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My son's new music video - proud dad!

Bill Ruys

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Hey folks,

So my son spent his youth in my home studio, perfecting his songs in Sonar/Cakewalk and cut his teeth on our beloved software.  He's just released his first music video and I'm beyond proud of what he's come up with.  Him, his bass player and a few friends created the video at zero cost and I think what they've been able to produce, funded on nothing but passion, is pretty spectacular.  Very proud dad!


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Thanks for your kind words, guys.  I can honestly say that it was Cakewalk that got me into making music when I was still in my 20's back in the Windows 3.1 days.  I still remember when Ron Kuper came along and added audio recording to what was a midi only product at the time and how super excited I was.  The legacy has now passed onto the next generation and I can honestly say, hand on heart, that it might not have happened if not for the influence of Cakewalk on our family.  Home became a place where we could make and record music.

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You should be very proud Dad ! I understand how you feel, when my sons were young and I was in bands that practiced at our house they had access to all kinds of instruments and gear plus I "made" them take piano lessons for 6 years. They both have written music, not as important to them as it is to me, and neither ever wanted to be in a band ha. Its really great to share music with the next generation and for them to blossom as your son has. The song and the video are very good and the passion shows ! I hope they find success and enjoy the journey ! 

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Wow great pro recording ! Sounds like pretty classy Pop / R&B through the first part, I should say I'm not much into the video, these kids these days, maybe it's older me . . . but wowsers ! . . . when that lead guitar and sassy vocal kick in later, just won me over right there . . . maybe old Dad had some influence there ? Great stuff, lots of fun, I was very entertained, mostly sonically.

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23 hours ago, Starise said:

Cool music and video. It must have cost a fortune to rent that space ship.

It's the dilithium crystals required to fuel it that's the expensive part.  And don't get me started on interstellar shipping rates - they're completely off the planet!

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