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RME FirefaceUCX2 40-Channel USB Interface [Solved]


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FedEx will be at my apartment in a couple days with this device.


It was supposed to come sometime in mid November but Sweetwater called me today and said it has been sent.

I ordered it on a "pre order" sale.

Sweetwater said I was lucky to get one.

I can't wait!

I will be using this thread to ask technical questions to help me get things up and running.

Sweetwater has awesome tech support too.

I will let you know how this works out.

I am hoping it can output the computer USB inputs and output my mic inputs through different outputs without added latency.

If not I will need to buy a second one of these maybe.

Any input at this point would be helpful.

Still having endless trouble with the Behringer UMC 1820...

I have had them a month and I am still boggled by how the  signal flows through them.

I have given up on trying to figure them out...

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2 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

What are you inputting via USB?


The Cakewalk stereo master bus from the computer is sent to the audio interface through USB.

The problem I have been having is once that master bus stereo output is in the audio interface (via USB) is separating my microphone that is in Cakewalk from the other Cakewalk tracks.

The microphone can be separated only if it is latent echo stream but getting the direct microphone out of the device and sent to the streaming computer is where the problem is.

This is why having the signal flow diagram is vital...  

Another solution is to use two microphones, that is a solution I would rather not have to use.

This is for live streams, the logistical problem is when I track.

Cakewalk needs the direct signal so does the live stream. At some point there needs to be a toggle. Or rather, both need use of the direct signal without doubling the signal. 

I can't seem to wrap my head around this logistical problem.

Cakewalk needs the mic and the live stream needs the mic both at the same time.

Once a microphone take has been recorded then it is routed out through the USB with all of the other tracks.

The issue is always having the direct microphone signal for the live stream.

The microphone signal has to be in sync with my live stream video from my camera... Echo latency throws that sync off.

If there is any device in this world that will allow me to do this the right way it will be this RME interface.

The worry i have is I may need two of them to do it. I am hoping one of them will suffice and I will be able to route the direct signal always to my streaming computer. 

Cakewalk is delayed also by effects, all of these factors are at play while the idea of "real-time" is of concern. 

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I am thinking of using a mixer and splitting the signal before it goes to the audio interface.

So one signal goes to the audio interface (Cakewalk) and the other signal goes to the streaming computer.

But, that seems like a dark ages way to do this...

I just would rather avoid using a mixer on my desktop and I would rather not color my mic signal with a mixer preamp.

It seems this should all be able to be done within the interface.

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1 hour ago, RexRed said:

I am thinking of using a mixer and splitting the signal before it goes to the audio interface.

Dude, we have been telling you this how many times in the previous thread you had. ?

Another issue I had figured out a couple weeks ago. I had gotten a new motherboard MSI MEG X570 Ace (Its for gaming, but I find it better suited for music creation) and all its ports are USB3.0 no 2.0 Ports on all 7 of them.

I then ran into some data tranfer issues. So, I enabled my investigation mode and crawl under the desk to check my cables for wear and tears. All my cables said 2.0 cables: so I had to spend a little more and replaced them. Now, things run smooth and its a beast of a board. I'm a long way from the Max 128GB in ram it can take though. 

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1 hour ago, Will_Kaydo said:

Dude, we have been telling you this how many times in the previous thread you had. ?

Another issue I had figured out a couple weeks ago. I had gotten a new motherboard MSI MEG X570 Ace (Its for gaming, but I find it better suited for music creation) and all its ports are USB3.0 no 2.0 Ports on all 7 of them.

I then ran into some data tranfer issues. So, I enabled my investigation mode and crawl under the desk to check my cables for wear and tears. All my cables said 2.0 cables: so I had to spend a little more and replaced them. Now, things run smooth and its a beast of a board. I'm a long way from the Max 128GB in ram it can take though. 

I just bought a Hosa XLR splitter tonight. I am wondering if splitting the mic signal will cut its volume by one half?

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Typically when tracking vocals I’m monitoring the “live” vocal. However, when tracking guitar, I’m monitoring a Virtual amp, so I’m “hearing” the 64 sample delayed signal. Basically the same delay I would be hearing on stage if I was 6 feet or so from the amp. 
Unless your project is monstrously complex you should be able to run Cakewalk at 64 samples without issue. 
I’m assuming your computer is “up to the task”. 
I’m on the road, but I’ll try to check back regularly, I don’t “live stream”, but it can’t be that tuff. 
You shouldn’t need a mixer. TotalMix is a virtual mixer and amazingly versatile. 
It takes a bit to “wrap your head” around it. 
Just like any “console”, it’s a bit intimidating at first. 
I’m sure the UCX could handle the “split” mic signal, but I wouldn’t even start down that “rabbit hole”. 
Setup a simple project, UCX at 64 samples, and “make” it work. 
The original UFX could run at 48 samples, l always used 64 for tracking virtual amps and VSTi, the UFX+ will run at 32 samples, but again if I can’t play “in time” on stage? I always run at 64. 
Now mixing, I just “max” it out to 2048. That way I can dump a truck load of effects, but that’s another thread. 
Don’t over think this. 
You’re in RME county now...


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8 hours ago, RexRed said:

I just bought a Hosa XLR splitter tonight. I am wondering if splitting the mic signal will cut its volume by one half?

I tried to cancel my order for the Hosa splitter. I was too late, it is already shipped.

So I have another useless cable to add to the collection.

I needed something that would block the phantom power from the secondary input. This device seems to do it.


This one does not have a ground switch, I am hoping that will not be a problem.

As to address the issue of learning to use a mic for live streaming with latency...

This is probably a personal quirk but I can't stand streaming with even the slightest amount of latency in my voice.

It is very slight when I turn off all of my effects but it still throws me off.

