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Steven Lewis


I had a really nice system set up and now I can't get it to work because asio4all is now all of a sudden incompatible? I'm not seeing any of the other asio's on my computer although like '4all' they are software driven not hardware. I have a Roland FA 07 hooked up and that's the only thing it sees. I can't even play back audio files from cakewalk anymore. I't sees it the meters move but no sound. Very frustrated with this new set up. Anyone got any solutions?

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3 hours ago, John Vere said:

3. The Roland FA-07- This might have the best ASIO driver but only way to find out is to test it. 

I don't think it is ASIO, if you watch this video ( FA-06 / FA-07 / FA-08 all seem to share the same driver ) he installs it on SPLAT and it looks as though it's just a class compliant generic driver.


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That guy was a bit of an idiot, guess he never heard of screen captures ?   So he might not have been aware that the Roland has a driver on the web site. This is a common mistake. Windows is happy to use it's generic drivers. It has often done this to my Yamaha DTX midi driver. It overwrites the factory driver with a generic driver.

This is why I always advice to check the web page support and downloads first. I found a driver there. 



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Just an update on my system (told ya it would take me awhile.) I finally hooked up the focusrite. I hadn't had studio speakers when I first tried setting it up and using the headphones constantly was a pain. It seemed easier to take the Zoom R8 out of the equation. I can always hook that up to the laptop another time. I didn't try uninstalling all the asio drivers (although hindsight I probably should have) I did have to uninstall the Rolands FA 07 driver and the old focusrite drivers. Reinstalled the focusrite and then the FA 07 drivers. Now: In FL Studio everything works very simply and the way it should; In Cakewalk by Bandlab I can't get the roland to stop playing it's sounds when Im using an instrument VsT? I can now record it's sounds to wav and the guitar is still hooked up through the roland (with the Vamp 3) but if I try to use a midi instrument I can still hear the sound of the roland. If I turn the keyboard down I get no sound If I turn off the monitor no sound (haven't tried the headphones but don't wont to have to wear those for that long, only on final mixes) I did figure out a work around by selecting one of the sounds on the roland and just turning down it's sound. That works. What I was trying to do was use the computer speakers for play back and studio speakers for recording the guitar and keyboard. This doesn't seem to work the more I play around with the settings the less sound I'm getting. I see the input. But, again in FL Studio If I want to just hear the vst I just shut off the monitor on the focusrite in cakewalk shuts everything off.

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On 9/29/2021 at 11:34 PM, usalabs said:

Before you tell people that ASIO is nothing but a wrapper, try some research on it first.

"Audio Stream Input/Output is a computer sound card driver protocol for digital audio specified by Steinberg, providing a low-latency and high fidelity interface between a software application and a computer's sound card"

ASIO4All is a wrapper.
The RealTek ASIO driver is incompatible; better to use WASAPI if available.
Using ASIO, you can only use one, so you can't use the interface for recording and the sound card for playback.

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4 hours ago, pwalpwal said:

@usalabs i think you're mixing up ASIO (which is the description you quote) with ASIO4All (which is a WDM wrapper for audio devices without their own ASIO driver)


1 hour ago, 57Gregy said:

ASIO4All is a wrapper.
The RealTek ASIO driver is incompatible; better to use WASAPI if available.
Using ASIO, you can only use one, so you can't use the interface for recording and the sound card for playback.

Y'all are replying to a year-old post and we've blown this guy out of the water already and are well past this.

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18 hours ago, Steven Lewis said:

Just an update on my system (told ya it would take me awhile.) I finally hooked up the focusrite. I hadn't had studio speakers when I first tried setting it up and using the headphones constantly was a pain. It seemed easier to take the Zoom R8 out of the equation. I can always hook that up to the laptop another time. I didn't try uninstalling all the asio drivers (although hindsight I probably should have) I did have to uninstall the Rolands FA 07 driver and the old focusrite drivers. Reinstalled the focusrite and then the FA 07 drivers. Now: In FL Studio everything works very simply and the way it should; In Cakewalk by Bandlab I can't get the roland to stop playing it's sounds when Im using an instrument VsT? I can now record it's sounds to wav and the guitar is still hooked up through the roland (with the Vamp 3) but if I try to use a midi instrument I can still hear the sound of the roland. If I turn the keyboard down I get no sound If I turn off the monitor no sound (haven't tried the headphones but don't wont to have to wear those for that long, only on final mixes) I did figure out a work around by selecting one of the sounds on the roland and just turning down it's sound. That works. What I was trying to do was use the computer speakers for play back and studio speakers for recording the guitar and keyboard. This doesn't seem to work the more I play around with the settings the less sound I'm getting. I see the input. But, again in FL Studio If I want to just hear the vst I just shut off the monitor on the focusrite in cakewalk shuts everything off.

OK.  It's well past time for you to stop shooting blind  and start learning how to do things the right way in a logical, orderly fashion.


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1 hour ago, John Vere said:

 Is Q&A scrambling posts?? 

