  Or non-audio deals, general spouting of BS or obscure (or just corny) references, all being welcome.  I enjoy talking about any audio software (or hardware) I use or with which I'm familiar if it adds value to the conversation and still feel like part of the gang even when Larry is mad at me.  Actually, he understands the difference between person and employer as is the general vibe here most times and that's the TL;DR of what I like about it here.

Also, I don't recall it happening to me but this is probably the only forum where I would be fine with my real name popping up due to some rando forum bug.  Can't say that it wouldn't worry me elsewhere...  I'm sure some of you (definitely @PavlovsCat) know it already anyway.

Ah, the other Peter with an Italian  last name everyone mispronounces. I really just don't want my posts showing up in Google search if a client  is googling  my name. But I suppose since I  really don't post anything  controversial, it's not a huge thing. It's just not reassuring with regards to Bandlab's privacy practices. 

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6 minutes ago, PavlovsCat said:

I really just don't want my posts showing up in Google search if a client  is googling  my name. But I suppose since I  really don't post anything  controversial, it's not a huge thing.

Back when Google was in its infancy, I search my name and Google pulled up posts I had made back in 1983 to an obscure news group. Fortunately it was nothing embarrassing. Back then I was the only Doug Rintoul on the net. Now there are dozens of us.

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3 hours ago, Doug Rintoul said:

Back when Google was in its infancy, I search my name and Google pulled up posts I had made back in 1983 to an obscure news group. Fortunately it was nothing embarrassing. Back then I was the only Doug Rintoul on the net. Now there are dozens of us.

My last name is pretty distinctive-- a not very common Italian  name. So if people search on it, they easily can find info on me. I just don't want music forum posts popping up as results. Not that it's so incredibly personal, I just prefer to keep my personal life personal. 

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2 hours ago, scook said:

Your choice.

The name field is not critical to BandLab.

Username and email are.

I left the username at the default.


Same here. Verified that my username in my BandLab profile is the same as my forum name here. Have never seen the name switcheroo happen to me, as BandLab does not have my real name yet. :)

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I changed my account info from my last name to my last name's initial. But Bandlab really should do a much better job with privacy. This really should not be okay for any brand. I run a dot com, I've led major brand digital marketing, including websites and e-commerce, and I can tell you that if we exposed sensitive information like that, it would be no small issue. It wouldn't even be with my dot com, which is much smaller than the company that owns Bandlab. If there's a suggestion box somewhere, someone let me know. I'm very happy with Bandlab and Cakewalk overall, but privacy is much more important than the way they are presently treating it. From this point forward, I won't use my full name when dealing with Bandlab after realizing that it has regularly been exposed in the past and that even one of  their forum moderators recommends not doing so. That's an FYI to anyone else who doesn't want their full name exposed on the forum without their consent. 

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On 12/7/2021 at 8:01 AM, kitekrazy said:

when Cakewalk moved from Usenet to a web forum?  It use to be a nasty place. I remember a guy got torched for saying he didn't like the GUI of Sonar 6 and was done with them.  The reputation made ti KVR as one person made a statement, "they got a beatdown Sonar style".

This will probably not be a popular opinion, but I think the forum improved after the crossover to the new server. The old one had some great info (I still glean stuff from it today), but it had too much of the "if it's crashing or otherwise not working, it's YOUR fault" vibe that product forums sometimes take on.

It also still had plenty of folks who were righteously wee-wee'd off about their recently purchased "forever" Platinum licenses. They felt poorly done by, and I sympathize. Nobody knew then that with Cakewalk by BandLab, the program may well be better than it would have been had Gibson kept Cakewalk, Inc. on life support.

The fact that none of us have to invest any money, or if we did (I did 20 years ago), we probably agree that the payoff is worth it probably has something to do with it. With payware, there is an emotional investment and a desire to help the company keep the coins rolling in so that they can stay solvent. With Cakewalk, if someone says "that's it, I'm giving up, going with Studio One," that's really nothing, except good for PreSonus. I freakin' love CbB and like to help people use it, but if someone thinks that one of the other DAW's works better for them, good for them and I hope it helps them make their music. Still no time for trolls, though. Express your frustrations as politely as possible, then please be gone.

I've seen something happen here that is almost unique in my 30 years of experience with online forums: topics that start as flame bait turning into useful discussions, with or without apologies. That is freaking weird. And it's really the best revenge on a troll. "Sorry, we'll just use your flamebait as fuel for a discussion that might help someone."

Here's to my forum beratnas (sorry, just finished the last book of The Expanse saga)!

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2 hours ago, scook said:

I already posted this link 


BandLab support is another point of contact. The main support page is https://help.bandlab.com/hc/en-us

I suggested the name change because it is something one can do immediately and not have to wait on BandLab to respond.


I wonder if the Cakewalk site is still supported. Tried to change my email address to no avail. 

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