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This shall will arrive:


Edit: The other guy kind of flaked on me and so I went with this one instead. Coming from Maryland. It's a 2017 model and it was only $250 more than the local one I was going to buy.


Edited by Bapu
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What I'd do is go grab one that's under $900 off the rack at G.C. and sell it online. That's probably where he got this one. That should cover most of your cost unless you can talk him down.

Use headphones and tell him the pots crackle, the jack crackles, it needs new strings, and the bridge is rusty.


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Regarding the price and the headphones, I was joking about the state of your state.

I like the head on that. I couldn't see the 4th tuner on the other side. I really like that look.

Our post orders got rearranged, that's why I asked how did you do that.

I think you're getting a great deal on a great bass.

That's a good idea about the luthier. The main thing I've noticed on guitars that sit that long is the truss rods seize and can no longer be adjusted. That can be a major headache. I have several that buzz during certain times of the year and they can't be adjusted anymore without major surgery.

I'm in the middle of trying to remember how to quantize an audio bass track off the transients of an audio kick drum track in S1-V5. Grrr. I actually wrote a tutorial on how to do this years ago and now I can't find the thread on their archived forum. So much for thinking, "Oh, I'll just post this here in case I ever need to review it.". ?

Edited by Shane_B.
Fixed typo.
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Grammar Police just stopping by for a "wellness check"...I think you meant to say "this will arrive".

Unless, of course, it's walking to your house of its own volition.

OTOH, it could be just the gear-envy talking. The last thing I looked forward to arriving was an XLR cable.

To be fair, it was a 50-footer.

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Realizing I might have encouraged or goaded you a bit into acquiring a music man? I Must say excellent choice. The red pops. The maple neck will play like butter. The HH will have deep balls for days, assuming it has an active preamp ?

I have the Bongo with the HH, and I put tapewound strings on it. Way feely!

Noice bayzz.

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