And listening to that slight delay for 8 hours worth of streaming is unbearable.

I used to just turn off my mic monitoring because I thought I really did not need it on.

I found out this was not the case. There is the proximity effect where I shift around in my chair and sometimes move my voice away from the mic just far enough and this becomes a perceptible problem in the continuity of the sound.

And sometimes I mumble and mutter just  under my breath.

...people want to hear what I am saying, I am not sure why though. :)

When I can hear myself I can tell if the proximity effect is happening and I can also have a constant monitor of my voice to other audio balance.

Just one of my quirks but direct monitoring is a must.

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5 hours ago, RexRed said:

I can't stand streaming with even the slightest amount of latency in my voice.

TotalMix can route your mic signal to any of the outputs (6 on the UCX?)

As I mentioned, I always monitor the “live” vocal. When tracking guitar through Virtual Amps I have to monitor the Cakewalk “delayed” signal. 
I have two headphone amps, one on the rack and one in vocal booth. 
Presonus HP-60’s have two stereo inputs A & B. 
Input A is Cakewalk playback and whatever mic is “hot”. Input B is just the “hot” mic. That way the singer/guitarist can control playback volume and add as much of their performance as they want. 
I’m confident you can get TotalMix to jump thru any “hoops” you can conceive. 
Why do you need to “block” phantom voltage?

How are you buying from that doesn’t have a 30 day trial?

 I realize on some items it cheaper to keep it than pay the shipping back. 

5 hours ago, RexRed said:

So I have another useless cable to add to the collection.

Welcome to the club, no sympathy from me, I can barely lift the box of surplus cables I have ?

take a deep breath, we’ll get it working!


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In reviewing my answer I should have mentioned that TotalMix can route the mic signal to ANY or ALL of the outputs. Each at its own level. 
I guess that was my reason for describing my headphone setup. 
RTFM when the RME arrives, then a little trial and error, coupled with an abundance of patience (there’s the big problem for me ?) and it should all fall in place. 
I can’t over stress that TotalMix is a bit daunting right out of the gate. But no more so than any console. 


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1 hour ago, DeeringAmps said:

In reviewing my answer I should have mentioned that TotalMix can route the mic signal to ANY or ALL of the outputs. Each at its own level. 
I guess that was my reason for describing my headphone setup. 
RTFM when the RME arrives, then a little trial and error, coupled with an abundance of patience (there’s the big problem for me ?) and it should all fall in place. 
I can’t over stress that TotalMix is a bit daunting right out of the gate. But no more so than any console. 


I have been watching videos on how to use it.  

I have a fallback plan if all else fails.

I expect I will accomplish my method one of two ways.

One way is simply through hardware, duplicate my mic before it goes into the AI.

The other is  possibly through the loopback feature.

Or maybe a third way, I can simply just duplicate the direct input within the device.  

I will not know until I can test it.

I really appreciate the help!

I will get back to you and let you know which method I find works best.

Thanks for all the assistance and encouragement!

I would never have accomplished this without the help here!

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The interface came today, I have not found a way to duplicate mic input 1 yet. I have not given up, and the recording quality is excellent!

 Clean, dry, present, pristine, clear, warm, detailed, fat, transparent... all words that describe the unparalleled sound of this device.

The device runs hot like the Behringer but RME thought enough ahead to put heat escape vents on each side.  Quite impressive! ...and using the TotalMix software is like a dreamboat!  

Your suggestions of me buying an RME interface were spot on guys! And the RME forums are not a maze to use.


There is really nothing better, even the big movie producers use this.

Printing out the 127 page manual as I type, got to study it. :)

Several block diagrams in the manual too!

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1 hour ago, User 905133 said:

Congrats.  I have heard lots of great things about RME. Have fun learning it and integrating it into your studio.

Thanks for the congrats! And, for reminding me to have fun during the learning curve. :)

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Okay, at last I have figured it out!

RME does indeed let me sent a mic out of the outputs and I don't even need loop back engaged.

It also lets me send Cakewalk out of its own outputs on the back separate from the mic outputs.

Well I have the mic in a direct split in TotalMix.

Cakewalk mic input and the direct stereo outputs on the back are both making use of the same exact mic input.

Not only does Cakewalk see the mono mic input but also I am able to send the that same mono mic input to two output tracks to make them a stereo output!

But there is a rub and I am hoping you can help me with this.

I could not have dealt with this problem without understanding how to deal with the other problems first. This problem was being hidden by the other problems (logistics).  At least in my mind.

Okay, now I have my mic being split by RME and sent out the back going out to the stream. 

Think of this logistically.

When I play my recorded vocal track in Cakewalk it plays out of the Master out within Cakewalk.

And when I punch in and re-sing a vocal line then my mic in Cakewalk kicks in so I have a doubling effect.

Now I have already figured out sort  of how to work around this but it is a pain...

I can route the vocal track to a silent output while I am singing the vocal.

Because I can still hear my mic due to the fact that I am listening to the live stream direct instance of my mic through the streaming AI, I am listening at the top of the chain.

It is just as direct as the mic instance in Cakewalk.

But I have to keep switching the vocal track to some silent output when I record a vocal punch in and then switch the vocal track output  back to the master output when I need to hear what I recorded.

Is there a way to have only the track hear my mic input but not the master but the master can still hear the recorded waves in the track?

To mute my input mic in Cakewalk and only the track can hear it.

Thanks in advance for any help on this!


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Please disregard that last post, I have solved that issue also or rather, Cakewalk solved it. (I think)

It seems the mic is only sent to the master if echo is turned on... (problem solved)

This completes the entire chain for me.

This thread is officially, "SOLVED"...

Thanks Cakewalk peeps! Best to you, your help was awesome!

I hope this thread helps others seeking the same solutions.

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