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Chivalry Is Still Alive


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When you sing of love, I really believe you.  It's all there in your voice.  I'm glad romanticism is still alive and well!  It's sparse, but I wouldn't change a thing.  I particularly like the simple guitar near the end which shows that the arrangement is nuanced nicely.  You're on a roll.

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 This is now one of my favorites. I Loved the haunting guitar. I agree with Larry about the lead guitar, I think there is just a little too much contrast between the two. Maybe a little different effect complimenting the main guitar. Vocals were spot  on and I like the way you waited before bringing in the harmony part about half way in. I Loved the tone of the main guitar if you don't mind , what did you use for it ..  Loved it ..   mark

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Hmm I'd definitely play with a few different options for the lead guitar - perhaps clean but with some chorus and delay might work. I like the way you use rhyme and the BGVs are very good (main vox is not too shabby either) ? 

Another great job, as someone else said, you're definitely on a roll.


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Really enjoyed this song, very smooth and well done all around. Your voice is very expressive and has a sincerity to it. I agree about the sound of the lead guitar being a bit different,  unsmooth for such a smooth warm piece.  Anyways, great job !

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Loved the way you mixed vox left and right with the harmony. Mix has a lot of space. Nice warm earthy feel to the mix in general.  This is a good example of something that need not be overdone to be good. You kept it simple and it worked very well for this. I would call it smooth country.

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This song  "Chivalry Is Not Dead" is already edited to the Spartacus movie series (the recent one).

I have agreed with you all about the guitar being too aggressive and harsh but considering, it is edited to men battling it out to the death....

A softer solo may not have carried the content as well.

The main guitar solo is playing while Spartacus lay dead on the ground...

I probably could have picked a better distortion preset... But it is done for now.

Perhaps if i had used my hollow body with the P90 pickups instead of the Strat.

The preset I picked does have a really nice sustain but it is the tone that is off.

I may revisit it in the not so distant future.

100,000 views in 5 days on YouTube... Not bad... :)

Edited by RexRed
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