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Project load time in CbB slower than SPlat?


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I posted similar observation in the old Sonar forum, but just found out about this new forum.  It's New Year so in with the new.?

I did a comparison of open the exact same projects and CbB consistently took 2 to 3 times longer than SPlat.  As if SPlat loads from cache and CbB loads from disk.  The projects typically have a couple VST instruments and Drums and a couple dozen plug-ins or so. 

Anyone experiencing this and is there a setting somewhere to bypass that lower right corner pop-up (loading ...), perhaps that where the issue is.

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At the second update of CbB I noticed a big jump in speed of starting the program and loading projects between it and the first version that shipped (which was the most SPlat-like). However, at some point, the start and load times did seem to get longer. Haven't had a chance to benchmark due to not keeping old versions of CbB.

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Eureka!  Disable Window Defender and not display the load dialog doesn't have any affect.  However, I noticed that the CbB process was set to compatibility mode Window7.  Uncheck this in the process properties and the load time is now compatible to SPlat.

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CbB should be way faster loading projects than Platinum. We've benchmarked it and just last update I made several changes to improve load time. A huge project that used to literally take an hour to load now loads in just over a minute.

If you have a demonstrable case please upload a project file that exhibits it. 

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