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Anyone using the External Encoder built into CbB to export files?


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I've been using the External Encoder in Sonar and CbB for about 15 years. Worked perfect every time, except with the new version of CbB 2021.09  I haven't gotten any response in the 2021.09 Feedback post, so I wanted to know if anyone else uses it.

I've been creating VBR 4 mp3's which is the variable rate encoding and produces a very high quality mp3. But actually the most important use of the external Encoder is that I can create a wav file and then right away it creates an mp3 - all in one process. Quite a convenience and time saver.

I hope they can fix the bug in 2021.09, but in the mean time, I'd appreciate anyone who's uses that External Encoder to at least chime in and let me know if you're having problems too

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I have always exported as a Wave and Top and Tail in Wave Lab. Cakewalk never gets start and ending precisely the way I want it. 
I then use another Wave Editor called Gold Wave to convert to MP3. I often do this as a batch (album) of songs.
I always found Cakewalks MP3 export limited and have never used it. 

Edited by John Vere
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Glad to hear it's on the fix list - thanks msmcleod.

What I really like about using the External Encoder is I can create an mp3 and  a wav file at the same time. Just go to Utilities/ External Encoder Configuration utility and put these values in the boxes.

MP3 VBR4 + Wav - file name
Extension - mp3
keep source file - checked
PATH:  C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities
COMMAND LINE:  lame -V4 --vbr-new -m j %I %O

You do need to put 3 Lame files to the 64 bit folder C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities. The 3 files in the Shared Folder are lame.css  lame.exe  lame.dll  If anyone ever needs these I can put them in my MS Onedrive for anyone to retrieve.

About 15 years ago when I set this up, I visited this specialized mp3 forum, where these gurus who were on the cutting edge of mp3 improvements. They gave me the Command Line.

 I found that the VBR 4 was a good compromise between quality and size and was better than even the 192. With variable bit rate the encoder will examine the file and determine which parts need the 320 and which parts are fine with 128 or less.

Once you do all this when you export you'll see your file name you used in the Encoder Configuration in the drop down list. I have 2 configs - mp3 only and mp3 + wav file


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  On 9/24/2021 at 5:04 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

Its not rendered at the same time however it will do two bounces.


Ah, that's very good to know, for people like me who sometimes use FX and instruments that have randomized elements.

Something I'm curious about, for instance: if one is using an S&H modulator, and one does two separate renders, will they come out sounding the same (within the constraints of the formats, of course)? I don't remember exactly how S&H does its thing, but it's supposed to be deliberately randomizing, isn't it? Or does it just sound like it is?

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