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Scaler 2.5 update (free for existing users)

Brian Walton

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3 hours ago, InstrEd said:

Will it write my music for me? ?

Nope and it doesn't make elaborate claims to do so. What it could do is:

1. Aid you in coming up with chord progressions you might not have come up with on your own, particularly ones not typical of genre you are working with.

2. Assist you in mapping out borrowed chords from modal that make it easier to learn and  compose in new ways that go beyond the usual cookie cutter methods used in pop music.

3. Detect scales that may not be obvious and suggest musical directions that might inspire.



Edited by dubdisciple
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4 hours ago, aidan o driscoll said:

I think this slight price drop is there until start of december so no real issue about waiting until then before jumping as BF is tomorrow week. Last thing you need is buy now and see another cheaper price again for BF

Everything is relative. A "potential" additional reduction of $5 or $10 is chump change compared to my investments in my DAW laptop, DAW software, audio interface, MIDI keyboard controller, 4 basses, 1 guitar and a couple of amplifiers. A software app either does something beneficial for you or it doesn't. If it does, is it worth the asking price? For me, Scaler is worth it at list price, so any sale price is icing on the cake.

The last thing I need is to wait for a more deeply discounted sale price, only to have it return to full price and missing out on the savings that were offered. THAT would really toast my buns.

I purchased Scaler 1 when it was released. With the possible exception of Studio One Pro, which I first purchased as version 2, Scaler's regular updates have added more value than any other music software app I've ever purchased, and I've purchased a LOT of them.

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Had a little a virtual  cash on my account I didn't know about. Then after the purchase, I found in my account a couple of plug ins I had bought but not installed. My old music laptop was falling apart. so I slowly setting up everything on a new desktop.


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On 11/17/2021 at 1:05 PM, Philip G Hunt said:

A cheeky question: if someone were to get the upgrade version without owning Scaler 1, would it still install? (Not that I would condone that kind of behaviour)

Seriously mate?  This is a $50 program that is developed by a small team who use it themselves every day and which is worth every dime.  This isn't a $500 program marketed by a conglomerate that has questionable usability. 

Edited by Steve Harder
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I'm a hobbyist with no formal music education.

I stumbled into midi 4 years ago. 

I discovered Cakewalk, I collected free libraries, I moved on to paid libraries, I  stopped spending on the next great library.

 I realized that the true fun has to come from inside me and Scaler is now a tremendous resource in helping the creativity within me make use of those many libraries on my ssd.

Scaler is fun!

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1 hour ago, Steve Harder said:

Seriously mate?  This is a $50 program that is developed by a small team who use it themselves every day and which is worth every dime.  This isn't a $500 program marketed by a conglomerate that has questionable usability. 

You're not seriously going to admonish me for asking if I can get a cheeky 'deal' on the deals thread?  If PB accidentally priced Scaler as $1, do you think people would be taking the moral high ground and petition PB to raise the price? No, they'd buy it for a dollar and pat themselves on the back for getting the deal before PB realised their mistake.  That's how I picked up Melodyne for a ridiculously low price. It happens. Sometimes developers don't think of this. Sometimes resellers don't factor this in. Am I supposed to feel bad about that?

I wish Scaler's developers all the best with their product, and, if they've been forward thinking enough to close any loophole that could allow someone getting Scaler 2 upgrade without owning Scaler 1, good on them.  My question was not malicious. I'm not asking to hack the software and get it for free.  

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49 minutes ago, InstrEd said:

@Philip G Hunt  I think he was just pointing out that the team is a small company and can use every $$ :)

By the way I'm the same type of person always looking for a steal of a deal!

I know. I know. But there are a ton of small developers out there who no one gives two s###s about. Here in the deals page, no one thinks to ask whether it's 'right' when they pick up a freebie because someone got an email with a code/coupon number in it and shared the insider info.  Just pisses me off when people take the moral high ground on a slippery slope.

Edited by Philip G Hunt
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6 hours ago, Philip G Hunt said:

I know. I know. But there are a ton of small developers out there who no one gives two s###s about. Here in the deals page, no one thinks to ask whether it's 'right' when they pick up a freebie because someone got an email with a code/coupon number in it and shared the insider info.  Just pisses me off when people take the moral high ground on a slippery slope.

Scaler is honestly one of the only plugins I've ever bought that was actually worth the asking price and has no other free/virtual give away product that comes close to what it does.  

Every EQ, Compressor, Reverb, Saturation, limiter  etc there is something I got for free or dirt cheap that makes such replacement purchase a bit questionable.  Scaler actually helps me create music and for a price that is fair and they use a very generous authorization system so I don't have to buy more seats to use it on various computers I own.  

I'm not suggesting the moral high ground, but I will say that it is a purchase I didn't regret slapping down the cash for and that is pretty rare for anything that costs $50 in my world and I get the impression a lot of other people think the same way.  


Davie isn't just a small developer, the guy seems like a total class act and had the vision to create a product that has opened up a much larger musical door to someone like myself that has played guitar for decades but never did anything other than fiddle around with a keyboard.

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