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Just South of Ft. Myers (a true Freddy J adventure)

freddy j

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Here is a simple straight forward rocking, bluesabilly style song.  It is primitive, uncomplicated, and was just plain fun to do.  It tells a story of an absoflippinlutely crazy storm and a dip that my 1957 Ford took in a drainage ditch.  I was on my way back to Tampa after visiting my future wife (and current wife) in Miami.  I had intended to visit my family in Port Charlotte but it didn't work out quite as I had intended.  BTW, the little swim that my Ford took in the drainage ditch cracked its engine block and I had to get rid of it.

Anyway I had fun doing this and I hope that you might enjoy the listen.  As always, I will appreciate any suggestions for improvement, comments, crit.'s, etc.





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There are many things I like about this, besides the fact that you are the only person I have seen use absoflippinlutely.  Most importantly is that you always tell a story.  I just think that is a hard thing to do, but you always get it done.  I also know the guitars sounds are going to be very excellent.

Now on your soundclick page I see 5 guitars.  Please tell me which ones you used for this, and which amps, or amp plugs, and which preset;, or do you roll your own?


Also, the song about global climate change is sooo ggoood.

Edited by Jesse Screed
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nice job freddy j....such a timeless style of music....you have a very good voice....very cool song....and, for what it's worth....i have been to ft. meyers for work at the Army Base and experienced the weather in that part of the country and it's exactly like you sing about ????

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On 10/4/2021 at 12:44 PM, freddy j said:

. . .  I was on my way back to Tampa after visiting my future wife (and current wife) in Miami.  

Were they sisters??? ?

Now that's a cool blues car wreck story song! I liked how tightly your bgv sticks to your lead vocal, and good bluesy guitars, well timed and in rhythm. Good groove!





Edited by PhonoBrainer
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Thanks for listening and commenting  Jack.  I'll give the bass a wee bit of a tweak when I go back to work on it.

Hey Jesse.  Thanks for the kind words and encouragement.  Actually, I have had a few more guitars added to what I had.  Unfortunately, I lost a good friend a couple of years ago and he gave me his guitars before be passed.  I had 3 tracks that used guitars (excluding bass).  The guitar used for all of these tracks was one that I picked up at a Boy Scout yard sale for $15.  The brand was worn off but I think that I have narrowed it down to a Norma from some where around the mid-1960's.  It was in pretty bad shape but a bit of work (e.g., scraping the rust from the pickups) and it became somewhat usable.  I kind of fell in love with its gritty sound.  For the rhythm chords I used the Blue Cat's freebie VST amp set on the Classic Drive setting.  It was panned left.   For the rhythm notes (panned right) I plugged Norma straight into the computer with no Fx.  The Lead (panned centre) the amp used was the AmpliTube 4 Fender collection.  In particular it was the Pro Junior using the driven shuffle setting.

I hope that this answers your questions.

Thanks again.

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Hi tom!  Thank you my friend.  I am very glad that you liked it and I appreciate the very kind words and encouragement!!!

Hey Larry.  Thanks very much for listening and for the kind comments.  If you were in that southwest area of FL then you are certainly aware how quickly some of these strong storms can come up.  I was driving in sunshine near Naples and "just south of Ft. Myers" ran into an incredible wall of rain.

Hi CSW.  I appreciate the kind words and thanks for taking the time to listen and comment!  I'm glad that you like it.

Hi Tom!  Thanks very much for your feedback and observations!  I very much appreciate it.  Ah -- the English language -- it is so easy to mess up.  It is, however, the only language that I fluently speak (or write) and yet still l find difficulty in using.  Good call though and I will try and clarify my error.  This event occurred a long time ago and I went to visit my girlfriend (Alice) in Miami.  About 3 years later, this girlfriend became my one and only and current wife. I hope that I didn't confuse the situation even more with this response??  Thanks again!

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On 10/10/2021 at 5:56 PM, freddy j said:

The guitar used for all of these tracks was one that I picked up at a Boy Scout yard sale for $15.  The brand was worn off but I think that I have narrowed it down to a Norma from some where around the mid-1960's.  It was in pretty bad shape but a bit of work (e.g., scraping the rust from the pickups) and it became somewhat usable.  I kind of fell in love with its gritty sound.

The story within the story!

Love is so important

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Hi Bjorn.  Ya, the summers can be exciting down here especially during hurricane season.  I guess during that time we are "Children Hiding From The Storm".☺️ Thanks very much for listening and your kind comments.

Hi Nigel.  Your kind words are much appreciated.  Thanks very much!

Hey Makke.  I am very glad that you liked it.  Thanks for listening and commenting.

Hey David.  I can remember that this particular storm was rather awesome, impressive, and even strangely beautiful looking.  However, once I got into it and spinning around my impressions of the storm changed.  The impressive part stayed but in a different way.  Thank you for listening and taking the time to comment.

Hi Wookiee.   I appreciate your suggestions.  When I get back to this song I'll be bumping up both bass and drum.  Thanks again!

Hi jwnicholson78.  Thanks for listening and taking the time to comment.  I appreciate it. 

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Sorry I'm late for the party, but this was too good to pass up!  Your storytelling talent is remarkable, and your tunes seem to speak to me.  It seems a little sticky in regard to vocal phrasing, but otherwise, it tells a story and makes its point.  As always, your guitar sounds terrific, as does your voice!  I'll talk to you later...

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