To see Q&A posts in chronological order make sure to click SORT BY DATE on the right just below the question at the top of each page.

The default is SORT BY VOTES.

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53 minutes ago, scook said:

To see Q&A posts in chronological order make sure to click SORT BY DATE on the right just below the question at the top of each page.

The default is SORT BY VOTES.

Thanks for the reminder not sure why that was changed as I usually set it on the date. No matter I have nothing to add. Some people get it some people don’t. That’s what makes this world so interesting.   

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On 9/30/2021 at 5:34 AM, usalabs said:

Before you tell people that ASIO is nothing but a wrapper, try some research on it first.

please be kind. He meant ASIO4ALL ist just a wrapper -  in opposition to a  real ASIO driver.

=> just sounds like a misunderstanding between you.


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19 hours ago, bdickens said:


Y'all are replying to a year-old post and we've blown this guy out of the water already and are well past this.

Told ya it would take awhile, but after my last post I was getting ready for work and uninstalled asio4all before shutting down the computer. The next day I was able to work in both FL Studio and Cakewalk. When recording my Roland FA I have to mute one of the instruments I can't seem to shut it off. Mute works though. The monitor on off switch now works. I can have my computer set to be the Realtex which comes in handy when I want to check out tutorials on Youtube. I've used Cakewalk for a long time like when it was bundled with SoundBlaster! So thank you for those who told me just use the damn Focusrite! Everything works!

Just one more question? ? I have a stereo output on the Roland FA 07 ( L - R ) I've plugged them both in (so it probably doesn't matter) but can I get away with just Left or Right? My guitar is hooked up in another jack in the FA (which is why I finally purchased this synth) so I can play it and record in CW.

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I'm late to the game, but want to chime in here as someone who has owned, but not really used, almost every version of Cakewalk products since the early 90's.

If you don't have true ASIO equipment, but really need ASIO support, please check out FlexASIO.  It's a very decent and FLEXible ASIO implementation that gives users the ability to choose the underlying sound driver to be wrapped by ASIO, as well as latency, exclusive/shared mode, etc.  It even offers the ability to create and use a loopback driver, to emulate Windows "what you hear" feature.

The Realtek headphone jack on my MSI laptop suddenly stopped working properly one day, resulting in the volume on that jack being super, super low.  After restoring my machine to factory settings, and trying every driver version I could get my hands on, I finally gave up and bought a great $20 USB audio adapter so that I never have to deal with Realtek issues again.

Of course, the USB audio adapter doesn't have ASIO drivers - it doesn't have any drivers, which is why I love it!  However, that also makes it impossible for me to use Dimension Pro and Rapture Sessions in standalone mode, etc., because they only support outputting to ASIO.

I used ASIO4ALL, which worked well enough, but I'm not keen on giving up exclusive control of my audio device to a single application.  I'm jumping back into DAW for the first time in a decade, and I want to be able to watch YouTube videos at the same time as messing around with the DAW features.  FlexASIO lets me do that easily.

Also, for some reason, I'm irrationally offended by ASIO4ALL's super annoying website banner at the top of their website pages, as well as the proliferation of fake "Start Download" ads on their site that predatorily try to infect novice computer users with malware.

Some day, I may choose to buy a USB audio adapter that has great ASIO support, at which point I'd be grateful for anyone who has recommendations for which product to look at.  Thanks!

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On 9/26/2021 at 10:33 PM, bdickens said:

What audio interface do you have?

ASIO4ALL is totally unnecessary. It is nothing but a wrapper that fools your host into thinking that the WDM driver is an ASIO one. 

WASAPI has replaced WDM as a much superior native Windows driver and is a much better choice than that redundant ASIO4ALL garbage.

The real solution is to use a proper ASIO interface with proper ASIO drivers.

Actually ASIO IS necessary, it's a low lag audio system, I tried recording and adding VST's along with mastering and using MME just don't work, there's a lot of latency especially when recording more than 5 tracks, I also tried WDM/KS no go there either, and even WASAPI failed, so the ONLY one that worked was ASIO, and now the bandlab update says that ASIO is incompatible?  Hmm, time to dump bandlab and resume using my original Cakewalk Sonar X3 PE, which does work with ASIO.

FYI, my system specs are more than enough to handle a DAW, it even handles Sequoia the most expensive DAW on the market, when using ASIO, but fails when using any of the windows native drivers, WASAPI, WDM/KS, and MME.

CPU = quad core 2.6Ghz
RAM = 16GB
HD = 1TB
Audio system = Realtek HiDef Surround Sound.
OS = x64 Windows 10 Home, Version 21H1

Before you tell people that ASIO is nothing but a wrapper, try some research on it first.

"Audio Stream Input/Output is a computer sound card driver protocol for digital audio specified by Steinberg, providing a low-latency and high fidelity interface between a software application and a computer's sound card" effectively bypassing windows drivers, and going directly to the sound card, so yeah, ASIO is essential for a low latency DAW.

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